Title: Lancaster and Morecambe College Learner Involvement
1Lancaster and Morecambe College Learner
- An Introduction
- Adele Burrow
- Student Liaison Officer
2The journey so far
- 2005-6
- Students Union incorporated as a part-time
responsibility for a part-time member of staff.
SU was low key no official budget or officers. - Gained 1,600 by selling space for advertising
boards Clear Channel. SMT agreed this could be
used to fund cross-college student activities
(Enrichment budget is distributed across
32006-7 1st year
- Gained one day a week Student Liaison Officer.
- Gained an independent base the Goldfish Bowl.
- First elections for Student Officers in October.
They went to NUS training and had an active Union
for the first time. First year that class reps
were trained, had a handbook and staff support
via SLO.
42006-7 1st year
- SU President and Finance Officer submitted a bid
for an LMC Students Union budget. - The contract for the SLO finished, this was an
opportunity to re jig the job description and bid
for more hours. - New job description incorporated Aim Higher,
events, SU, student voice, ECM etc.
Funding Bid proposal for LMC Students Union
2007-2008 The purpose of this funding bid is to
show estimated funds required for initially
setting up and for effective continuation of the
LMC Students Union. Initial one-off set up costs
for IT and office resources Laptop 500 Mobile
Phone 100 Printer 100 Webcam 20 Desk 100 F
iling Cabinet 80 Trays 20 Chair 80 Total
set up costs 1000 Annual Costs Affiliation
fees 350 Elections budget 500 Campaigns 1150
Clubs/societies 1000 Training and
transport 5000 Total Annual Costs 8000 Total
Funding Required - Year 1 9000
52007-8 2nd year
- Learner Involvement Strategy approved and guides
produced - Structure
Class Reps
SU Elected Officers
Student Governor
Course Area Meetings
Student Council
College Committees and SMT
Board of Corporation
62007-8 2nd year
- Development of Students Union
- Officer posts increased to 8
- Posts filled through 2 elections
- Attendance at NUS and LSIS training and
conferences - Trip to University SU
- Development of specific areas
- Student-run events, clubs and initiatives
- Utilising NUS Extra
- Moved election cycle to July-July
- Procedures for applying for funding and setting
up clubs
72007-8 2nd year
- Development of Class Reps
- First Student Conference
- Conference included training, focus groups and
first Student Council meeting - Involvement of SMT and key managers
- 41 students attended.
82007-8 2nd year
- Representation on Committees
- Sustainability Forum, Support for Students,
Disability Forum, Equality and Diversity
Committee - Regional Opportunities
- Representation at local special council meeting
- Accreditation and Recognition
- Set up LMC Volunteers Scheme accredits
volunteering for the SU as well as local
community volunteering - Certificates and celebration event at the end of
the year
92008-9 3rd year
- Class Rep Development
- Second student conference
- Small group interactive 2-hour training for all
reps increased numbers from 41 to 95 reps
trained and positive feedback of changes - Class rep folders with info and resources
- New Posters
- Make a Difference and You Said We Did template
for course and cross-college improvements
102008-9 3rd year
- SU Promotion
- Promotional Film, produced by Film and TV
students - SU Guide and wall planner
- Focus Groups
- Marketing, Learning Centre, Have Your Say,
Welfare, Scooter Users (external) - Increase in student-run initiatives
- LMC Festival, Anti-bullying Group, Music Lounge,
Happy Easter Event, Paintballing, LGBT, Wii and
Film Club
112008-9 3rd year
Ended the year on a high winning Student Liaison
of the Year and coming runner up in the Most
Improved Provider category at the LSIS Learner
Voice Awards
122009-10 4th year
- Students Union
- New SU guide designed commissioned by students
- New SU signage, plasma TV and rope lights
- Launch a series of Student guide to leaflets
- Online voting and roving ballot boxes
- Active representation on committees
- Class Reps
- Advanced and specific training
- Teambuilding
- Diary Room
- www.youthinnovations.co.uk
- General
- Online forum and utilising social networking
sites further - Local forums and support e.g. setting up a
district music forum
13Engaging students
- Informal space and drop-in
- Student-run initiatives
- Big student projects e.g. LMC Festival
- Creative Focus Groups
- Links to curriculum
- Recognition
- Fun!
14SU Promotional Film
The film is also on U-tube view by searching
for LMC Students Union
15Group Discussions
- What would you like to know/ find out?
- Write down individually on cards provided
- Small Group Discussions
16Annual Report
- http//online.lmc.ac.uk/file.php/101/Student_Liais
on_-_Annual_Report_08-09.pdf - Log-in as a guest
- Any problems follow the links to Students
Union under courses
17Contacts and Thank You
- Adele Burrow
- Student Liaison Officer
- A.Burrow_at_lmc.ac.uk
- 01524 66215 ext 512
- Thank you!