Title: Solar Photovoltaics Technology: No Longer an Outlier
1Solar Photovoltaics Technology No Longer an
- Lawrence L. Kazmerski
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Golden, Colorado80401 USA
- kaz_at_nrel.gov
- December, 2009
2What is NREL?
3National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Only U.S. national laboratory dedicated to
renewable energy and energy efficiency RD,
demonstration, and deployment - Collaboration with industry, university, and
international partners is a hallmark - Ability to link scientific discovery and product
development to accelerate commercialization
4Our Energy System
Supply Conversion
Transmission Distribution
Lost energy as inefficiencies 62
5Energy System Vision for 2050
Sustainable Transportation System
Sustainable Electricity System
- U.S. oil usage reduced to 15 of current levels
- CO2 emissions reduced 80 from 1990 levels and
impact on other scarce resources minimized - Conventional and alternative fuels optimally
match transportation modes - The system places no more limits to economic
growth than it does today - Mobility continues to be enhanced
- Alternative fuel and propulsion technologies are
cost-competitive or cheaper than oil
- CO2 emissions reduced 80 from 1990 levels and
impact on scarce resources is minimized - The average capacity factor of the system
approaches 80 and overall system efficiency is
at least doubled - Each region uses an optimal mix of coal, nuclear,
and integrated renewable systems - A smart, resilient, adaptive electric grid places
no limitations on accessing energy resources - Electrification of transportation does not add
peak load
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency are
essential parts of a sustainable energy future
6Introduction and Background
7Solar Research Thrusts
- Photovoltaics
- Higher performance cells/modules
- New nanomaterials applications
- Advanced manufacturing techniques
- Concentrating Solar Power
- Low cost high performance storage for baseload
markets - Advanced absorbers, reflectors, and heat transfer
fluids - Next generation solar concentrators
8.22-megawatt Alamosa, Colo., PV solar plant
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9Looking Ahead with OptimismNew National
- Invest 150B in alternative energy over 10 years
- Create green jobs with clean, efficient American
energy - Double production of alternative energy in three
years enough to power 6 million homes - Upgrade the efficiency of more than 75 of
federal buildings and two million private homes - Put one million PHEVs on U.S. roads by 2015
- Reduce CO2 emissions by 80 below 1990 levels by
2050 - Transform our economy with science and technology
G8Website/ANSA Photo Alessandro Di Meo
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11 6. Solar is ideal for the U.S.NOW
12Smart Grid Renewable Energy Integrationin
Systems at All Scales
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18Evolution of U.S. Renewable Energy Sector
19Stimulus Components Targeted at Clean Energy (
- Source New Energy Finance
20Federal RES vs. State Requirements Mandated New
MW Capacity
- Source Global Environment Fund
21Deployment of Venture Capital to Cleantech vs.
Other Industries North America, In Billions
Source CleanTechGroup, PWC Moneytree, NVCA, DeAm
22Energy Subsidies Black, Not Green
Notes Carbon capture and storage is a
developing technology that would allow
coal-burning utilities to capture and store their
carbon dioxide emissions. Although this
technology does not make coal a renewable fuel,
if successful it would reduce greenhouse gas
emissions compared to coal plants that do not use
this technology. Recognizing that the
production and use of corn-based ethanol may
generate significant greenhouse gas emissions,
the data depict renewable subsidies both with and
without ethanol subsidies. Source
Environmental Law Institute (ELI sources include
Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of
Energy (Energy Information Administration),
Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, Office
of Management and Budget, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, via Environmental Law Institute.
23State Policy Framework
Renewable Portfolio Standards
Source DSIRE database, April 2009
24Is solar PV a real part of the solution?
25Resource Potential
26U.S. Photovoltaic Solar Resource
27U.S. Renewable Resources
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29Parque Fotovoltaico Olmedilla de Alarcon (Largest
PV installation in the world)
- Silicon modules, 60 MW, Spain
- Total Base Size 240 km2
- Daily Energy Use 850 MWh
- System Type Si PV 235Wp modules
- Peak Power 60MW
- Storage Capability None used to reduce
- consumption off grid
Grid-connected, residences (1-6 KW typical)
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31DoD Solar Initiatives - Worldwide
Baghdad Solar panels on Dahkel (medical) Clinic
Fallujah Solar-powered street lights installed
by the Army Corps of Engineers
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34PV The Technologies
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70Multijunction cells use multiple materials to
more fully match the solar spectrum
71Concentrator Photovoltaics
Use optics to reduce the cell area (from 2 to
more than 1000 times)
Flat Plate
lens or mirror
solar cell
- Shifts the major system cost from the cell to the
optics - Can afford more efficient, expensive cells
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74CPV Systems
Solar Systems (reflective)
Amonix (refractive)
Solfocus (reflective optical rod)
75Low-Profile CPV Systems
Energy Innovations (800-suns)
Soliant Energy (500-suns)
Commercial rooftops and utility targeted
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89Best PV Research Devices (Confirmed)