Title: The
2_at_ St. Cloud University
3SCSU Technology Plan Blueprint for campus March
4Technology Plan
- Resources for All Campus Constituents
- Access to Information and Communication
5Table on PC purchases by College
7Technology Plan
- Resources for All Campus Constituents
- Access to Information and Communication
Technologies - Hardware, Software and Network Infrastructure
8Software Campus Microsoft Agreement - Office
97/2000 for Windows - Office 98/2001 for
Macintosh - OS Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me - Visual
Studio Professional New Norton Antivirus
agreement just signed
9Campus Internet Connection - Until summer was 7
Megabits/second, half-duplex (1-way data,
either in or out) - Beginning Fall 2000 now have
18 Megabits/second, full-duplex (2-way data,
both in and out) - Provides 5 times the
bandwidth we had previously
10Network Infrastructure - Core router replaced
with a Gigabit/Fast Ethernet one - Every data
closet on campus is Gigabit or Fast Ethernet
back to the router - Every network connection on
campus upgraded to switched 10 or switched
10/100 Ethernet (no shared ports)
11Miller Center
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13Technology Plan
- Resources for All Campus Constituents
- Access to Information and Communication
Technologies - Hardware, Software and Network Infrastructure
- Training and Professional Development
14Library Instruction - 296 sessions - 7,846
students Faculty/Staff Technology Training -
25 Workshops - 348 Participants
15Technology Plan
- Resources for All Campus Constituents
- Access to Information and Communication
Technologies - Hardware, Software and Network Infrastructure
- Training and Professional Development
- Americans with Disabilities Act
16Americans with Disabilities Act Four workstations
with various enhancements - Large resolution
display - EasyBall Trackballs - Reader
software for web pages, print material,
electronic documents
17Technology Plan
- Resources for All Campus Constituents
- Access to Information and Communication
Technologies - Hardware, Software and Network Infrastructure
- Training and Professional Development
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Intellectual Property
18Intellectual Property - SCSU Draft Policy on
Intellectual Property ready for Meet Confer -
MnSCU Draft Policy on Intellectual
Property Reviewed, feedback provided by TLTR
19Technology Plan
- Resources for All Campus Constituents
- Access to Information and Communication
Technologies - Hardware, Software and Network Infrastructure
- Training and Professional Development
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Intellectual Property
- Technical Support
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23Technology Plan
- Academic Distinction
- Technological Instructional Spaces
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25Technology Plan
- Academic Distinction
- Technological Instructional Spaces
- Distance Education
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27Fall 2000 - 65 Active Courses - 162 Courses in
Development - 5,148 Students using WebCT
MnSCU IMS Initiative
28Technology Plan
Scholarship, Creativity and Research
Electronic Subscriptions - 1998 1999
6,258 - 1999 2000 6,845
29Technology Plan
Student Life, Growth and Development
- ResNet (Residence Hall Network)
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33Technology Plan
Student Life, Growth and Development
- ResNet (Residence Hall Network)
- Campus Computer Labs
34Open Computer Lab Locations
3514 Open Labs (375 Computers) 42 Discipline
Related Labs (703 Computers) 56 Total Labs (1078
36Technology Plan
Administrative Services
- Administrative Computing Advisory Group wrote
a Technology Planning Document - Purchased new
hardware/software - External Review Strategic
exercise on where to go next - Working with
MnSCU to deliver new services
37Technology Plan
38Technology Plan
Emerging Technologies and Opportunities
- Outlook/Exchange E-mail/Calendaring -
Storage Area Network Network drives for all
users - Campus Card Readers - Desktop Video
Conferencing - Voice Recognition Software -
Wireless - Gigapop - Data warehousing
39Technology Plan
Emerging Technologies and Opportunities
- Electronic Reserves - Live Streaming -
QuickTime VR
40Technology Plan
Assessment of the Technology Plan - ACM/SIGUCCS
Peer Review - Network Security Audit - Y2K -
Nearly 3 years old now - Revision/rewrite
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