Radiation Shielding and Reactor Criticality Spring 2005 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Radiation Shielding and Reactor Criticality Spring 2005


COMP790: High Performance Computing and Monte Carlo Methods. Computer Science. Lecture 1, page 1 ... Flux of uncharged particles through a medium. Uncharged particles ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Radiation Shielding and Reactor Criticality Spring 2005

Radiation Shielding and Reactor
CriticalitySpring 2005
  • By Yaohang Li, Ph.D.
  • Department of Computer Science
  • North Carolina AT State University
  • yaohang_at_ncat.edu

  • Last Class
  • Test of Random Numbers
  • Knuths test
  • This Class
  • Monte Carlo Application in Nuclear Physics
  • Radiation Shielding
  • Reactor Criticality
  • Next Class
  • Monte Carlo Application in Nuclear Physics
  • Simulation of Collisions
  • Assignment 4

Monte Carlo Method in Nuclear Physics
  • Flux of uncharged particles through a medium
  • Uncharged particles
  • paths between collisions are straight lines
  • do not influence one another
  • independence
  • allow us to take the behavior of a relatively
    small sample of particles to represent the whole
  • Randomness
  • derive the Monte Carlo methods directly from the
    physical processes

Problem Definition
  • Particle (Photon or Neutron)
  • energy E
  • instantaneously at the point r
  • traveling in the direction of the unit vector ?
  • Traveling of the Particle
  • At each point of its straight path it has a
    chance of colliding with an atom of the medium
  • No collision with an atom of the medium
  • continue to travel in the same direction ? with
    same energy E
  • A probability of ?c?s that the particle will
    collide with an atom of the medium
  • ?s an atom traverses a small length of its
    straight line
  • ?c cross section
  • depends on the nature of surrounding medium
  • energy E

Cross Section
  • Determining ?c
  • The medium remains homogeneous within each of a
    small number of distinct regions
  • over each region, ?c is a constant
  • ?c change abruptly on passing from one region to
    the next
  • Example
  • Uranium rods immersed in water
  • ?c a function of E in the rods
  • ?c another function of E in the water

  • Collision Probability
  • cdf of the distance that the particle travels
    before collision
  • Fc(s) 1 exp(- ?c s)
  • Three situations of collision
  • Absorption
  • the particle is absorbed into the medium
  • Scatter
  • the particle leaves the point of collision in a
    new direction with a new energy with probability
  • fission (only arises when the original particle
    is a neutron)
  • several other neutrons, known as secondary
    neutrons, leaves the point of collision with
    various energies and directions
  • Probability of the three situations
  • Governed by the physical law
  • Known distribution from Monte Carlo point of view

Shielding and Criticality Problems
  • The Shielding Problem
  • When a thick shield of absorbing material is
    exposed to ?-radiation (photons), of specified
    energy and angle of incidence, what is the
    intensity and energy-distribution of the
    radiation that penetrates the shield?
  • The Criticality Problem
  • When a pulse of neutron is injected into a
    reactor assembly, will it cause a multiplying
    chain reaction or will it be absorbed, and in
    particular, what is the size of the assembly at
    which the reaction is just able to sustain itself?

Elementary Approach
  • Elementary Approach
  • Exact realization of the physical model
  • Not very efficient
  • Tracking of simulated particles from collision to
  • Starting with a particle (E, ?, r)
  • Generate a number s with the exponential
  • Fc(s) 1 exp(- ?c s)
  • If the straight-line path from r to (rs?) does
    not intersect any boundary (between regions)
  • the particle has a collision
  • Otherwise
  • proceed as far as the first boundary
  • if this is the outer boundary, the particle
    escapes from the system
  • Repeat the procedure

Improvements of the Elementary Approach
  • Problem
  • There may be too many or too few particles
  • Consider a reactor containing a very fissile
  • Every neutron entering this region may give rise
    to a very large number coming out
  • Give us more tracks than we have time to follow
  • Solution
  • Russian Roulette
  • Pick out one of the particles
  • discard it with probability p
  • otherwise allow this particle to continue but
    multiply its weight (initially unity) by (1-p)-1
  • The number of particles is reduced to manageable
  • Splitting
  • To increase the sample sizes
  • a particle of weight w may be replaced by any
    number k of identical particles of weights w1, ,
  • w1wkw

Special Methods for the Shielding Problem
  • Outstanding feature of the shielding problem
  • The proportion of photons that penestrate the
    shield is very small, say one in 106.
  • To estimate an accuracy of 10 require the number
    of 108 paths.
  • Quite impossible
  • Solution
  • Semi-analytic method
  • Allows the same random paths to be used for
    shields of other thickness
  • Simplification
  • Only think about three coordinates
  • Energy E
  • Angle between the direction of motion and the
    normal to the stab
  • Distance z from the incident face of the slab

The Semi-Analytic Method (I)
  • A random history
  • for a particle which undergoes a suitably large
    number n of scatterings in the medium
  • The semi-analytic method
  • Pi(?)
  • The probability that a particle has a history hi
    and also crosses the plane z ? between its ith
    and (i1)th scatterings
  • Abbreviation
  • cicos?i ?i?c(Ei) ?i1-?(Ei)?c(Ei)
  • P0(?)exp(- ?i?/c0)
  • the probability that the particle passes through
    z ? before suffering any scatterings
  • Pi1(?)
  • A particle crosses z ? between its (i1)th and
    (i2)th scatterings

The Semi-Analytic Method (II)
  • The semi-analytic method
  • the (i1)th scattering occurred on some a plane
    z ? where 0lt?lt ?.
  • Compound event
  • i immediately prior to the (i1)th scattering
    the particle crossed z ?
  • P(i)Pi(?)
  • ii the particle suffered the (i1)th scattering
    between the planes z ? and z ?d?
  • P(ii) ?i d?/ci
  • iii after scattering, the particle now travels
    with energy Ei1 in direction ?i1
  • P(iii) exp(- ?i1(?- ?) /ci1)
  • Then
  • The probability of penetrating the shield is

  • Nuclear Simulation
  • Radiation Shielding
  • Reactor Criticality
  • Particle Assumption
  • Cross Section
  • Collision
  • Elementary Method
  • Improvements for the Elementary Method
  • Russian Roulette
  • Splitting
  • Special methods for the shielding problem
  • Semi-Analytic Method

What I want you to do?
  • Review Slides
  • Read the UNIX handbook if you are not familiar
    with UNIX
  • Review basic probability/statistics concepts
  • Work on your Assignment 3
  • Prepare for your presentation topic and term paper
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