Title: Taxation
2Objectives of This Lecture
- Discuss the economics and nature of taxes.
- An unbiased approach.
- Assist students to see that
- Taxation is a complicated issue.
- There is no such thing as a best tax.
- Question How do we pay for public goods?
3Taxation A Brief History
- Matthew, the tax collector.
- Tax farming.
- Tax collectors sinners.
- The French
- An important cause of the French revolution.
- Contributed to the downfall of Napoleon.
- The English
- After the Glorious Revolution, Parliament
stripped the King of the right to tax. - The wig and powder tax.
- The United States
- The Boston tea party make is a coffee drinking
nation. - Our constitution specifically states who has the
right to tax. - The Whiskey Rebellion.
4Adam Smiths Maxims of Taxation
- Source Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations, The
Modern Library, 2000, pp 888-890
5Smiths Maxims of Taxation (No.1)
- The subjects of every state ought to contribute
towards the support of the government, as nearly
as possible, in proportion to their respective
abilities that is, in proportion to the revenue
which they respectively enjoy under the
protection of the state. - The expense of government to the individuals
of a great nation, is like the expense of
management to the joint tenants of a great
estate, who are all obliged to contribute in
proportion to their respective interests in the
6Smiths Maxim of Taxation (No. 2)
- The tax which each individual is bound to pay
ought to be certain, and not arbitrary. The time
of payment, the manner of payment, the quantity
to be paid, ought to be clear and plain to the
contributor, and to every other person. - Where it is otherwise, every person subject to
the tax is put more or less in the power of the
tax-gatherer, who can either aggravate the tax
upon any obnoxious contributor, or extort, by the
terror of such aggravation, some present or
perquisitie to himself.
7Smiths Maxim of Taxation (No. 3)
- Every tax ought to be levied at the time, or in
the manner, in which it is most likely to be
convenient for the contributor to pay it. - A tax upon the rent of land or of houses, payable
at the same term at which such rents are usually
paid, is levied at the time when it is most for
the likely to be convenient for the contributor
to pay or when he is most likely to have the
wherewithal to pay. Taxes upon such consumable
goods as are articles of luxury, are all finally
paid by the consumer, and generally in a manner
that is very convenient for him.
8Smith Maxims of Taxation ( No. 4)
- Every tax ought to be so contrived as both to
take out and to keep out of the pockets of the
people as little as possible, over and above what
is brings into the public treasury of the state.
9Smiths Additional Comment
- An injudicious tax offers a great temptation to
smuggling. But the penalties of smuggling must
rise in proportion to the temptation. - The law, contrary to all the principles of
justice, first creates the temptation, and then
punishes those who yield to it and it commonly
enhances the punishment too in proportion to the
very circumstances which ought certainly to
alleviate it, the temptation to commit the crime.
10Tax Features
- Smiths Tax Philosophy
- Equality.
- Certainty.
- Convenience of payment.
- Economy of collection.
- Modern Tax Philosophy
- Is distribution of the tax burden fair?
- Are taxes designed to minimize frictions or
distortions? - Is the system understandable to the payers?
- Is the tax system operated at as low a cost as
11What Do We Tax
- Income.
- Wages.
- Interest and dividends.
- Consumption.
- Sales tax.
- Excise tax.
- Wealth.
- Property (Personal and real).
- Capital gains.
- Inheritance.
12What Do We Tax - Continued
- Tax base The measure of value on which a tax is
levied. (Page 377 in text.) - Examples
- All income after deductions above X amount.
- Federal income tax.
- The value of your home.
- County real estate tax.
- The value of your automobile.
- Personal property tax.
13Principles of Taxation
- The goal of economic efficiency.
- The benefits received principle.
- The ability to pay principle.
- The horizontal and vertical equity principles.
- The progressive and regressive tax concepts.
- The goal of attaining social objectives.
14Taxes and Economic Efficiency
- A tax is efficient if it imposes a small excess
burden relative to the tax revenue it raises. - Excess burden is the efficiency loss to the
economy that results from a tax causing a
reduction in the quantity of a good produced. - Do high taxes discourage the start of new
businesses? - Do high taxes encourage people to leave the
formal labor force? - Do high taxes alter incentives to work, save, or
invest? - A tax that is neutral with respect to economic
decisions is preferable to one that distorts
economic dedcisions.
15Tax Efficiency Tax Burden
- We begin
- with a
- common
- supply
- and
- demand
- diagram.
16Tax Efficiency and Tax Burden, Cont.
- When we
- include the
- tax on the
- item the
- supply curve
- shifts left and
- the price
- increases.
17Tax Efficiency and Tax Burden, Cont.
- With the new
- higher price and
- the lower quantity
- demanded, we
- see that producers
- are producing less
- and receiving a
- lower price.
- Therefore, high
- taxes lead to
- lower production.
18Benefits Received Principle
- A theory of fairness holding that taxpayers
should contribute to government (in the form of
taxes) in proportion to the benefits that they
receive from public expenditures. (Page 381) - Examples
- Toll roads and bridges.
- Federal highway trust fund.
- Landing fees at an airport.
- The tax side and the expenditure side are
connected. - Problem How does society pay for public goods?
19Ability to Pay Principle
- A theory of taxation that holds that citizens
should bear tax burdens in line with their
ability to pay. - The tax side and the expenditure side are viewed
20Ability To Pay Principle - Continued
- Regressive tax (Page 379 in text.)
- A tax whose burden, expressed as a percentage of
income, falls as income increases. - Example A retail sales tax.
- Progressive tax (Page 378 in text.)
- A tax whose burdens, expressed as a percentage of
income, increases as income increases. - Example Individual income tax.
- Proportional tax (Page 378 in text.)
- A tax whose burden is the same proportion of
income for all households. - Example A flat tax.
21Ability To Pay Principal - Continued
- Horizontal equity (Page 387 in text.)
- The principle of horizontal equity holds that
those with equal ability to pay should bear equal
tax burden. - Vertical equity (Page 387 in text.)
- The principle of vertical equity holds that those
with greater ability to pay should pay more.
22Social Goals and Taxation
- There are citizens who believe that one of the
legitimate purposes of a tax system is to promote
social goals. - Redistribution of income.
- John Maynard Keynes.
- Franco Modigliani.
- Promote economic growth.
- Deduction of mortgage interest on income taxes.
- Deductions for number of children on income
taxes. - Sin taxes.
- Liquor taxes.
- Tobacco taxes.
23Features of an Income Tax
- A tax on income.
- A tax on flow.
- Generally considered progressive.
- Contains both horizontal and vertical equity.
- An ability to pay tax.
- Generally considered to be anti-growth since tax
payers are taxed twice. - Types
- Federal tax A marginal tax above a certain
level. - Missouri Tax Marginal to a point and then
proportional. - City of St. Louis A proportional tax.
24Marginal Tax RatesSingle Tax Payer 2005 Rates
25Average Tax Rate
26Features of Real Estate Taxes
- A tax on stock.
- A tax on wealth.
- There is vertical equity
- Those who have the most pay the most.
- There is no horizontal equity
- The tax is not uniform city to city.
- It is an ability-to-pay tax.
- Is it regressive?
- Lower income households pay a larger percentage
of their income. - However, studies show that upper income people
pay a higher percentage of their income on
housing that do lower income people.
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28Keynesian Rate/Receipts Curve
29Laffer Rate/Receipts Curve
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31Supply SideTenets of Taxation
- Beyond some point, high marginal tax rates on
personal income can reduce peoples willingness
to work. - High marginal tax rates discourage people from
investing in education and improving their work
related skills. - High marginal tax rates encourage people to work
in the underground economy. - (Source Page 331, McKenzie, Richard B.,
Macroeconomics, Houghton Mifflin Co, 1986)
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33When Do Tax Cuts Matter
- (Chapter 14 in the Readings Book)
34When Do Tax Cuts Matter
- The concept of marginal utility
- As a general rule, people maximize their own
utility - They make choices that maximize their
satisfaction. - They look at the marginal cost and marginal
benefit. - They consider what is happening today as well as
what they believe will happen in the future.
35When Do Tax Cuts Matter
- Therefore
- Temporary tax cuts have temporary benefits.
- Any change in behavior will be short lived.
- If the income tax is cut for next year but not
the year after - -gt People will work hard next year, but not
the - next year after that.
- Permanent tax cuts affect peoples futures, and
they pick up on that. - gt Permanent tax cuts affect peoples
- utility, and , therefore, their