Title: Tonle Sap Monograph Research Recommendations
1Tonle Sap Monograph Research Recommendations
Fish trade Many of the issues identified relate
to fish trade from the Lao PDR also and there is
a complex interchange taking place between
Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia. The role and
extent of the informal trading sector needs to be
better understood The credit and taxation
system (formal and informal) greatly reduces the
profitability of the trade for those most at
need. Potential modes for overhauling the system
need to be investigated.
2Entitlements and Community Fisheries in Tonle
Sap Interrogate the disconnect between the
historically and culturally rooted power
structures and social relationships at the
community level and the assumptions of top-down
and expert led design of co-management programs
and institutions in Tonle Sap. Review the
factors which have contributed to the success or
failure of co-management initiatives in other
parts of the world, and compared this with the
institutional framework and cultural context of
Cambodia. Review meta-analysis of design
principles for CPR co-management and attempt to
apply them to the Cambodian context.
3 Sedimentation and hydrology
4- Agricultural Development and Intensification in
Tonle Sap - An Opportunity for Poverty
Alleviation? - The potential of integrated farming systems as a
means of enhancing livelihoods and food security
in the Mekong Basin. This may include an analysis
of the extent and adoption of integrated farming
systems from a regional basis
5- A Moving Target - Migration to and from Tonle Sap
and its Impact on Rural Livelihoods - An in-depth study of the (seasonal) in-migration
of Vietnamese they are largest group of
migrants in Cambodia (e.g. pattern, understanding
their socio-economic background, reasons of
movement, contributions to Cambodian economy,
etc.). - Assess role of remittances and their impacts on
local communities. Look at how wealth groups use
or utilize remittances focus on internal
migrants and overseas. Also possibly investigate
the dynamics of circular migration (returning
migrants, reasons of return).