Title: Telecom portals: strategic interactions and value flow analysis
1Telecom portals strategic interactions and value
flow analysis
- Amiya K. Chakravarty Tulane University, New
Orleans - Adrian S. Werner University College Dublin
- and Centre for Telecommunications Value Chain
This research was made possible by Science
Foundation Ireland (SFI) funding for the Centre
for Telecommunications Value Chain Research
(CTVR) under Grant No. 03/CE3/I405.
- Introduction Examples and motivation
- Basic business models
- Model formulation and discussion
- Model extensions and discussion
- Summary, further research
3Background and Examples
- Examples Internet and mobile portals
- i-mode (O2)
- Vodafone Live
- Yahoo
- NTT DoCoMo
- many others
- Walled garden vs. open access
- Common featureCustomers unique point of
access to a selection of services
- Industrial observations
- Variety of contracts and revenue distribution
schemes - Most value from customer ends up with NO
- Not much scientific work so far
- Analyze and explain
- Interactions portal owner ? service providers
- Value migration from customer to ?
- Influence of uncertainty, externality effects,
- Who makes money and why?
5Business model
- Portals usually owned by NO
- Walled garden
- NO selects Content or Service Provider(s)
- Customers access to services requires access to
portal (connectivity) - Two basic business models
6Basic business models1. Shopping model
(individual billing)
- NO sets fees for accessing portal
- SP sets fee for accessing content
- Customers
- pay connectivity fee to NO
- pay service fee to SP
- SP pays fee for access to portal
7Basic business models2. User fee model
(combined billing)
- NO sets fee for accessing portal
- SP sets fee for accessing content
- Billing via NO collects all fees and
subscriptions - Connectivity fee
- Charge for service bought from SP
- NO shares percentage of service charge with SP
(Devine and Holmqvist 2001)
8Model formulation
Decision variables NO Connect. fee
Access fee Revenue share SP Service
- Demand linear
- Connectivity
- Service
- Profit functions
- Network OperatorConnectivityService
- Service Provider
9Model formulation, cont.
- No service provision without connectivity
- But connectivity without service provision
- ? NO controls connectivity
- ? Utilize Stackelberg game concepts
- Network Operator principal / leader
- Service Provider agent / follower
- SP responds on NOs policy ? or
- NO incorporates in ? optimal policy
10Properties and solution
- SPs profit function quadratic in ?
unique differentiable - NOs profit functions or
differentiable and strictly concave in - Solution
- Individual billing closed form for
and thus for - Combined billing closed form for no
closed form for - Benchmark model first best solution
11Profits Network Operator
- First best
- Individual
- Combined
- Double (individual combined)
12Profits Service Provider
- First best
- Individual
- Combined
- Double (individual combined)
13Discussion and interpretations
- First best (regulation)
- Extracts largest total profits
- NO higher than SP (2300 vs. 750)
- Deregulation
- Both prefer combined scheme, but
- NO large SP small
- ? Compromise, participation incentives?
- ProfitsNO much higher than SP (24502950 vs.
0500) - ? More even distribution?
- Competition effects?
14Extending the basic model1. Multiple service
- Each SP responds individually on NOs policy
gives - NO incorporates all responses solves as before
- SPs prices influence each other indirectly via
15Extending the basic model2. Capacity constraint
- SP response model as before (unconstrained)gi
ves - NO limited capacity (connectivity service
delivery) - First order optimality conditions give optimal
NO policy dependent on parameters - Compare shadow price of R ? capacity cost
16Discussion and interpretations
17Discussion and interpretations, cont.
- Examples of observations
- Maximal profits NO SP(s)
- Monopoly unlimited capacity ? regulation
- Monopoly limited capacity ? individual billing
- Competition unlimited capacity ? combined
billing - Total welfare
- Monopoly ? regulation
- Competition ? combined billing
- Limited capacity can induce more even profit
distribution - Prove generality of observations!
- Telecom services portal as part of value network
- Modelled value flow customers, NO, SP
- Game theoretic concepts Stackelberg game /
leader-follower model - Benchmark and 2 basic business
models Individual billing, combined billing - Three constellations Single SP, two SPs,
limited capacity - Derive insights economic and strategic
mechanisms in different scenarios Prices,
profits their distribution, demands, - work in progress
19Further plans
- Interacting SPs
- Outsourcing portal owned by third party
- Several portals
- Uncertainty / imperfect information
- Independence from demand functions?
- Inverse roles of NO and SPprofit advantages
only due to principals power?
20- Thank you for your attention!?