Title: Tomas Rivera
1Tomas Rivera
2Tomas Rivera was born in Texas.
3Tomas Rivera was born in Texas.
4Tomas Rivera was born in Texas.
5Tomas helped his family pick crops on farms.
6Tomas helped his family pick crops on farms.
7Tomas helped his family pick crops on farms.
8Tomas and his family worked hard picking crops.
9Tomas and his family worked hard picking crops.
10Tomas and his family worked hard picking crops.
11Tomas read books whenever he got a chance.
12Tomas read books whenever he got a chance.
13Tomas read books whenever he got a chance.
14He read books about dinosaurs.
15He read books about dinosaurs.
16He read books about dinosaurs.
17When Tomas grew up, he became a writer and a
18When Tomas grew up, he became a writer and a
19When Tomas grew up, he became a writer and a
20Tomas Rivera liked writing about his family.
21Tomas Rivera liked writing about his family.
22Tomas Rivera liked writing about his family.
23Tomas Rivera taught at a University in California.
24Tomas Rivera taught at a University in California.
25Tomas Rivera taught at a University in California.
26A library at the University was named after him.
What do you think they called the library?
27A library at the University was named after him.
What do you think they called the library?
28A library at the University was named after him.
What do you think they called the library?