Title: The ZEUS HadronElectronSeparator Performance and Experience
1The ZEUS Hadron-Electron-Separator Performance
and Experience
Peter Göttlicher (DESY) for the
ZEUS-HES-group Contributions to HES Germany,
Israel, Japan, Korea, Russia, Spain,
USA Outline l Introduction l Experimental
set-up l Performance and experience l Summary
Central part of the ZEUS detector
Front side of the FCAL
Radius 1.9m
e 27.5GeV
Proton 820/920GeV
e,g GeV to 100 GeV à Good separation of e
,g from hadrons in particular inside jets
à Detector at shower maximum called HES
Planes inside calorimeter
Electromagnetic cell 520cm2
3Principle of HES
Hadron Electron Separator
Electromagnetic Calorimeter (26X0, 1lNuclear)
Use e,g early and narrow shower Strategy
Measure deposit of energy of particles at
given longitudinal position Detector Plane at
3-5 X0 (maximum of intensity) Segmentation
helps e,g in jets
Low impact to energy measurement HES is at
most sensitive position à Small depth 1.4cm à
Low absorption à Material Magnetic field
Geometry Gap surrounded by calorimeter
parts à Access only from top 16.31.4cm2
for -- 672 channels --
5Diode as Active Part
Experimental Set-up
Advantage High charge in small space
400mm, 33000 e-h-pairs/particle Active area
3.322.96 cm2 Compatible to shower size
RMolière 2cm
Calorimeter cell 520cm2 à HES consists 20518
diodes or 20m2 silicon
6Multilayer Board as central part of the mechanics
à 2 Functions à Mechanical stability
à Cable 112 channels
support lines à Parameters à 18
Layers à Unusual 4.6m long with special
production à Effect on electrical
signal by small signal line C 1nF
à rise time 50ns to 100ns
(HERA 96ns/bunch)
7Construction of a Module
Full coverage with Si-diodes Shifting and
folding 2 boards Diodeóopposite
preamplifier à Diodeselectronics encapsulated
Thickness 0.1 X0 Cooling needed Low
power 90mW/channel but l low heat
conductivity of surrounding
calorimeter l 4.6m long gap
8Performance Coverage
à Cover full plane , no overlaps Reached by HES
85 of whole active 94 of accessible
area Remaining gaps -- Calorimeters wavelength
shifter 9.5 -- Diodes side by side Field stop
ring 2.5 -- Mechanics 2.5 -- 4 diodes on one
4-wafer (cost) 0.5
Rise time 2 HERA cycles (180ns) à independent
from multilayer board à tolerable for low rate
Performance and Experience
Muons in situ l Minimum ionising particle l
1MIP Energy deposition of 120keV
Electronic calibration l Charge injection to
preamplifier l Only weekly performed Low
drifts Mainly as check for faults
- Cluster Algorithm
- Take diode with highest signal
- Associate 8 neighbours
à On Average 96 of energy contained in
12Position reconstruction e,g
Algorithm x Cluster S ( w(Energy i ) x
Diode i) Result l Test beam with 25GeV
electrons 85 center of modules, away
from edges 5.4mm l ZEUS, From Monte-Carlo,
DIS (25GeV) 5 mm
13Electrons and Hadrons
Test beam Known particle identity
à Well separation electron/hadron but some
electrons have no shower and some hadrons
Cut 90 efficiency for electrons
14Running Performance
Installation Bad channels RHES 1992-1994
3 - 6 FHES 1996-1998 2 - 3
Source for failures l Mainly connectors l
100 channels/month single electronic cards
Ä Continuously repaired l Water leak
15Major Problem Water Leak
What? Tubes inside the gap corroded from inside
to outside When? After 6 to 8 years of
running Involved parts l Copper-tubes 3mm
diameter, 0.3mm wall thickness l De-ionised
water, sulphur (SO42-) and carbon
found Actions l Complete exchange of cooling
pipes l Purification of tubes from oil l
Replacing long rubber tubes by copper l Ion
exchanger installed l Continuous monitoring
à Ready for new data taking
Hadron-Electron-Separator a shower maximum
counter at ZEUS l 20m2 of silicon, 20518
diodes pulse height readout 94 coverage l
Running since 1992 Reasonable rate of faults
, Repaired in access days and maintenance
periods l Signals from muons, electrons and
hadrons Improvements Factor 5 for hadron
rejection Factor 2 for
the position resolution
Factor 10 in granularity
l Continuous use to check the e-finders Efficienc
y without redundancy is a problem