Title: Social Firms: Working Together For Greater Impact
1Social Firms Working Together For Greater Impact
- Sally Reynolds
- CEO, Social Firms UK
- www.socialfirms.co.uk
2(No Transcript)
3- The only two umbrella bodies in the country
representing employment initiatives for disabled
people - BASE Social Firms UK
- BASE 210 members, merger of NASE and AfSE,
Workstep significant (DWP), representative of
supported employment agencies and supportive
businesses/factories (many LA), fairly
established sector. Regional practitioner
networks. Anything else? - Social Firms UK average 300 members, job
creation important through enterprise (DTI),
young sector, rooted in social enterprise, mixed
membership background. Different regional
experiences. Anything else?
5Communities of Interest / Members
- Individuals, agencies employers who provide
supported employment activities (Full),
individuals orgs with interest in supported
employment (Affiliates) - Social Firms emerging Social Firms (Full),
organisations, groups or individuals wanting to
develop Social Firms (Associates)
6BASE Aims
- To assist people with disabilities by encouraging
the provision of support into employment - To endorse and promote quality standards in the
delivery of supported employment - To nurture and encourage the setting up of new
supported employment services - To promote the training of supported employment
personnel throughout the UK - To provide a regular, detailed information,
advisory and development service to association
members - To liaise and negotiate with national and
international government and non-government
organisations to promote the aims of the
7Social Firms UK Aims
- Raise the profile of the Social Firm sector and
increase the understanding of the Social Firm
model - Promote the Social Firm values of Enterprise,
Employment Empowerment - Identify new opportunities and strategies to
expand the Social Firm sector - Provide a range of support services to the Social
Firm sector
8BASE member benefits
- A lobby for sustainable policy and funding
- A dedicated website with the latest news and
developments - Access to best practice and support
- A strong national voice with regional
practitioner networks - Networking opportunities and a substantial
discount at annual conference - Quarterly newsletter
- Involvement in government consultations
9Social Firms UK Member Benefits
- Access to the Resource Centre, officers, members
forum, specialist tools and resources - Membership of regional/national Social Firm
network where applicable - Discount at annual conference
- Membership of the Social Enterprise Coalition
- Quarterly dissemination service
- Consultation on the development of the sector and
ability to shape its future - Discount on subscription to Social Enterprise
10Group Task
- Knowing what you know about the two umbrella
bodies, come up with 3 ways in which we should
make our work more effective and have more impact
at national level. - Knowing what you know about the
membership/community of interest of the two
umbrella bodies, come up with 3 ways in which
they might achieve greater impact by working