Title: Joining Nonoxide ceramics for use at high temperatures
1Class schedule Part 1
ChNE 499-037 Materials for Chemical
Engineers Instructors J. G. Curro, R. E Loehman,
C. J. Brinker Text B. S. Mitchell, An
Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science
for Chemical and Materials Engineers, John Wiley
Sons (2004) Class Date Chapter Topic Instructo
r 1 Jan. 16 introduction REL, JGC,
CJB Structure 2 Jan. 18 1.1 metals REL 3 Jan.
23 1.3 polymers JGC 4 Jan. 25 nanomaterials CJB
5 Jan. 30 1.2 ceramics glasses REL Thermodyna
mics 6 Feb. 1 2.1 metals JGC 7 Feb.
6 2.3 polymers JGC 8 Feb. 8 2.2.2 interfacial
thermo CJB 9 Feb. 13 review REL, JGC,
CJB 10 Feb. 15 EXAM TA
2Class Date Chapter Topic Instructor Kinetics 11
Feb. 20 3.1, 3.2 metals ceramics REL 12 Feb.
22 3.3 polymers JGC 13 Feb. 27 nanomaterial
catalysis CJB Transport Properties 14 Mar.
1 4.1.3 viscosity of polymers JGC Mechanics of
Materials 15 Mar. 6 5.1.1 stress/strain,
elasticity REL 16 Mar. 8 5.1.2 ductility REL
Mar. 11-18 SPRING BREAK 17 Mar.
20 5.1.4 fatigue, fracture, creep REL 18 Mar.
22 rubber elasticity JGC 19 Mar.
27 review REL, JGC, CJB 20 Mar.
29 EXAM TA 21 Apr. 3 5.3 viscoelasticity JGC
Class schedule Part 2
3Class Schedule Part 3
Class Date Chapter Topic Instructor Nanoprocessi
ng Properties 22 Apr. 5 biomimetics CJB 23 A
pr. 10 nano processing CJB 24 Apr. 12 nano
properties CJB Electrical Thermal
Properties 25 Apr. 17 6 ceramics REL Processin
g of Materials 26 Apr. 19 7.1 metals
alloys REL 27 Apr. 24 7.2 ceramics REL 28 Apr
. 26 7.3 polymers JGC 29 May 1 sol/gel
materials CJB 30 May 3 review REL, JGC,
CJB 31 May 5-12 FINAL TA
4(No Transcript)
5Metals and alloys are strong, but they exact a
weight penalty
6Resistance to deformation is frequently the
structural design criterion For those
applications want high modulus, low density
7Polymers have limited tolerance to high
temperatures Ceramics good in compression at
temperature, but limited in tensile stress
8High strength can be costly
9Ceramics are stiff, but brittle (low fracture
toughness) Metals can be stiff or ductile with
higher fracture toughness Polymers are
Resistance to breakage
10Ideal materials for structural applications have
high strength and toughness e.g., turbine blades
for jet engines
11Both strength and stiffness are important for
structural applications
polyvinyl chloride
polyethylene terephthalate
Polyvinyl alcohol
Polyvinylidene chloride Saran
15Polyvinylidene fluoride Teflon
polyvinyl acetate
Polymethyl methacrylate PMMA, plexiglass
16Jeff Brinker - Regents Professor Departments of
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, Chemistry,
and Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Group Website http//www.unm.edu/solgel
Longer term assignment Go to my web site and
click on News and Awards Go to link on most cited
materials science papers of the last
decade Choose interesting paper on
nanomaterials Write paper on processing/structure/
property relationships on the selected nanomateria
l - analyze why this paper has been referenced by
so many others What is the impact and future
17The Scale of Things Nanometers and More
Things Natural
Things Manmade
1 cm 10 mm
10-2 m
Head of a pin 1-2 mm
The Challenge
1,000,000 nanometers
10-3 m
1 millimeter (mm)
MicroElectroMechanical (MEMS) devices 10 -100 mm
0.1 mm 100 mm
10-4 m
Human hair 60-120 mm wide
0.01 mm 10 mm
10-5 m
Pollen grain
Red blood cells
Red blood cells with white cell 2-5 mm
1,000 nanometers
Zone plate x-ray lensOuter ring spacing 35 nm
10-6 m
1 micrometer (mm)
Fabricate and combine nanoscale building blocks
to make useful devices, e.g., a photosynthetic
reaction center with integral semiconductor
0.1 mm 100 nm
10-7 m
Self-assembled, Nature-inspired structureMany
10s of nm
0.01 mm 10 nm
10-8 m
10 nm diameter
Nanotube electrode
ATP synthase
10-9 m
1 nanometer (nm)
Carbon buckyball 1 nm diameter
Soft x-ray
Carbon nanotube 1.3 nm diameter
DNA 2-1/2 nm diameter
0.1 nm
10-10 m
Quantum corral of 48 iron atoms on copper
surface positioned one at a time with an STM
tip Corral diameter 14 nm
Atoms of silicon spacing tenths of nm
Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of
Science, U.S. DOE Version 10-07-03, pmd
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20Doubling the density of transistors every 1 year
- (now 18 months) Today 106 transistors/mm2
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24Why are nanomaterials important ? PROPERTIES
SIZE MATTERS!!! -Smaller, faster, cheaper,
lighter weight, lower power -new size-dependent
functionality -band-gap engineering -magnetic
behavior -catalysis/molecular
recognition -adhesion. -Biological systems
are composed of nanoscale components and have
evolved to solve challenging engineering problems
(energy conversion, water purification,
self-repair.) as we learn from BIOLOGY
different operations work better at
different length scales?hierarchical structures
/materials - How do we make
Nano-materials??? TOP-DOWN or BOTTOM-UP??
FABRICATION PROCESSES are either additive
(bottom-up) or subtractive (top-down)
Can we achieve the functionality of a natural
biological system in a robust synthetic system???
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26Sol-gel chemistry provides a means to tune
fractal dimension (roughness Factor) and cluster
size (volume fraction porosity) enabling
systematic control of wetting
27Aerogel-based SH film is optically transparent
with only nanoscale roughness yet contact angle
hystersis can be extremely low. Natural Systems
have dual-scale roughness.
Contact Angle Hysteresis
Growth ?? in each
frame is 0.2
28Combine sol-gel chemistry with molecular
self-assembly during evaporation ? EISA - Combine
EISA with top-down approaches and living cells to
develop greater levels of functionality
Low k dielectrics
Ultra low k - superhydrophobic
NC/silica arrays
Understand collective electronic, photonic,
plasmonic, properties of metamaterials
Polymer/silica Sea shell mimetic nanocomposite
Aerogel w/o autoclaves
Sellinger et al., Nature 1998
Evaporation Inducedl self-assemby
Fan et al., Science 2004
Aerogels Vis Springback
Cavitation between SH surfaces
Understand long range hydrophobic forces
Sol-gel chemistry - with or w/o
structure-directing agents
Optical definition of nanoscale structure and
Singh et al. Nature, August 2006
EISA of photosensitive nanostructures
Doshi et al., Science 2000
Cell-directed Assembly (CDA)
J.AM Chem Soc 03
Understand EISA with added cells
Baca et al. Science July 2006
Evaporation driven processing provides a facile
route for nanostructure integration
29EISA Background summary of several recent
advances/conclusions -in situ studies -Plasma-as
sisted atomic layer deposition EISA in presence
of living cells H2O/superhydrophobic interface
70 nm