Title: eAuditNet NUCAP Tutorial www'eAuditNet'com
1eAuditNet NUCAP Tutorialwww.eAuditNet.com
- Louise Stefanakis
- eAuditNet Administrator
- January 2007
- eauditnetsupport_at_sae.org
- 1 724-772-8679
2Objective and Overview
- Objective
- Introduce Prime NUCAP Auditee and Reviewers to
the functionality and information stored in
eAuditNet - Overview
- NUCAP Audit Scheduling
- NUCAP Company Administrator
- NUCAP Audit Review Balloting
3NUCAP Auditee
- A NUCAP Auditee company will be created
- A User Id and Password will be set up for the
NUCAP Company Administrator. (It is different
from your Prime User Id) - Each site requires a different User Id
Passwords can be the same - Choose to use one shared User Id for the site
- OR individuals register for access to the site
and the administrator can accept and grant them
4NUCAP Auditee Individual Registration
5NUCAP Auditee Individual Registration
6NUCAP Auditee Individual Registration
7NUCAP Company Administrator
- The New User Queue enables the administrator to
accept users and grant access to view the NUCAP
8NUCAP Company Administrator
9NUCAP Company Administrator
10NUCAP Auditee NCR Response
- Use Supplier Audits to post NCR Responses
- Completing the Supplier Feedback is required
- Submit the audit for review only after all NCRs
are answered
11NUCAP Auditee NCR Response
12NUCAP Auditee NCR Response
13NUCAP Auditee NCR Response
14NUCAP Auditee NCR Response
15NUCAP Auditee NCR Response
16NUCAP Auditee NCR Response
- Auditors will enter deviations by answering the
question with a NO and un-checking the NCR box - The list of deviations will be attached to the
audit checklist
18NUCAP Audit Review
- Login to eAuditNet with your Prime User Id and
Password - Balloting on the NUCAP package is done in the
Forum of the HQ audit
19NUCAP Audit Review
20NUCAP Audit Review
21NUCAP Audit Review
22NUCAP Audit Review
23NUCAP Audit Review
24NUCAP Balloting
25NUCAP Balloting
26NUCAP Balloting
27NUCAP Balloting
28eAuditNet NUCAP Questions?
1 724-772-8679