Title: What Are My Coin Riddles
1What Are My Coin Riddles
2I am 1 coin and I equal 1 cent. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
3 4I am 2 coins and I equal 2 cents. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
5 6I am 9 coins and I equal 9 cents. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
7 8I am 3 coins and I equal 3 cents. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
9 10I am 5 coins and I equal 5 cents. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
11 12I am 7 coins and I equal 7 cents. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
13 14I am 4 coins and I equal 4 cents. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
15 16I am 8 coins and I equal 8 cents. What am
I?Think about it and click to see the
17 18Now can you help your teacher make some What am I
penny riddles using numbers higher than ten?