Title: UNDP Samoa MultiCountry Office Energy Programmes
1UNDP Samoa Multi-Country OfficeEnergy
United Nations Development Programme
2CO Programmes CPO MCPO
- Two Main Programmes
- Governance and poverty reduction
- Energy and Environment is the largest portfolio
(resources and interventions) - Crisis, Prevention and Recovery Natural
Disasters - Cross-practice areas
- ICT for development
3Other Related Programmes
- GEF Small Grants Programme (Samoa and a
sub-regional programme to include Cook Islands,
Niue and Tokelau) - MDGs Samoa, Cook Islands, and Niue
4Programme Coverage
- Samoa Multi-country office covers 4 countries
the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau - National programmes are delivered through
national coordinating agencies and implemented by
the appropriate lead implementing partners
5Programme Coverage
- At the regional level, our programmes cover 15
Pacific Island Countries (including Tokelau under
the PIREP) - Regional programmes are delivered through the
relevant CROP agencies mainly SPREP and SOPAC
6CO Energy Programmes
- 6 national energy projects 5 on-going and 1
hard pipeline - 3 regional energy projects 2 on-going and 1
hard pipeline
7CO Energy Programme Resources
8The Cook Islands
- Project Technical assistance to increase the
utilisation of renewable energy technologies in
the Cook Islands energy supply - Focus Power sector/feasibility studies for the
islands of Atiu, Mauke and Mitiaro. - Key Partners Government of the Cook Islands
Energy Division, UNESCO, UNDP
Project Access to Sustainable Power Services
Apolima Island Focus To replace the current
diesel generator with photovoltaic-based power
systems on Apolima Island. The expected overall
outcome is to improve livelihoods through a
reliable, effective and environmentally friendly
24-hours power supply for the 9 households and 1
church on Apolima including PV based
streetlights Key Partners Government of Samoa,
- Project Coconut Oil for Power Generation
(CocoGen) - Focus A Preparatory project to assess the
resource, technical, institutional, regulatory,
economic and financial feasibility of the
substitution of coconut oil to diesel fuel oil in
the Samoa Electric Power Corporations power
generation. - Key Partners Government of Samoa, EPC, UNDP
- Hard Pipeline Project Upolu Wind Resource
Assessment Project - Focus To determine if wind resource in Upolu is
suitable for grid-connected wind power - Key Partners Government of Samoa, EPC, SOPAC,
UNDP and UNEP/Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark
- Project Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Electricity
Supply on Tokelau (Pilot Project) - Focus Initiate utilisation of the solar energy
potential for grid-connected power generation as
part of Tokelau's long-term strategy to working
towards sustainable energy self-sufficiency - Key Partners Government of Tokelau, NZAID,
French Government UNDP
Project Tokelau Renewable Energy Barrier
Assessment and Removal (REBAR) Focus Enables
Tokelau to participate in the Pacific Islands
Renewable Energy Project (PIREP) Key Partners
Government of Tokelau, UNDP SPREP (PIREP)
14Regional Energy Projects
Project Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Project
(PIREP) Focus To facilitate the promotion within
the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) of the
widespread implementation and ultimately,
commercialization of renewable energy (RE)
technologies (RETs) through the establishment of
a suitable enabling environment. Key Partners
15Regional Energy Projects
Project Pacific Island Energy Policy and
Strategic Action Planning (PIEPSAP) Focus
Assist with the development of national energy
policies, strategic action plans, and practical
mechanisms to implement these in the 14
participating Pacific Island Countries Key
Partners PICs, Danish Government, SOPAC, UNDP
16Regional Energy Projects
- Hard Pipeline Project Pacific Islands Greenhouse
Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project
(PIGGAREP) - Focus To reduce the growth rate of GHG emissions
from fossil fuel use in the Pacific Island
Countries (PICs) through the widespread and cost
effective use of their renewable energy (RE)
resources. It consists of various activities
whose outputs will contribute to the removal of
the major barriers to the widespread utilization
of RE technologies (RETs). - Key Partners PICs, SPREP and UNDP
17Key Recommendations to REP-PoR
- To use existing mechanisms for national and
regional collaborations and consultations - To support practical on the ground interventions
- To complement on-going and hard pipeline energy
interventions and programmes
18Thank You