Title: Welcome to Discovery Education Science Connection
1Welcome toDiscovery EducationScience Connection
2Log In Screen
The first time you log in, you will use the
Passcode/New User tab.
3New Users the school Passcode
New users in each school building will need to
know the unique 8-character Passcode that has
been assigned to their school.
41EC-8FC6 Student Passcode
When new users enter the Passcode and click the
Login button, they will be taken to an account
set-up screen.
4Setting Up Accounts
This is the form you will see when you have
entered your school Passcode.
5Logging into Science Connection
6Enhance Your Instruction with Multimedia Content
7Browse Units, Topics Concepts
Three areas of science
8Inquiry Problems
9Explore Concepts
You can browse media in 3 categories Interact,
Watch and Read
10Explore Concepts Interact
Explorations Students manipulate variables and
make predictions about outcomes Virtual
Labs Students design and conduct their own
scientific investigations Integrated Science
Simulations Students explore concepts by making
choices and controlling variables Interactive
Video Users click on hot spots to pause the
video to learn more information
11Explore Concepts Watch
Videos Video content is exclusive to Discovery
Education Science Connection. Videos are divided
into segments, so you can show only the parts of
the video that best relate to your teaching.
12Explore Concepts Read
Articles Support key concepts while enhancing
reading proficiency with engaging, informative
selections from WRC Medias award-winning
libraries Reading Passages Enhance your lessons
with these highly visual and dynamic reading
passages from Discovery Educations award-winning
book series. Selections include science
timelines and interviews with leading scientists.
13Teacher Center
- Assessment Manager
- Build formative assessments and view results by
class or student. - Assignment Builder
- Build and store online assignments for your
students that use Science Connection content. - Process Skills Library
- Find resources that can help your students
develop their science process skills - MythBusters episodes
- Virtual Labs
- Science Sleuths
- Discovery Educator Network
- Explore resources and community tools for
14Assessment Manager
Use Science Connections formative assessment
tools to monitor students understanding and
adjust your lessons accordingly.
- Create
- Standards-based assessments
- Custom assessments
- Edit existing assessments
- Assign
- Assessments youve already created
- Assessments created by Science Connection
- Report Recommend
- View results by student
- View results by class
15Assignment Builder
16Process Skills Library
A variety of media in the Process Skills Library
addresses the critical thinking skills students
must acquire in order to successfully engage in
the scientific process.
Virtual Labs Students design and conduct their
own scientific investigations Science
Sleuths Students examine science mysteries and
use articles, interviews and video to solve the
problem MythBusters Episodes have been selected
and edited for Middle School audiences and
illustrate the adventure and careful use of the
scientific process to prove a science myth, or
bust it!
17My Content
Use My Content to collect, organize, retrieve,
and assign your favorite Science Connection media
resources in one convenient place
18My Content
Add a resource to My Content
4. Click Add
19My Classes
This feature enables you to create classrooms and
student accounts and assign Science Connection
content to students.
20Presentation Strategies and Software Integration
21Presentation Models
- Common ways teachers, Media Specialists, and
technology coordinators display Science
Connection content - Computer connected to an LCD projector
- Interactive whiteboards
- Televisions with scan converters
- Computer labs
- Libraries and Media Centers
- Mobile carts with laptop computers
- Student stations and centers
22Teaching Strategies to Consider
Determine prior knowledge with a pre-activity
assessment. Use assessment results to assign
appropriate Science Connection media to
individual students.
Create investigative teams. Have students work
in small groups on Virtual Labs or Explorations
to develop testable questions, test their
hypotheses and record results.
Pose questions or prepare thought-provoking
lesson starters before viewing media to
actively engage students.
Connect your computer to a projector and use
Explorations or Integrated Science Simulations as
presentation tools to kick off a lesson.
Assign Reading Passages and Articles that
reinforce concepts and provide background
Save time by saving your favorite resources to
folders within My Content.
23Technology Information to Know
- Recommended 3rd party software
- Windows Media Player - PC
- Apple QuickTime Player - Mac
- Flash 8.0 or Greater
- Adobe Shockwave Player
- Screen Resolution
- Minimum 800 x 600
- Best results 1024 x 768
A building with a dedicated T-1 line could
comfortably accommodate 6 users with no buffering
assuming no other users on the Internet.
Home users with 56k modems can search and use
support materials viewing interactive media and
performing downloads may be possible but will be
very slow.
Video files, images, articles and reading
passages may be downloaded. All other content is
available online only via streaming.
You may need to install updated codecs if the
media player is not properly playing the audio or
video components.