Title: The ASHRAE Promise:
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3The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
4The Dawn of the New ASHRAE Era
5We, the members of ASHRAE, are entering a time
of great opportunity
The Dawn of the New ASHRAE Era
6ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan
The Dawn of the New ASHRAE Era
7ASHRAEs Sustainability Roadmap
The Dawn of the New ASHRAE Era
8ASHRAE Strategic Plan
The Dawn of the New ASHRAE Era
9Sustainability, Mankind and the Future
10Concept of maximizing the effectiveness of
resource use while minimizing the impact of
that use on the earth and its environment
Sustainability, Mankind and the Future
11Meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs
Sustainability, Mankind and the Future
12Requires an equilibrium between human society
and stable ecosystems
Sustainability, Mankind and the Future
13The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
14A new spirit of the age electric with
possibilities and invention is permeating
The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
15We are the ones who are challenged to properly
organize and pull ourselves up by our own
The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
16We must have a sense of collective purpose and
be the pioneers of a reawakening of our Society
The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
17Because we are here now, We are on duty and
responsible for achieving a sustainable future
The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
18Goals, Targets and Challenges
19Advanced Energy Design Guidance new, existing
and high-rise buildings
Goals, Targets and Challenges
20Building performance metrics water and energy
consumptions, IAQ, comfort, lighting and
acoustics carbon-equivalent basis
Goals, Targets and Challenges
21Standard 90.1 increase stringency, improve
usability and streamline process
Goals, Targets and Challenges
22Develop performance-based Standard 90.1
Goals, Targets and Challenges
23Develop a standard for water conservation
Goals, Targets and Challenges
24Develop IEQ baseline data for acceptable levels
of comfort, health and productivity
Goals, Targets and Challenges
25Develop economically viable renewable energy
applications to reduce conventional energy use
Goals, Targets and Challenges
26Net-zero energy use guidance for all building
Goals, Targets and Challenges
27Green ASHRAE meetings and expos educate and
Goals, Targets and Challenges
28Increase global outreach with organizations in
sustainability efforts
Goals, Targets and Challenges
29Partner with other sustainability and advocacy
Goals, Targets and Challenges
30ASHRAE The Global Engineering Engine of
31Make members more valuable to our industry
ASHRAE The Global Engineering Engine of
32Develop certification programs with partners
and owners
ASHRAE The Global Engineering Engine of
33Expand scope and focus of our membership and
outreach efforts
ASHRAE The Global Engineering Engine of
34The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
35We are the leaders the world has been waiting
The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
36We are the innovators and entrepreneurs the
world has been seeking
The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
37We can get there together if we clearly see
ahead a sustainable future.
The ASHRAE Promise A Sustainable Future
38The Beginning