Title: Pedro Romero, Shanfu Zheng and Alberto M' Cuitio
1Discovering Material Behavior from the Bottom-up
- Pedro Romero, Shanfu Zheng and Alberto M. Cuitiño
Semi-Annual Review Materials Science Cluster
Center for Advanced Food Technology Rutgers
University November 6, 2002
- The motivation for the present project is to
developed the necessary computational tools to
aid in the design and manufacture of products
with desired textural characteristics. The
methodology is based on the current
state-of-the-art methods of materials science and
computational mechanics, which incorporate a
hierarchical set of models describing the physics
of the processes at different scales or a
multiscale modeling approach. - The goal is to develop a general methodology
capable of simulating many potential scenarios
with assess the advantages and drawbacks of a a
particular design.
3Overall Goal
From the bottom of the material components as
molecular, crystal grains to discover the
material behaviors as well as the effect of
Material Design
Mesoscopic Models To describe the cell shape,
size, deformation mechanism, collapse, fracture,
strain-rate dependency etc.
Structural Design
Parameters to be designed Density and size
distribution of cells
Length scale
nm ?m
4Structural Design
Bubble Model Each cell is a bubble with uniform
shell thickness and deforms from a spherical
shape to an ellipsoidal one during the crushing
of cellular materials.
5Structural Design
Microstructure of Yellow Cake
The cell size is distributed from 0.02mm 2.5
mm. Bubble model should be able to take account
of the effect of size distribution.
6Structural Design
P P1 ? P2
Yellow cake
7Structural Design
Effect of density
8Structural Design
Effect of size distribution of cells
Skewness S
Variance ?
9Material Design
- Need
- Mechanical properties of solid material as E, ?,
?y, etc - Effect of additives and manufacture processes
- Deformation behaviors of representative cell
- Less empirical
- How to get
- Experiments
- Deeper analysis of materials
10Material Design
Metallic foams
11Material Design
- Microstructure ? Meso-structure
12Material Design
Deformation of a cell member
- The potential application of the present
development is purposely open to simulate a wide
array of material systems exhibiting a cellular
structure. Different mechanics are incorporated
to account for very different potential
scenarios. From brittle systems such as cereal to
plastic ones such as sponge cake. Especial
emphasis is placed on the model development in
order to characterize the material response by
parameters with clear physical meaning, which are
therefore obtainable from experiment or
fine-scale simulations. - The value for potential users is based on the
ability of providing predictive capabilities. Our
approach is then to move from engineering models
or quasi-empirical model to engineering science
models, which allow for controlled approximations
and physical assumptions
14Material Design