Title: Optimizing Online Auction Bidding Strategies with Genetic Programming
1Optimizing Online Auction Bidding Strategies with
Genetic Programming
- Ekaterina Kate Smorodkina
2Why Optimize Bidding Strategies?
- Popularity of online auctions
- Limited resources (i.e. )
- Bidding on multiple items increases the
complexity of the decision making process - Increasing number of buyers and auction listings
- Difficulty in predicting the behavior of other
- Research questions and problem definition
- Online auction overview and auction simulation
- Strategy representation
- Fitness evaluation
- Evolving agents
- Experiments
- Future work
4Research Questions
- Is it possible to come up with one all-purpose
bidding strategy for various online auction
scenarios? - How successful is genetic programming in evolving
bidding strategies for online auctions?
5Online Auctions Overview
- Limited time
- Starting bid
- Email notification
- Identical items for sale
- Unrestricted bidding
6Online Auction Simulation
- Item listings are randomly created with a
starting bid and time limit - Agents are created with random lists of items to
buy - Concurrent bidding.
- Retail price on each item is known
- Agents know if they no longer hold the highest
bid on an item - Agents are not allowed to go over their account
7Strategy Representation
- Expression trees
- Binary operators , -, /, , , max, min
- The size of the trees is controlled by two
parameters the branching limit and the depth
limit - Large trees take longer time to compute a bid
- Input parameters to the expression tree
8Input parameters to the expression
- Account balance
- Retail price
- Current bid
- Number of items on the list
- Number of items missing
- Sum of the retail prices on the missing items
- The highest bid among all instances of the item
- The lowest bid among all instances of the item
9Agent Fitness Evaluation
- Maximize the number of items obtained.
- Maximize discount.
- N number of items obtainedM number of items
on the listR.P retail priceH.B highest bid
10Evolution Cycle Modified
11Evolving Agents
- Proportional Selection
- Recombination
- Subtree crossover
- Mutation
- Competition
- Elitist strategy
- Termination
- Fitness convergence
- Mutation rate adjustment
12Experiments to Perform
- Change the environment after each auction round
- Number and characteristics of items in the
auction - Agents lists and their initial account balance
- Fitness standard as a way to measure the success
of the experiment
14Future Work
- Finish this project
- Expand the types of operators in the expression
trees - Expand input parameters to the expression trees
- Create seller agents