Title: Java Threads Part II
1Java ThreadsPart II
2Lecture Objectives
- To understand the concepts of multithreading in
Java - To be able to develop simple multithreaded
applications in Java
3The Runnable Interface
- Another way to create a thread is to have a class
implement the Runnable interface - The Runnable interface has one method heading
- public void run()
- A class that implements Runnable must still be
run from an instance of Thread - This is usually done by passing the Runnable
object as an argument to the thread constructor
4The Runnable Interface An Outline
- public class ClassToRun extends SomeClass
implements Runnable - . . .
- public void run()
- // Fill this as if ClassToRun
- // were derived from Thread
- . . .
- public void startThread()
- Thread theThread new Thread(this)
- theThread.run()
- . . .
5The Runnable Interface An Example
6The Runnable Interface An Example (Contd)
7The Runnable Interface An Example (Contd)
8The Runnable Interface An Example (Contd)
9The Runnable Interface An Example (Contd)
10Example 1
- import javax.swing.
- public class TimeThread extends JFrame implements
Runnable -
- private JTextField sec, min, hrs
- private JPanel panel
- private int time 0
- public TimeThread()
- super(Time")
- sec new JTextField(3) sec.setEditable(fals
e) //makes textfield uneditable - min new JTextField(3) min.setEditable(fals
e) - hrs new JTextField(3) hrs.setEditable(fals
e) -
- panel new JPanel()
- panel.add(hrs) panel.add(min)
panel.add(sec) -
11Example 1- Continued
- public void run()
- try
- while(true)
- Thread.sleep(1000) time
- sec.setText(time60 "") //Display
seconds - min.setText((time (time/3600)3600)/60
"") //Display minutes - hrs.setText(time/3600 "") //Display
hours -
- catch(InterruptedException e)
- public static void main(String args)
- TimeThread t new TimeThread()
- Thread mytime new Thread(t)
- mytime.start()
12Threads For Animation
- Threads can also be used to create animations.
- In the next example we show a program where a
thread is used to create an animation of a ball
moving vertically. - The run() method increments the y coordinate of
the ball to be drawn. If the y-coordinate exceeds
the height of the window, the ball is reflected
back by negating the increment. - The complete program appears in the next slide.
13Example 2 Thread Animations
import java.awt. import javax.swing. public
class UpDown extends JFrame public UpDown
() setSize(400,500) add(new
DrawingArea()) class DrawingArea
extends JPanel implements Runnable int
radius, xc, yc Thread t public
DrawingArea() radius 20 xc 30
//signifies x location yc 20 //signifies
y location Thread t new Thread (this)
14Example 2 continued
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.setColor(Color.blue) g.fillOval(xc -
radius, yc - radius, 2radius, 2radius)
public void run() int
incry10 int sleepFor 50
while(true) yc incry
repaint() if(yc - radius lt 0 yc
radius gt getSize().height)
incry -incry //reflect the ball back
try Thread.sleep (sleepFor)
catch(InterruptedException e)
// end while public static void
main(String args) new UpDown().setVisible(t
15Example 3 Salaam Shabab Animation
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- import javax.swing.
- class AnimationPanel extends JPanel implements
Runnable - private Font myFont
- private int increment 1
- public int xSize, ySize, yCoord 0
- int delay
- Thread animator
- private boolean onOfftrue
- public AnimationPanel(int delay)
- xSize400
- ySize350
- setSize(xSize, ySize)
- myFont new Font ("Serif",
Font.ITALIC, 30) - animator new Thread(this)
- animator.start()
- public void setOnOff(boolean onOff)
16Example 3 Shabab Animation (contd)
- public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
- super.paintComponent(g)
- g.setColor(Color.yellow)
- g.fillRect(0,0,xSize, ySize)
- g.setColor (Color.red)
- g.setFont(myFont)
- if(onOff)
- g.drawString ("Salaam ",
xSize/2-100, ySize/2 yCoord) - g.drawString ("Shabab!", xSize/2,
ySize/2 - yCoord) -
- public void run ()
- while(true)
- yCoord yCoord increment//yCoord
min is -150 and max 150 - if((yCoord (ySize-50)/2 (yCoord
-(ySize-50)/2))) - increment -increment //
increment by -1 now - try
- Thread.sleep(delay)
- catch(InterruptedException e)
17Example 3 Shabab Animation (contd)
- public class SalamShababAnimation extends
JApplet - private Button myButton
- private boolean onOffButton true
- private AnimationPanel ap
- public void init() //validate parsing the
parameter "fps" - int delay Integer.parseInt(getParamete
r("fps")) - delay (delaylt10)? 10 delay
- Container cp getContentPane()
- cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
- ap new AnimationPanel(delay)
- myButton new Button ("Start/Stop")
- myButton.addActionListener(new
ActionListener() - public void actionPerformed(ActionE
vent ae) - onOffButton !onOffButton
- ap.setOnOff(onOffButton)
- )
- cp.add(myButton,BorderLayout.NORTH)
- cp.add(ap, BorderLayout.CENTER)
18Example 4 Car Race Animation
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- import javax.swing.
- import java.util.
- class DrivingPanel extends JPanel implements
Runnable - private int delay
- private Thread animator
- private Image car
- static final int WIDTH 600
- static final int HEIGHT 200
- private int xPosition, speed
- private Random random
- public DrivingPanel(Image car, int delay)
- this.car car
- this.delay delay
- xPosition getWidth()
- random new Random()
- speed random.nextInt(5)//1
19Example 4 Car Race Animation (contd)
- public void run()
- while (true)
- repaint()
- speed random.nextInt(5)1
- xPosition - speed
- if (xPosition lt -car.getWidth(this))
- xPosition getWidth()
- try
- Thread.sleep(delay)
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- break
- public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
- super.paintComponent(g)
- g.setColor(Color.white)
- g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(),
getHeight()) - g.drawImage(car, xPosition,
getHeight()/2, this)
20Example 4 Car Race Animation (contd)
- public class CarRaceAnimation extends JApplet
- public void init() // You should validate
parsing the parameter! - int delay Integer.parseInt(getParameter("f
ps")) - delay (delaylt10)? 10 delay
- Image car getImage(getCodeBase(),"car.gif"
) - DrivingPanel lane1 new DrivingPanel(car,
delay) - DrivingPanel lane2 new DrivingPanel(car,
delay) - Container cp getContentPane()
- cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1))
- cp.add(lane1)
- cp.add(lane2)
- Download the car image used in the example
from here. - You can also obtain the rocket image for the
next example.
21Example 5 Rocket Launcher
- import java.applet.
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- import javax.swing.
- public class RocketLauncher extends JApplet
implements Runnable, ActionListener - private Image rocket
- private int x, y, sec10
- private Thread myThread
- private Timer timer new Timer(1000,this)
- JTextField tf new JTextField(5)
- JButton b new JButton("Start Count Down")
- public void init()
- rocket Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImag
e("rocket.jpg") - x 50
- y getSize().height-rocket.getHeight(this)-
380 - myThread new Thread(this)
- tf.setText(" "sec" ")
- b.addActionListener(this)
22Example 5 Rocket Launcher (contd)
- public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ae)
- if(ae.getSource() b)
- timer.start()
- if(ae.getSource() timer)
- if(--secgt0)
- tf.setText(" "sec" ")
- else
- timer.stop()
- myThread.start()
- public void run()
- while (y-- ! -rocket.getHeight(this))
- try
- myThread.sleep(10)
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- repaint()
23Example 5 Rocket Launcher (contd)
- public void paint(Graphics g)
- g.drawImage(rocket,x,y,null)
- public static void main(String args)
- JFrame frame new JFrame("My Rocket
Launch Pad") - frame.setSize(400,750)
- Container cp frame.getContentPane()
- cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2))
- JPanel p new JPanel()
- JPanel p1 new JPanel()
- p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS
)) - RocketLauncher applet new
RocketLauncher() - p.add(applet.b)
- p1.add(applet.tf)
- p.add(p1)
- cp.add(p)
- applet.setBackground(Color.white)
- cp.add(applet)
- frame.setVisible(true)