Title: zxcvczxcvxz
1Implementation of Workflow Relevant in Law Using
Digital Signature Facilities GAMMA
2Digital Signature is an Analogue of Handwritten
- Signature is a handwritten, and sometimes styled,
graphic name or other graphic mark in the bottom
of a document, identifying the signer and
denoting his/her agreement with the text of
document. Normal signature is verified visually
(by comparing the original with signature put on
the document). - In the world of e-documents, signing a document
with graphic symbols becomes useless, since
multiple forging and copying a graphic symbol is
possible. Digital signature is an absolute
electronic analogue of common signature on paper,
but it is implemented using mathematical
transformations of the content rather than
graphic images.
3Obvious Benefits of Digital Signature
- Specifics of mathematical algorithm for creation
and verification of digital signature guarantees
the impossibility of forging such signature by
third parties (indisputability of authorship).
Reliability and convenience of digital signature
use is practically assured.Computer fulfils the
verification procedure without any errors, which
allows avoiding human factor that interferes when
verifying a common signature. - Digital signature not only provides information
on the person who signed the document, but also
enables verifying that the document as such was
not altered or forged after signing (document
authenticity and integrity).Convenience in
exchanging, storing and working with e-documents
relevant in law.
4Common Documents Security
5Digital Signature Generation and Verification
6Digital Signature Scope of Application
- Digital signature can be applied in multiple
areas - Digital signature is used as a responsible
signature on e-document, i.e. as an analogue of
handwritten signature and/or seal on a paper
document. It is exactly the way digital signature
is used in e-workflow, specifically in government
agencies (eWSS). - Digital signature is a reliable tool that enables
establishing authorship and confirm integrity of
any data electronically. For instance, a letter
without digital signature you received from your
chief may turn out to be forged or containing
information that had been altered. Application of
digital signature rules out such possibility.Â
When verifying the digital signature it will be
detected that the document was altered after it
had been signed.
7What needs to be done to use digital signature?
- Prior to starting practical application of
digital signature in your work, you need to
create files for certificate and private key.Â
The certificate will be used for verification of
authenticity of data digitally signed by any
person who uses those data. And private key is
needed by a person for creation of digital
signature for the data signed. - To create and further use a certificate that
would be relied upon by all those who will verify
the digital signatures authenticity, an
organization is needed which would ensure
normative, organizational and legal framework for
use of certificates issued by it. Such
organization is National Certification Authority
(or NIT JSC with NCA). Â
8What needs to be done to use digital signature?
- Creating the private key and obtaining the
certificate - Keys must be created at users workstation only,
with public key being forwarded to Certification
Authority for subsequent manufacturing the
certificate and obtaining it over email. - In order that no one except for owner of
signature could use the private key, it is
typically recorded on removable media. These
devices, just like bank cards, are equipped with
PIN code so as to additionally protect them. And,
like in operations with card, before using the
key for creation of digital signature, you need
to enter the proper PIN code. - It is reliable storage of private key by user
that can guarantee the impossibility of malicious
forgery of a document and digital signature on
behalf of the signer who attests the document.
9What needs to be done to use digital signature?
- Certificate contains all the information required
to verify a digital signature. Certificate data
are public and transparent. Therefore,
certificates are usually kept in the operating
system repository (in each computer, in common
network repository, in database, etc.).
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11What needs to be done to use digital signature?
- All certificates are always stored in National
Certification Authority, just like a notary keeps
all necessary information on a person for whom
notary acts had been performed.
12(No Transcript)
13Crypto-provider is the base of security
- Creation of digital signature is a sophisticated
mathematical procedure and is performed by
special software, crypto-providers. In modern
operating systems, crypto-providers are already
contained. - However, in our case, law requires usage of
crypto-providers certified by government
agencies. In such case, you will have to purchase
and install them on all machines on which digital
signatures will be signed or verified. As to
creation of keys and obtaining the certificates,
it will only be possible after installing the
appropriate crypto-providers, since these will be
used within the process of creation of keys and
further processes of generating and verifying
digital signatures.
14Crypto-provider Tumar CSP
- TUMAR CSP cryptographic complex is a set of
mechanisms for full complex of measures to
protect information, to store, process and
transmit it over telecommunication channels - TUMAR CSP was certified for compliance with
security/quality requirements against all 4
levels established in the standard - ?? ?? 1073 2002. Facilities for Cryptographic
Protection of Information - TUMAR CSP is Microsoft certified facility for
information protection. TUMAR CSP implements
cryptographic algorithms in Kazakhstan and has
been developed in conformity with Microsofts
cryptographic interface - Cryptographic Service
Provider (CSP)
15CERTEX HSM Software/Hardware System
CERTEX HSM software/hardware system is designed
for protecting private cryptographic keys and
performing cryptographic data processing. The
device enables exercising the following
functions generating the cryptographic
keys enciphering/deciphering the data computing
and verifying the digital signature computing
the hash-function value (computing the control