Title: Goris Youth Union NGO
1áñÇëÇ ºñÇï³ë³ñ¹³Ï³Ý ØÇáõÃÛáõÝ ÐÎ Goris
Youth Union NGO
- ²éáÕç ̳é³ÛáõÃÛáõÝ
- Healthy Service
2Ìñ³ñÇ Çñ³Ï³Ý³óÙ³Ý Å³ÙÏïÁ
1.02.2004 31.08.2005 The period of time of
the Project implementation 01
February, 2004-31 August, 2005
- γñÇÝ ØáíëÇëÛ³Ý Ìñ³ñÇ Õϳí³ñ (ºØ)
- Karine Movsisyan Project manager
- êɳíÇÏ ²ÙÇñÛ³Ý - ËáñÑñ¹³ïáõ (Åß. Çï, ¹áÏïáñ)
- Slavik Amiryan Consultant
- ¾¹áõ³ñ¹ Ôáõ¹ñáõÝó - ѳٳϳñáÕ (γñÇÝ
ÇÝëïÇïáõï) - Eduard Ghudrunts coordinator
- ÜáõÝ êáÕáÙáÝÛ³Ý Ð³ßí³å³Ñ (ºØ)
- Nune Soghomonyan Accountant
- ÞÇñ³Ï ØÇù³ÛÉÛ³Ý-³ëÁÝóó³í³ñ (ì³ÛùÇ Î³Ý³ãÝñ
ÐÎ) - Shirak Mikayelyan Trainer
- ºÏ³ïñÇݳ гÛñ³åïÛ³Ý - ³ëÁÝóó³í³ñ (áñÇëÇ è.
ÚáÉÛ³ÝÇ ³Ýí³Ý ÐÇí³Ý¹³ÝáóÇ ) - Ekaterina Hayrapetyan Trainer
3Ìñ³ñÇÁݹѳÝáõñ Ýå³ï³ÏÁ.The overall goal of
the project
- Üí³½óÝÉ ØƲì/ÒƲÐ-Ç ï³ñ³ÍáõÙÁ г۳ëï³ÝáõÙ
- To reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS in Armenia.
4Ìñ³ñÇ ÏáÝÏñï Ýå³ï³ÏÁ.The concrete goal of the
- ². è³½Ù³í³ñáõÃÛ³Ý 3-ñ¹ µ³Õ³¹ñÇãÇ ßñç³Ý³ÏÝñáõÙ
µ³ñÓñ³óÝÉ ÐРѳñ³í³ÛÇÝ éÇáÝáõÙ (êÛáõÝÇùÇ Ù³ñ½)
ïճϳ۳óí³Í µ³Ý³Ï³ÛÇÝ ³é³çÇÝ ÏáñåáõëÇ
½ÇÝíáñ³Ï³Ý ëïáñ³µ³Å³ÝáõÙÝñÇ ³ÝÓݳϳ½ÙÇ
- In the framework of the 3rd component in strategy
A to increase the knowledge of the military
servicemen and soldiers of the 1st military Corps
located in the Southern Region of the RA in the
direction of HIV/AIDS prevention.
5Ìñ³ñáõÙ ÁݹñÏí³Í áñÍáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝñÁ Activities
included in the Project
- гí³ë³ñÁ ѳí³ë³ñÇÝ ÙÃá¹áí ѳë³ñ³Ï³Ï³Ý
ÏñÃáõÃÛáõÝ ÐÐ êÛáõÝÇùÇ Ù³ñ½áõÙ ïճϳÛí³Í
µ³Ý³Ï³ÛÇÝ 1-ÇÝ ÏáñåáõëÇ Ãíáí 10
ëïáñ³µ³Å³ÝáõÙÝñáõÙ, ÇÝãåë ½ÇÝíáñÝñÇ, ³ÛÝåë É
ëå³Û³Ï³Ý ³ÝÓݳϳ½ÙÇ ³Ý¹³ÙÝñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ
(Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñ ëïáñ³µ³Å³ÝáõÙáõÙ 1 ÝóÍñ³Çñ) - To provide peer educational programs in 10 units
of the 1st Military Corps located in the Syunik
Region for soldiers as well as servicemen and
their families. 1 project for 1 unit. - îë³?ýÇÉÙñÇ óáõó³¹ñáõÙ
- Video films demonstration
6Ìñ³ñÇ ³ñ¹ÛáõÝùÝñÁ.Results of the Project
- ²ñ¹ÛáõÝù 1. ØƲì/ÒƲÐ-Ç Ï³Ý˳ñÉÙ³Ý áõÕÕáõÃÛ³Ùµ
µ³ñÓñ ÇïÉÇùÝñáí ³ÝÓݳϳ½Ù ÐÐ êÛáõÝÇùÇ Ù³ñ½Ç
µ³Ý³Ï³ÛÇÝ 1-ÇÝ ÏáñåáõëÇ ½ÇÝíáñ³Ï³Ý
ëïáñ³µ³Å³ÝáõÙÝñáõÙ, áñÁ Ñݳñ³íáñáõÃÛáõÝ Ïï³
Ýí³½óÝÉ ÑÇí³Ý¹áõÃÛ³Ý ï³ñ³ÍáõÙÁ, ÇÝãåë
Íñ³ñáí ÁݹñÏí³Í éÇáÝáõÙ, ³ÛÝåë É ÐÐ-áõÙ
³ÙµáÕçáíÇÝ íñóñ³Í, ù³ÝÇ áñ ½ÇÝíáñÝñÁ
ͳé³ÛáõÃÛ³Ý ³í³ñïÇó Ñïá ïáõÝ Ý íñ³¹³éÝáõÙ - Output 1. Military men and soldiers with high
knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention in the 1st
Military Corps in the Southern Region of the RA.
It will give an opportunity to reduce the spread
of the virus not only in the region planned by
the proposal but also in the RA, as the soldiers
will go back home after military service. - ²ñ¹ÛáõÝù 2. îËÝÇϳåë ¹³ëÁÝóó ³Ýó³Í
Ù³ñ¹Ï³ÛÇÝ éëáõñëÝñáí ѳó³Í ØƲì/ÒƲÐ-Ç ¹Ù
å³Ûù³ñÇ êÛáõÝÇùÇ ñÇï³ë³ñ¹³Ï³Ý ÏÝïñáÝ, áñÁ
Ñݳñ³íáñ ÏÉÇÝÇ ûï³áñÍÉ ØƲì/ÒƲÐ-Ç ¹Ù å³Ûù³ñÇ
Ñï³³ áñÍáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝñáõÙ
(гëóÝ áñÇë, سßïáóÇ
1, Ñé. ( 374 84) 2-28-84, 2-66-17) - Output 2. Syunik youth center fighting against
HIV/AIDS provided with technical means and
human resources educated in mentioned sphere,
that will be used in the direction of HIVAIDS
(Address 1
Mashtots, Goris, tell ( 374 84) 2-28-84,
- àôÕÕ³ÏÇ ß³Ñ³éáõÝñÁ ÐÐ êÛáõÝÇùÇ Ù³ñ½Ç
µ³Ý³Ï³ÛÇÝ 1-ÇÝ ÏáñåáõëÇ ëïáñ³µ³Å³ÝáõÙÝñÇ
³ÝÓݳϳ½ÙÝ Ãíáí Ùáï³íáñ³åë 12000-15000 - The direct beneficiaries of the project are
soldiers and officers of the 1st Military Corps
of the Southern Regions, totally 12000-15000
people. - ²ÝáõÕÕ³ÏÇ ß³Ñ³éáõÝñÁ ³ÛÝ Ñ³Ù³ÛÝùÝñÇ
µÝ³ÏÇãÝñÝ Ý, áñïÕ ïճϳÛí³Í Ý ½ÇÝíáñ³Ï³Ý
ëïáñ³µ³Å³ÝáõÙÝñÁ áñáÝó Ñï ßÙ³Ý Ùç Ý
½ÇÝíáñ³Ï³ÝÝñÁ ÆÝãåë ݳ ³ÛÝ ÁÝï³ÝÇùÝñÇ
³Ý¹³ÙÝñÁ, áñïÕ Í³é³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÇó Ñïá
íñ³¹³éݳÉáõ Ý ½ÇÝíáñÝñÁ ³ÙáõëݳݳÝ
ÀݹѳÝáõñ ѳßíáí ¹ñ³Ýù ÙÇÝÇÙáõÙÁ Ùáï³íáñ³åë
28000 30000 Ù³ñ¹ -
- The indirect beneficiaries are the
people in the communities, where the Military
Corps is located. Soldiers are always in touch
with those people. The indirect beneficiaries
also include the families where the soldiers will
go back after military service. Totally they are
28000-30000 beneficiaries.
8- úáõïÝñÁ
- Ìñ³ÇñÁ Ñݳñ³íáñáõÃÛáõÝ ï³ÉÇë ߳ѳéáõÝñÇÝ
Ëáõë³É ÑÇí³Ý¹áõÃÛáõÝÇó, áñÝ É Çñ ÑñÃÇÝ
Ýí³½óÝáõÙ ØƲì/ÒƲÐ-Ç ï³ñ³ÍáõÙÁ ÐÐ-áõÙ,
Ù³ëݳíáñ³åë êÛáõÝÇùÇ Ù³ñ½áõÙ - Benefits
- The project gives the beneficiaries an
opportunity to avoid the infection. In turn it
reduces the spread of HIV/AIDS in the RA,
particularly in the Syunik region . -
9Ìñ³ñÇ ïáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ 2 ï³ñÇThe duration of
the project is 2 years
- Ìñ³ñÇ ³ñ¹ÛáõÝùáõ٠ݳ˳ïëíáõÙ .
- å³ïñ³ëïÉ 120 гí³ë³ñÁ ѳí³ë³ÇÝ ÙÃá¹áí
ÏñÃáÕÝñ - As a result the project planned
- To educate 120 Peereducators
- Æñ³Ï³ÝáõÙ
- å³ïñ³ëïíÉ 150 гí³ë³ñÁ ѳí³ë³ñÇÝ ÙÃá¹áí
ÏñÃáÕÝñ ½ÇÝíáñ³Ï³Ý 10 ëïáñ³µ³Å³ÝáõÙÝñáõÙ ÙdzëÇÝ
íñóñ³Í - Really
- Were educated 150 Peereducators in 10 Military
units -
10¼ÇÝíáñ³Ï³ÝÝñÇ ÇïÉÇùÝñÁ ØƲì/ÒƲÐ-Ç
ϳÝ˳ñÉÙ³Ý áõÕÕáõÃÛ³Ùµ Íñ³ñÇ ëϽµáõÙ
íñçáõÙThe knowledge of the soldiers on the way
of preventing from HIV/AIDS at the beginning and
at the end of the project
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