Title: OQM, PaRTs, Sterling Overview
1Florida Department of Children and Families
Office of Quality Management
Child Welfare TQM Workshop
OQM, PaRTs, Sterling Overview
Performance Management Staff Mary
Gallagher Merlin Roulhac Ronnie Evans Marcia
Dukes Verita Glanton Bob Howard Angie
Stackhouse Coleman Zuber
2DCF Mission
Protect the Vulnerable, Promote Strong and
Economically Self-sufficient Families, and
Advance Personal and Family Recovery
3OQM Mission
Through an enterprise quality management system
that is customer focused, data driven and results
oriented the Office of Quality Management will
provide vital information and technical
assistance to assist contracted service providers
and department staff to achieve the DCF Mission
and to exceed federal and strategic performance
4OQM Mission
Through an enterprise quality management system
that is customer focused, data driven and results
oriented the Office of Quality Management will
provide vital information and technical
assistance to assist contracted service
providers and department staff to achieve the DCF
Mission and to exceed federal and strategic
performance outcomes.
5When I returned to DCF, I laid out a plan for
the future. This plan requires changing the
culture and soul of the agency in order for us to
meet organizational challenges with a focus on
exceeding all of our customer and stakeholder
needs. A business model, using principles based
on Sterling Criteria values and expectations will
enable us to achieve and sustain fundamental
change leading to positive outcomes for the
people we serve.
Hadi, Secretary
6Sterling Core Values
- Customer-driven excellence
- Organizational and personal learning
- Valuing employees and partners
- Focus on the future
- Management by fact
- Social responsibility
- Focus on results and creating value
- Systems perspective
7Progress . . . To Date
Office of Provider Relations
Program Support
Office of Quality Management
- Capacity to communicate and work effectively with
CBCs - Provides support for program offices to meet
challenges of changing roles and responsibilities - Provides structure for integrated approach for
quality assurance, contract monitoring and
performance improvement activities
8DCF Strategic Plan Progress to Date
9Customer Populations Served
Children or Adults who have been abused,
neglected, exploited or at risk of abuse, neglect
or exploitation, and their families.
Families and Individuals in distressed /fragile
health or circumstances.
Individuals and Families at risk of or challenged
by substance abuse and/ or mental illness.
The Florida Tax Payer as a significant
stakeholder that requires evidence of efficiency
and effectiveness.
10Why is this Plan Unique?
- Organized by Population
- Developed using customer and stakeholder input
- Measurable Success Indicators
- Statewide focus on performance improvement
through PaRTs - Concept of spin off deployment plans
- Aligns District, Program Office and Support Area
11Progress . . . To Date PaRTs Teams
DCF Population Outcomes
ACCESS Florida
Executive Direction and Support Services
Teamwork Central Office, Zones, Districts,
Community Partners
- District/Region
- Operations
- Zone
- Program Office
- Resource Management
- Zone Operations Management
- Central Office
- Program Office
- Budget Office
- Quality Management
- Information Systems
ACCESS FloridaESS Refugee Services
Executive Direction Support
ServicesInformation ServicesOffice of the
SecretaryDistrict AdministrationAdministrative
Executive Sponsors
13Family Safety PaRT Team Membership
- District / ZONE
- CBC Contract Managers
- Zone Budget
- Zone Quality Management
- Information Technology
- Program Office
- Child Welfare Program
- Provider Relations
- Budget Office
- Contract Office
- Systematic approach to monitor, analyze and
report performance - Process aligned with DCF Strategic Plan and
drives Success Indicators - Ensures program resources are managed effectively
and efficiently - Quickly identifies performance and budget gaps
- Requires the development/ implementation of
countermeasures that are based on cause and
effect analysis - Provides continual SWOT analysis
- Standardized documentation process with monthly
status, progress and issues reported to DCF
Leadership Team
15The Deming Cycle Adoption of a Problem Solving
Progress . . . To Date
- PLAN Design or revise business process
components to improve results - DO Implement the plan and measure its
performance - CHECK Assess the measurements and report the
results to decision makers - ACT Decide on changes needed to improve the
16Progress . . . To Date
- DCF Performance Dashboard
- Centralized point for DCF Performance Measures
- Displays CBC / Contract Performance Data
- Serves DCF staff, Community Providers,
Legislative Staff, Public - Organized by Strategic Success Indicators
- Tool for PaRTs Teams
17Performance Management
- Focus Laser focus on strategically linked high
priority objectives drilling down and across - Alignment Align objectives, measures and
actions throughout DCF (i.e., cause and effect)
to include CWLS - Improvement Drive actions that improve
underperformance in strategically aligned focus
areas - Reviews Drive business results through
systematic and analytic management reviews at all
18Secretary Hadis PaRTs Message