Title: State Budgets, the Recession, and the Recovery
1State Budgets, the Recession, and the Recovery
- Nick Johnson
- johnson_at_cbpp.org
- www.centeronbudget.org
246 States Facing Budget Shortfalls
3How Bad Will It Get?
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5Poverty Is Likely to Reach a New High Number of
poor families, in millions
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8The Economic Recovery Package in Delaware
Selected impacts on state and local budgets
Based on House of Representatives proposal.
9The Economic Recovery Package in Delaware
Selected impacts on vulnerable families and
Unemployment insurance Receive increased
,000 workers Benefit from extended
workers Increased funding to support
million Food stamps (SNAP) Additional funding
for groceries.....................................
...46 million Number benefiting................
individuals Child care Additional funding
(over 2 years)....................................
4.5 million Additional slots...................
Based on House of Representatives proposal.
10A Sustainable Recovery for State Budgets
11State Budgets, the Recession, and the Recovery
- Nick Johnson
- johnson_at_cbpp.org
- www.centeronbudget.org