Title: PCT Procurement Capability Diagnostic
1PCT Procurement Capability Diagnostic
2PASA Procurement Support
Procurement Capability Diagnostic
- PASA Procurement Commercial Support
- NHS PASA is developing a Procurement and
Commercial Support Programme for PCTs - Demonstrate how PCTs can make efficiency savings
towards CSR07 targets by adopting proven
approaches to procurement and commercial
management - The Procurement Capability Diagnostic and
improvement plan forms a key part of this
- The Procurement Capability Diagnostic
- In 2007 DH Commercial Directorate commissioned
the development of a procurement diagnostic tool - Help NHS Trusts achieve stronger commercial and
procurement capability - The tool has already been successfully applied in
several NHS Trusts - Now into third stream of pilots including NHS
Dorset and NHS Bournemouth and Poole
3Background Benefits
Procurement Capability Diagnostic
CSR07 targets exceeded
Better value procurement
Improved patient outcomes
Link with WCC
Current Capability
- Develop opportunities for
- Improvement
- Prioritise recommendations
- for implementation
- Evaluate current maturity
- against best practice
- Present holistic view of
- procurement capabilities
4Project Approach Summary
Procurement Capability Diagnostic
As-Is diagnostic assessment
To-Be procurement Performance Improvement plan
and strategy development
Stakeholder Interviews
Identify Stakeholders and schedule interviews
Analysis of findings
PCT Procurement Improvement Plan
Workshop Validation and prioritisation
Mobilisation and engagement planning
Research and capability assessment
Final reporting and improvement plan production
Analysis and insight
5Interview topics
Procurement Capability Diagnostic
Interviews cover three key themes of procurement
6Analysis Insight
Procurement Capability Diagnostic
- Results across the ten statements will encompass
ratings and qualitative feedback from interviews
and questionnaires - Example RAG rating mechanism illustrates where
capability lies in PCT
Internal E - questionnaires
7PCT Procurement Improvement Plan
Procurement Capability Diagnostic
Practical, implementable recommendations for
Suggests opportunities and recommends activities
PCT Procurement Improvement Plan (PIP) Based on
the results of the diagnostic assessments
Identifies pressures from diagnostic
ratings and qualitative feedback
Grouped into overarching themes