Title: Decisionmark%20%20%20%20%20Jack%20Perry%20President%20
1 Screenshot Presentation
2Who is Decisionmark?
Vision Connect every broadcaster to every consumer
Mission Deliver technology, data and intellectual
property designed to capitalize on the
convergence of the television, radio, personal
computer, Internet and digital broadcasting
Motto Make money and have fun
3TitanTV guide General Info
- 1,000 local TV stations post the guide on their
website - ABC 96
- CBS 94
- FOX 72
- NBC 95
4TitanTV Guide Plus
TitanTV Guide Plus is a feature-rich program
guide that stations use to generate revenue and
pull in viewers to interact with the stations
web site.
5Banner Ads
Banner ads can be placed on the guide to generate
exposure for local sponsors or promote local
Sell or trade sponsorship opportunities with
local companies on the daily consumer emails, the
EI Code link and the search results page.
7Whats On
Whats On is a fully automated tool that
prominently displays your stations programming
and local sponsors on the home page of your web
The presentation of the Whats On feature can be
supplied by Decisionmark (HTML) or customized by
the station (XML).
8Management Tool
- The TitanTV guide Management Tool is available
from ProximityTV.com, an online destination for
hundreds of broadcasters each day.
9Mgmt Tool - Site Traffic
The TitanTV guide Plus Management Tool provides a
variety of ways to manage, monitor and monetize
your guide. The site traffic utility provides
insight into the traffic patterns of the viewers
that visit your program guide as well as the
ability to see your banner ads and sponsorships.
10Mgmt Tool Whats On
Sponsorship of the Whats On feature is
administered on the Whats On page of the
Management Tool. If you have multiple stations,
you can set a default for all stations or
customize it for each station.
11Mgmt Tool Web Messages
Promote one of your local advertisers using the
web messages feature. Web messages appear at the
top of the guide on your web site and can be
displayed for any length of time. You can
promote one or many different sponsors depending
on your needs.
12Mgmt Tool Program Emails
When a viewer signs up to receive a daily program
email from your station, take the opportunity to
promote your advertisers and sponsors.
13Mgmt Tool Appearance
TitanTV guide Plus provides the broadcaster with
unprecedented ways to customize the text links
that are displayed on the stations guide.
14TitanTV guide Plus Benefits
- MONETIZE the various features available in
TitanTV guide Plus
- MONITOR the traffic for your sponsors and
- MANAGE your sponsorships and advertisements
15Thank You