Title: CYFLWYNIAD 271109
1CYFLWYNIAD 27/11/09
Delfryd Defnyddwyr Gwasanaeth yn teimlo y
cânt gyfleu eu hunain yn effeithiol au deall
1. Deddfwriaeth Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg
1993 Gwarchod hawliau ieithyddol
3. Theori Defnyddio theoriau ehangach a
chyfarwydd gwaith cymdeithasol i gynyddu
dealltwriaeth o ymddysiad ieithyddol a phatrymau
defnydd iaith
2. Ymarfer Bod yn ieithyddol sensitif o fewn
anghenion defnyddwyr gwasanaeth
2. Ymarfer
3. Theori
1. Deddfwriaeth
1.1 Llunio Cynllun Iaith syn gosod allan
fwriadaur asiantaeth a hawliaur defnyddwyr
1.2 Darparu gwasanaethau drwy gyfrwng y
Gymraeg (cyrff cyhoeddus)
3.1 Annog a chynyddu dealltwriaeth y gweithlu o
botensial gorthrwm ieithyddol 3.2 Annog
gweithwyr i gydnabod a defnyddior sgiliau sydd
ganddynt yn barod, waeth pa mor gyfyngedig
2.1 Arddel agweddau cadarnhaol tuag at y Gymraeg
ai siaradwyr 2.2 Gweithwyr proffesiynol yn
ymrymuso defnyddwyr drwy adnabod eu sgiliau au
diffygion eu hunain
Rhaid cael gweledigaeth gref syn ddeniadol ai
buddiannaun ddealladwy
Rhaid wrth arweiniad byw a rhagweithiol i
hyrwyddo yr agenda hon
Rhaid i staff uwch gymeryd cyfrifoldeb strategol
i sicrhau datblygiad parhaus yn nwyieithrwydd y
Rhaid i staff fod yn deall pwysigrwydd ac effaith
gwneud a pheidio gwneud hyn
Ideal Service users feel that they can express
themselves effectively and be understood
1. Legislation Welsh Language Act 1993 Protecting
linguistic rights
3. Theory Using wider and more familiar social
work theories to enhance understanding of
linguistic behaviour and patterns of language use
2. Practice Being linguistically sensitive
within service users needs
1. Legislation
2. Practice
1.1 Formulate a Language Scheme that sets out
the agencys aims and service users rights 1.2
Provide services through the medium of Welsh
(public bodies)
3.1 To encourage and enhance the workforces
understanding of the potential of linguistic
oppression 3.2 Encourage staff to acknowledge
and use the skills that they already have,
however limited
2.1 To espouse positive attitudes towards the
Welsh Language and its speakers 2.2 Professional
staff to empower service users by acknowledging
their own skills and skills deficits
A strong vision is needed that is attractive and
its benefits clear and compelling
Live and proactive leadership is required to
promote this agenda
Senior staff must take strategic responsibility
to ensure the ongoing development of a
bilingualism organisation
Staff must understand the importance and impact
of doing this and not doing this
3Egwyddorion ymwybyddiaeth iaith
Principles of language sensitivity
- Cynnig ir cyhoedd yng Nghymru yr hawl i ddewis
pa iaith iw defnyddio wrth ddelio gydar
sefydliad - Cydnabod gall pobl fynegi eu barn au
hanghenion yn well yn eu dewis iaith - Cydnabod bod rhoi dewis yn arfer dda, nid
goddefiad - Cydnabod y gall gwadur hawl i ddefnyddio dewis
iaith roi person mewn sefyllfa anfanteisiol
- Offering the public in Wales the right to
choose in which language they wish to communicate
with the organisation - Recognising that people are better able to
express their views and needs in their language
of choice - Recognising that offering choice is good
practice, not tolerance - Acknowledging that denying the right to use
their language of choice can disadvantage people
Welsh Language Board 1996
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg 1996
4Language is not about being understood
Language is about not being misunderstood
Greek Philosophy