Title: Cost Sharing Overview
1Cost Sharing Overview
- What is Cost sharing?
- Why is it important?
2What is cost sharing?
- The portion of sponsored program costs that are
not borne by the sponsor. - When effort or non-salary items such as supplies
and equipment are funded by non-federal sources
and contributed to a sponsored project.
3Why is it important to report and monitor cost
- To ensure compliance with the cost sharing level
of effort and/or contribution UW has agreed to
provide in the award document. - Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
requires the reporting of mandatory and committed
cost sharing. - An award cant close until all mandatory pledges
and committed cost sharing are met.
4Why is it important to report and monitor cost
sharing? (Cont.)
- To withstand audit scrutiny.
- Federal, State, Internal.
- HHS requires UW to include cost sharing in the
research base when the FA or indirect cost
proposal is prepared. - Cost sharing lowers the FA rate.
5Types of cost sharing
- Mandatory
- Required by statute or program provision as a
condition of the award. - Committed (formerly known as budgeted voluntary
and voluntary committed) - Cost sharing quantified (often as a percentage of
effort) in the sponsored proposal budget or
budget justification without corresponding
funding requested or awarded.
6Types of cost sharing, cont.
- Salary Cap
- Required by NIH, SAMHSA, and AHRQ when total
faculty salary exceeds the salary cap set by
these sponsors. - Aggregate
- Percentage of cost sharing required on all
research projects for a given sponsor, such as
7What can be used to satisfy cost sharing
- Faculty effort
- of effort a faculty member pledges or commits
to work on a sponsored project/budget, which is
funded from non-Federal sources. - Report on Faculty Effort Certification (FEC)
form. - Non-faculty effort
- amount of non-faculty effort spent on a
sponsored project/budget. - Report on BAR to GCA.
8What can be used to satisfy cost sharing
commitment? (cont.)
- Other cost sharing
- Non-salary UW expenditures used for cost sharing,
such as equipment, supplies, etc. - Reported on BAR to GCA.
- Third-party cost sharing
- Cost sharing performed or donated by a
non-University entity or personnel not paid by
9What can be used to satisfy cost sharing
commitment? (cont.)
- Cash Contributions, if permitted by the sponsor.
- Unrecovered FA or indirect costs
- The difference between the standard (negotiated)
and actual FA or indirect cost rate. - GCS approval is required to charge an FA rate
less than those listed in GIM 13.
- Cost sharing can only be quantified in the budget
document or justification of the proposal. - Do not quantify cost sharing in the body or
narrative of the proposal. - If cost sharing is quantified in the proposal
budget, it is committed cost sharing. Committed
cost sharing must be documented, reported, and
tracked. - Quantified of effort or amount shown.
11Highlights, cont.
- If cost sharing effort is insignificant or
incidental, do not quantify it in the proposal.
Instead, explain what will be done or provided,
and who will do it. - Professor Jones will participate in the design
of test methodologies. - All mandatory and committed cost sharing must be
met in order for the award to close.
12Proposal Preparation Review
- Including Cost Sharing in the Proposal
13Proposal Preparation and Review
- Answer question no. 11 of the GC-1
- If Mandatory provide explanation on GC-1 page 2
- The percentage of cost share required by sponsor.
- The sources of cost sharing.
- Letter of commitments from cost share providers
(i.e. Chair, Deans, Provost, Third Party, etc.). - Identify cost sharing info on Section B of the
GC-1 Addendum.
14Proposal Preparation and Review (cont.)
- If Committed Identify faculty effort by
quarter in Section B of the GC-1 addendum. - No Proceed without cost sharing pledge.
15Proposal Preparation and Review (cont.)
- If a proposal is submitted to the National
Science Foundation (NSF) with a specific cost
sharing requirement, cost sharing must be shown
on line M of the NSF budget Form 1030. Example
NSF- MRI - Cost sharing info must be provided in the GC-1
addendum (see June 2002 revision) - Letters of commitment must be obtained by
16Proposal Preparation and Review (cont.)
- Use correct formula to calculate cost sharing,
benefits, and FA (indirect) costs. - http//www.washington.edu/research/maa/fec/cscalc.
html - Aggregate NSF requires 1 cost sharing in the
aggregate by statute. Cost sharing is normally
shown as faculty salary available from
non-federal sources. - Do not show cost sharing on line M of the NSF
budget form 1030 - Cost sharing should be pledged at 1 of the
project cost to meet the institution 1 in
aggregate. Example 3K c/s should be pledged on
a 300K total project cost. - Check the aggregate box on GC-1 Addendum
17Proposal Preparation and Review (cont.)
- Faculty time and effort should be listed in
Section B of the GC-1 Addendum - Include exact quarter dates when cost sharing
will be performed for each faculty member. - Exclude summer if no source funding is available.
- Include exact time for each faculty member.
- If faculty salary is not available, note and
explain on the GC-1 form, and proceed without a
cost sharing pledge.
18Award Review
- Awards received in GCS are reviewed by the GCS
Administrators to - Confirm ensure cost sharing requirements
commitments. - On NEA (Notice to Establish Account), marked
yes in the c/s boxes - Provide detailed cost sharing info on NEA
19Award Review
- Insert on NEA the faculty name, title,
contributed effort, dollar value of salaries,
benefits, and associated FA - Provide Dept contact name and number on NEA to
monitor and report c/s to GCA quarterly
20Award Review
- GCS will issue a revised NEA for changes in
mandatory cost sharing such as - Change of cost sharing sources and pledges.
- Change of faculty name and change in percent of
21Post-Award Administration
- Award Receipt and Cost Sharing Documentation
22Receipt of NEA
- New Accounts section receives Notice to Establish
Account (NEA) from Grant and Contract Services - Cost sharing Pledge documented by department on
GC-1 Addendum - Mandatory, committed, and aggregate
23Award Receipt
- Coding cost share
- Mandatory - M
- Committed R
- Salary cap C
- Aggregate A
24Cost Sharing Entered into Budget System
- Pledge Formats
- Contributed Effort (faculty and other) most
common cost share - Benefit and indirect cost calculations
- Time how quarters are entered
25Cost Sharing Entered into Budget System (cont.)
- Pledge Formats
- Other cost share supplies, equipment,
non-faculty employees - Unrecovered indirect cost most common
non-salary cost share - Object code 25-99
- Calculated quarterly by GCA
26Cost Sharing Entered into Budget System (cont.)
- Pledge Formats (continued)
- Third party cost share object code 03-99
- Documentation is very important
27Cost Sharing Pledge On-line
- Cost share pledge on line
- Budget Driver Screen
- Departmental Responsibility
- Review for errors and ensure total agrees with
NEA and award document - Notify GCA if incorrect
28Cost Sharing Documentation
- Faculty Effort Certification (FEC)
- Reviewed by MAA
- Other cost share
- Departmental Responsibility
- Submit highlighted budget activity reports (BARs)
to New Accounts Section of GCA - Third Party Cost Share Letter from outside
organization - Allowable/Unallowable
29Cost Sharing Documentation
- GCA Responsibility
- Reviews documentation for allowability
- Notifies Department if not acceptable and
explains why - Reports cost sharing to departments
- Financial reports
- NSF over 500K
- Follow-up report for departments is being
30Cost Sharing on Advances
- Attach GC-1 addendum, with cost share portion
filled out, to advance request - Applies to both mandatory and committed
- FECs will then be generated in a timely manner
- Send email only if changing quarter cost sharing
will be performed or if cost sharing will occur
during a no-cost extension - Refer to GIM-9 for information on advance requests
31Monitoring Cost Share
- GCA/MAA Responsibility
- Notify departments by e-mail expired budgets
- Follow up after 30 days, 60 days
- Closing procedures
- Departments Responsibility
- Submit cost share documentation on a quarterly
basis (minimum) - Follow up on budgets with unmet cost sharing
- Ensure that departments obligations are met
32Consequences of Not Meeting Cost Share
- Delay in reporting to sponsors
- Unplanned commitment of resources by
school/college - Potential award reduction, termination,
suspension, disbarment
33Sources of Information on Cost Sharing
- Grant and Contract Accounting
- Management Accounting and Analysis
www.washington.edu/research/maa/fec/index.html - Grant and Contract Services www.depts.washington
.edu/gcs/gim/gim21.html - A-110
- www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a110/a110
34Faculty Effort Certification
35Faculty Cost Sharing
- FECs are the only place where actual faculty cost
sharing effort on grants and contracts is
36Award Receipt
- Codes pre-print on the FEC for Mandatory,
Committed and Aggregate cost sharing - Budget followed by letter code and time
- Salary cap cost sharing will not pre-print on the
FEC - A salary cap addendum will be attached to the FEC
37Award Receipt
- Using the Budget Driver
- Go to Administrative Applications
- Open BGT (budget driver)
- Choose option 6 (Faculty Effort Certification)
- Choose option 3 (Cost Share Inquiry Screen)
38Award Receipt
- View pledge for faculty
- Place 9s in the date box.
- Insert the faculty members EID number.
- Enter the budget number.
- View pledge for budget
- Place 9s in the date box.
- Leave the ID section blank.
- Insert the budget number.
- Non-faculty cost share will have 9s in the ID
- Complete section 6, Cost Sharing on quarterly
FEC - Return to MAA by date printed on the top of the
- Make sure that a cost share source is budgeted
from non-federal funding - effort printed on FEC may differ from actual
effort. Total must be met at end of
grant/contract. - If the PI enters zero, you will be notified to
verify effort. - Track each quarter to make sure the cost sharing
is being completed -
- Overdue FEC reports (8 times a year)
- NIH compliance report (once a year)
- Unmet cost share report (quarterly)
42Revisions to Cost Share
- Revisions to cost share require change in the
online pledge in the Budget Driver - Ensure pledge is correct on BGT before submitting
43Revisions to Cost Share
- Contact GCS for a revised NEA for changes in
MANDATORY cost sharing such as - Change of cost sharing sources and pledges
- Change of faculty name and percent of effort
- Contact New Accounts, GCA
- Change in quarter dates if within dates of the
grant - Change in faculty name and percent for COMMITTED
cost sharing - No change necessary
- Shifting cost share to another quarter where
pledge is already entered in the BGT -
44Other Voluntary
- Other Voluntary cost sharing has been written
in on FECs and coded O in the BGT. - Why and how to reduce
- Extra effort above what is required by grant
- 1/5/01 OMB memoranda explains voluntary
uncommitted cost sharing no longer needs to be
documented or reported. - http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda/m01-06.htm
l - Do not record cost sharing after original pledge
is met - Place this effort in section 7, All Other
45Other Voluntary, cont.
- Cost sharing performed in quarter where no cost
sharing has been entered - If within the grant period, send email to New
Accounts, GCA to have the quarter dates changed - gcanew_at_u.washington.edu
46Other Voluntary, cont.
- Change in time stated in proposal.
- With salary increases
- Faculty should increase dollars paid on budget to
keep paid constant - Department can re-budget
- Significant re-budgeting requires permission from
47Other Voluntary, cont.
- Main PIs who are not paid on grant but want to
record effort - Offer description of effort without quantifying
in proposal. - Doesnt need to be reported on FEC.
- Report on FEC, line 7, and circle Voluntary
Uncommitted Cost Sharing. - Offer a Committed cost sharing.
- Requires the effort to be reported on FEC,
tracked, and completed before award closes.
48Other Voluntary, cont.
- Use UWP/CUMG salaries when applying for grants
- Keeps the time equal to what is offered in the
proposal. - Reflects SOM policy adopted in 1994.
49When its OK to write in Budget
- If award is set up after the start date of the
grant, pledge does not appear on the FEC - If pledge is on BGT, write Budget on FEC
- Attach GC1 to advances so cost share can be set
up before FEC prints - Date verified with New Accounts, budget xx-xxxx
has M, R or A cost share. - Previously submitted FECs without the cost share
information documented will need to be revised. - If pledge is set up late on the BGT for any other
reason, cost sharing can be entered even though
it did not print on the FEC
50When its OK, cont.
- Special requirements of the award (e.g. K awards)
should be documented as Committed on FEC. - Write budget number and R on FEC, section 6
- Attach documentation to support effort required
by grant, e.g. FIN/screen 1/action 4. - Future budget number, followed by R with no
will print on FEC
51Salary Cap Cost Sharing
- NIH, SAMHSA, AHRQ restrict amount of direct
salary an individual can earn on their grants and
contracts. - effort required to be in compliance does not
appear on FEC or BGT - time not put into proposal or GC1 Addendum
- Plan ahead to provide a cost share source
- Salary cap addenda are attached to the FEC of
each faculty who owes cap cost sharing
52Salary Cap
- Salary cap cost sharing
- Effort owed to the grant as awarded, is
calculated as a percent of the capped salary. - Actual percent effort on the grant is calculated
as a percent of the actual total salary. - Example (with cap at 100,000)
- Proposed 10,000/100,000 10
- Actual 10,000/130,000 7.7
- Cost Share Owed 2.3
53Salary Cap
- Cap cost sharing is calculated at a rate of 100
effort - Part-time faculty need to provide cost share
source or keep their salary under the cap - UWP/CUMG salary
- include when calculating cost sharing dollars.
- For NIH/SAMHSA/AHRQ awards
- If total salary (at a rate of 100) will be over
the salary cap, provide a non-federal budget as a
cost share source.
55Audit Objective
- Determine whether internal controls are
sufficient to ensure compliance with - Federal regulations
- Sponsor policies
- University policies and procedures
56Overall Conclusions - Departments
- Lacked understanding of cost sharing concepts and
requirements - Didnt meet and report cost sharing in a timely
manner - Contributes to late submission of final reports
to sponsors
57How Did We Do the Audit?(What Did We Look For)
- Internal Control Systems Evaluation
- Audit Testing
- Same Audit Methodology Used by SAO and possibly
by NSF
58Systems Evaluation
- Do pertinent dept. personnel have knowledge and
understanding of regulations, policies and
procedures (federal, sponsor, UW)? - Did the dept. approve and plan for the commitment
of UW resources? - Is committed cost sharing allowed only for
competitive reasons?
59Systems Evaluation (cont.)
- Are proposals properly reviewed?
- Department met program requirements
- Cost sharing placed in the budget section of
proposal - GC-1 addendum properly completed
- Obtained documentation for third party cost
60Systems Evaluation (cont.)
- Is there a designated person responsible for
ensuring - Cost sharing requirements are being met and
reported in a timely manner (faculty and
non-faculty salaries and other cost sharing)? - FECs are accurate and submitted promptly?
- Is department familiar with the Budget System and
does it have access? - Does the department check the accuracy of the
cost sharing pledges in the system?
61Systems Evaluation (cont.)
- Does the department monitor cost sharing?
- How?
- How often?
- How soon does department check that requirements
were met and reported after award ends? - How does department know all contributed costs
are allowable? - Does the department know what information to
obtain to satisfy requirements for third party
cost sharing?
62Systems Evaluation (cont.)
- What assurance does department have that
sub-recipients are monitoring cost sharing? - What is the departments policy on NSF cost
sharing (mandatory 1 for institution)?
63Audit Test
- Obtained from GCA list of budgets with cost
sharing. For those with budgets that were about
to expire or have expired, inquired why cost
sharing requirements have not been met. - Obtained list of departments with late FECS and
determined reason for delinquency. - Reviewed supporting documentation for non-salary
contributions for adequacy and proper valuation.
64Audit Test (cont.)
- Determined if cost sharing was overlooked
- Not properly reflected in the GC-1 addendum?
- Not entered correctly in the budget driver?
- Compared NSF cost sharing with program
65Common Findings
- Not familiar with sponsor requirements and
University policy (third party, NSF, etc.) - Cost sharing in the project narrative of proposal
- Committed cost sharing continues to be included
in proposals - GC-1 addendums not complete or unclear
- Pledges not reviewed
66Common Findings (cont.)
- Lack of periodic monitoring
- Wait for GCA follow-up
- Non-faculty cost sharing not submitted quarterly
to GCA - FECs not submitted promptly
67Recommendations Highlights
- Be familiar with requirements and policies
- Approve and plan for cost sharing commitments
- Properly review proposals
- Verify accuracy of pledges
- Submit FECs promptly
- Monitor
- Ensure pledges are met and reported within 45
days of expiration
- Departmental Responsibilities
69Department Proposal Review
- Is cost sharing described in proposals budget
section? - Does cost sharing meet program requirements?
70Department Proposal Review (cont.)
- What resources (costs not paid by proposal) are
committed to this project? - Faculty Effort
- Department/College/University
- Third Party
- Sub-contractor
71Faculty Effort
- Does faculty member have effort to pledge?
72Departmental Resources
- What is PI requesting?
- If funded, can department fulfill obligation?
- Department Chair approval required.
73College/University Resources
- Negotiated by Chair or PI
- Approved in writing by Dean, Provost or designee
74Third Party
- Is third party a viable partner?
- Submit letter from business office/authorized
institutional representative confirming cost
sharing commitment.
75Proposal Review by Department
- Is cost sharing properly recorded on the GC-1 and
addendum? - Concurrences for non-faculty effort contributions.
76Departmental Internal Controls
- Log of Cost Sharing Commitments
77Confirm Cost Sharing
- Review Award Documents
- Review Budget Driver
- Coordinate with other units (Deans Office) if
extra department resources required.
78Reporting FEC
- Timely submission
- Review for accuracy
- Confirm completing cost share requirements
- If cost sharing will be completed in quarters
other than those on budget driver, send email to
79Reporting - Other
- Non Faculty salaries, equipment, services
reported to GCA on quarterly basis - Ensure claimed expenses are allowable
- Benefit the project
- Allocable to project
80Reporting Third Party
- Letter signed by third-party representative
confirming completion of cost sharing obligation
81Budget Close
- Confirm cost share reporting is complete.
82Cost Sharing and the FA Proposal
- How cost sharing affects the FA rate
83How does cost sharing affect the FA or indirect
cost rate?
- UW must place cost sharing in the research base
(denominator) when calculating the FA or
indirect rate. - The FA rate is calculated
- Facilities and administrative costs of org.
research - Direct costs of organized research (research
base) - Cost sharing decreases the FA rate.
- FA reimbursement is an important source of
revenue to the University.
- Do not cost share unless required.
- If cost sharing is quantified in the proposal, it
must be documented, reported, and tracked. - Mandatory and committed cost sharing must be met,
or the award will be reduced.