Title: XA R7 Power-Link
1XA R7 Power-Link Workspaces Brenda Butler,
Senior Consultant brenda.butler_at_cistech.net
2Agenda for Today
- What is a Workspace?
- How does it help me?
- Lets create one!
3What is a Workspace?
- A Workspace is a collection of choices to display
and work with information within an Power-Link
object. Think easy reports. - Function is an expansion of choosing preferences.
You can have many sets. - Workspaces can be placed on the application cards
for easy access. Just select with a double click
rather than repetitively select different
individual views, subsets, sorts for a display of
information to perform different and regular
analyses or reports
4Uses for Workspaces Task or Report?
- Procurement Management
- Expediting workspace
- Close and purge workspace
- Order-Based Production Management
- Specific but alternate planner/exception status
for MRP recommendations - Review of orders for close at month-end
- PDM or Enterprise Product Data Management
- Purchased items or manufactured components or ?
5Create a Workspace under Customize
6Create a Workspace
- Create a new workspace with blank page.
- Give it a name and decide the domain and
security. - Determine if it will have a presentation scheme.
- Select LIST tab to select correct view, subset
and - sort.
7Create a Workspace
- Select LIST tab to choose correct view, subset
and - sort.
Workspace name icon
9Make Workspace Your Preference
10Make Workspace Your Preference
- Select correct Workspace and click CONTINUE.
11Workspaces on Application Cards
- Create a custom application cardor add to a
default card. - Click CUSTOMIZE and CARDS.
12Workspaces on Application Cards
Highlight the appropriate business object on the
left. Click the ADD button in the middle. Make
choices in prompt box.
- Select correct Workspace and click CONTINUE.
Select a Workspace from the dropdown. Key in Icon
name (defaults to object name). Give the
Workspace a title click CONTINUE.
13Workspaces on Application Cards
See workspaces listed at the bottom of the
application card setup.
14Workspaces on Application Cards
- Note 3 Workspaces on the custom tab
- Double click to use
15 16- Thanks for joining us today!
17What about workspace custom icons?
- An icon must be of type .ico and be stored in a
- user images directory within the environment
specific - directory on the iSeries IFS drive.
- Example for environment AB, images would be
- stored in \XA\AMALIBA\AMFLIBB\userimages.