Title: Calculus 3.7
13.7 Implicit Differentiation
Niagara Falls, NY Canada
Greg Kelly, Hanford High School, Richland,
Photo by Vickie Kelly, 2003
2Before we start, we are going to load the
Calculus Tools flash application software to your
1. Connect the sending and receiving calculators
3This is not a function, but it would still be
nice to be able to find the slope.
Do the same thing to both sides.
Note use of chain rule.
4This cant be solved for y.
This technique is called implicit differentiation.
5Find the equations of the lines tangent and
normal to the curve
at .
Note product rule.
6Find the equations of the lines tangent and
normal to the curve
at .
7Higher Order Derivatives
8Now lets do one on the TI-89
9Now lets do one on the TI-89
Find .
Select and press
Calculus Tools
Press (Deriv)
Enter the equation. (You may have to unlock the
alpha mode.)
Set the order to 2.