Title: Citrix and SPED for the Macintosh
1Citrix and SPED for the Macintosh
- A school resource document provided by the SIRS
Team - Last Update January 18, 2005
2This tutorial has been designed to help you with
your Citrix and SPED setup and login experience.
Navigation buttons have been provided on each
screen so you can move at your own speed. It is
suggested that you open this tutorial in Internet
Explorer and then open a second session of
Internet Explorer with your CITRIX login by
clicking on the Fox in your Launcher. Switch
between screens as your go thorough the tutorial
and complete each step in order. On the SIRS web
site you will see a button to download this
PowerPoint if you wish to print a copy of this
tutorial as a guide.
3CITRX/SIRS User Startup Instructions for
Macintosh Computers
The following instructions are to be used to
access the SIRS application from a Macintosh
workstation. The minimum requirements for
running this application are iMacs and above
running OS 9.2.2 with 128 MB of physical RAM
4Instructions Launch Internet Explorer and make
the following change to your browsers settings.
Go to Edit Preferences
5- Click Java and under Security Options you may
need to - Change Byte-code verification to Dont Check
Code, - Network access to Unrestricted Access
- Uncheck Restrict access to non-Java class files.
This step is required only ONCE on each
6Go to URL https//citrix.cbe.ab.ca/ Please
bookmark this link in your browser for future
use. You are now at the Citrix login
screen. Login to Citrix Use your CBE network
username and password.
You must mouse click to each field and then
select Log In. The tab key will not work.
7In some schools a direct link may have been added
to your Launcher. Just click on the Fox icon
and you will be taken to the Citrix login as seen
in the previous screen.
8You should now see the following screen
9At this screen click on the tool box icon to the
left of the question mark.
10On the next page which appears, click on
Connection Preferences and use the pop-up menu to
select a window of Seamless. Next click Submit.
11You will be placed back at the Citrix
Applications window.
12Click on your schools icon to login to SIRS.
13When this screen appears, click the FRAME button.
14If you are on a Macintosh computer, grab the tab
on the bottom corner of this screen with your
mouse and expand the screen to cover the
Macintosh screen. (This is a very important step,
as you are turning your MAC into a simulated PC.
Grab the tab here
15Your screen will look like this and will cover
your entire MAC desktop.
16If you are on a PC, double click on the top
window bar and you will fill your PC screen
17Now your can go the Authorized Access Only
security window and click OK.
18Login to SIRS using your CBE username and a
password. You must mouse click to each field and
then select OK. Tab will not work. If you are
having difficulty at this point, please contact
your schools SIRS key user or SIRS Support
Note The school will provide you with a SIRS
password, which you can change later.
19This screen will appear almost immediately. Note
that you now have two menu bars at the top. The
top one is your Macintosh menu bar. The second
one is from the Virtual Windows machine. When you
are in the program you must use the Windows menu
bar. You will only see one menu bar if you set
your screen to seamless, as described at the
beginning of this tutorial.
20Click on Student to get to the SPED module
Special Education
21Now click on Special Education Data to begin work
in SPED.
22You are now in your IPP working space. At this
point you will click on Group to be sure you are
working with Currently Enrolled students
23Click on System to get to this screen.
24Now select Currently Enrolled to select this
25You are now in your IPP working space. This is as
far as we will go in this training session. The
next steps will be on closing out of the program.
26Note if you are printing from SPED please be
aware that you are printing in a Windows
environment. Be sure the printer you select is
the one in your school, as it is possible for
downtown printers to show up when you select
27To exit the program, first close this screen by
clicking on the X in the working area. Then go to
the Windows menu bar and select File.
28Then select Exit to close SPED. Please close Sped
when you have finished a session as we have
limited licenses and you may be preventing others
from using the program.
29You will be returned to this screen. You will now
notice a Logout tab on this screen. Click on this
to close Citrix
30Now close out of your Macintosh or Windows
Internet Explorer program by clicking File and
then Quit. You have now completed you Sped Login
31If you require further Assistance in SPED or
SIRS, please call the SIRS Support for
assistance. 294-6334