Title: Specialist commissioning and 18 weeks (Dentistry)
1Specialist commissioning and 18 weeks (Dentistry)
- West Midlands SHA
- 16th January 2008
2Commissioning specialist services 18
3Aims of the day
4What are we aiming to do?
- Consider the opportunities for
- Strategic planning
- Service re-design
- Managing demand
- Managing performance
- associated with the specialist services
5What are we aiming to do?
- Linked to top priorities for PCTs 2007/08
- Achieving a maximum wait of 18 weeks from GP
referral to start of treatment of patients - Reducing rates of MRSA and other healthcare
associated infections - Reducing health inequalities and promoting health
and well-being - Achieving financial health
- Source The NHS in England the operating
framework for 2007/08 - Note First 18 weeks milestone is March 2008
6What are we aiming to do?
- Operating Framework 2008/09 national priorities
are 5 key areas - Improving cleanliness reducing HCAls
- Improving access through achievement of the
18-week referral to treatment pledge, improving
access (including at evenings weekends) to GP
services - Keeping adults children well, improving their
health reducing health inequalities - Improving patient experience, staff satisfaction
and engagement and - Preparing to respond in a state of emergency,
such as an outbreak of pandemic flu.
7What are we aiming to do?
- Operating Framework for 2008/09 (13 Dec 07)
- Dentistry featured in para 2.35
- PCTs also need to secure robust commissioning
strategies for primary dental services, based on
assessments of local needs and with the objective
of ensuring year-on-year improvements in the
number of patients accessing NHS dental services
(as measured by quarterly data published by the
Information Centre on the number of people
receiving primary dental services within the most
recent two year period.)'
8What are we aiming to do?
- Operating Framework for 2008/09
- In addition, para 1.10 states that
- '2008/2009 is the start of the next three period
planning round. In this context, we are
clarifying the priorities for the next three
years.' - Positions dental services as a key priority over
the longer term.
9What are we aiming to do?
- Operating Framework for 2008/09
- refers to an overall increase in dental
allocations, with each PCT receiving 9 and each
SHA receiving an additional 2 with which to
target local areas or issues under pressure.
10Understanding dental specialities
11What are Specialist Areas in Dentistry?
- Distinctive specialist titles for branches of
dentistry identified by the General Dental
Council under the European primary and Specialist
Dental Qualifications Regulations (1998) - Key aim of protecting patients from unwarranted
claims of specialist expertise
12The Dental Specialties
- Oral Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Medical Specialty) - Surgical Dentistry (Minor Oral Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Dental Public Health
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
- Oral medicine
- Oral Microbiology
- Oral Pathology
- Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology
- Special Care Dentistry yet to be
13What do they do?
- Oral Surgery/Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Surgical Dentistry (Minor Oral Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Dental Public Health
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
14What do they do?
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Oral Surgery
- Surgical Dentistry (Minor Oral Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Dental Public Health
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
15What do they do?
- Oral Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
- Surgical Dentistry (Minor Oral Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Dental Public Health
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
16What do they do?
- Oral Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
- Surgical Dentistry (Minor Oral Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Dental Public Health
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
17What do they do?
- Oral Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
- Surgical Dentistry (Minor Oral Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Dental Public Health
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
18What do they do?
- Oral Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
- Surgical Dentistry (Minor Oral Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Dental Public Health
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
19Mandatory, Advanced Mandatory Specialist
- Mandatory Services
- The normal range of primary care dental
services provided by a generalist dental
practitioner - Specialist Services
- Services provided on referral by a
practitioner who is listed by the GDC as a
specialist - Advanced Mandatory Services
- Additional primary care dental services on
referral that by virtue of the high level of
facilities, experience or expertise required is
above the level provided by a generalist dental
20Specialist services
- Most common specialist service in primary care
- Orthodontics
- Others in primary care setting, but can also be
provided as part of mandatory services as
advanced mandatory services - Endodontics
- Paediatric dentistry
- Periodontics
- Prosthodontics
- restorative
- Minor oral surgery
- Other key non mandatory services - additional
services - Sedation
- domiciliary
21Reviewing specific services
- Orthodontics
- Minor oral surgery
- Domiciliary services
- Sedation services
- Contracting process
- Key developments since the new contract
- Hints tips regarding performance
22Reviewing specific services
- Orthodontics
- Minor oral surgery
- Largest primary care specialist services
- 175 million (POL System Mar 07)
- DwSI competency framework
- 18 weeks waiting list issues
- Service tendering
- Largest volume of secondary care referrals
531,590 referral to outpatients (QM08 data
2006/07) - DwSI competency framework
- Tendering beginning
23Reviewing specific services
- Significant variations across PCTs
- DwSI competency now available
- Have PCT reviewed current services?
- Significant growing in line with population
changes - Referral criteria is key
- Liaison between is essential
24Strategic Commissioning
25The Commissioning Cycle
Review current service provision
Assess needs
Decide priorities
Design service
Patient and public feedback
Strategic planning Service redesign Managing
demand Managing performance
Shape structure of supply
Managing Performance (quality, performance,
Manage Demand and ensure appropriate access
to care
Clinical decision making
26Contracting to commissioning
- Is this now possible?
- Total budgets for dentistry
- Local contracts service redesign in line with
local needs - New work force opportunities
- But.
- Is dentistry on the PCTs agenda?
- PCT capacity issues?
- Budgets under delivery of UDAs
27System wide approach
28System wide approach
- Assessing need unmet demand
- Considering current capacity (both ST LT)
- Setting priorities board support
- Being clear what treatment can be provided in
primary care in secondary care only - VFM
- Quality frameworks
29System wide approach
- Developing capacity in primary care
- Tendering procurement
- Developing/supporting clinical networks
- Improving patients experience managing their
expectations - Opportunities for changing the pattern of
provision in the ST
30System wide approach
- Joint initiatives across PCTs
- Developing more effective referrals from the
beginning of the patient pathway - Improving throughput of secondary care
- Optimising workforce productivity
- Appointing DwSI?
31The Commissioning Cycle
Review current service provision
Assess needs
Decide priorities
Design service
Patient and public feedback
Strategic planning Service redesign Managing
demand Managing performance
Shape structure of supply
Managing Performance (quality, performance,
Manage Demand and ensure appropriate access
to care
Clinical decision making
32Understanding Specialist Services
33Service transformation
- Merely doing things faster will not
- achieve the 18 weeks target for
- consultant-led dental services
34Understanding specialist services
- Conscious sedation
- Minor oral surgery advanced mandatory service
- Domiciliary services
- Orthodontics
- One year on key lessons
- New developments
- Looking to the future
35Conscious Sedation
36 What is sedation?
- The procedure of relaxing patients with the use
of drugs without inducing complete loss of
consciousness. Verbal contact with the patient is
maintained and local anaesthesia is usually also
37NHS (GDS contracts) and PDS Agreements
Regulations 2005
- Sedation services defined as meaning
- a course of treatment provided to a patient
during which the contractor administers one or
more drugs to a patient, which produce a state of
depression of the central nervous system to
enable treatment to be carried out, and during
and in respect of that period of sedation- - the drugs and techniques used to provide the
sedation are deployed by the contractor in a
manner that ensures loss of consciousness is
rendered unlikely and - verbal contact with the patient is maintained in
so far as is reasonably practicable.
38 Contracting sedation services
- CACV schedules set out the number of NHS claims
that included sedation during the reference
period. - PCTs now contracting for number of courses of
treatment that include sedation - Additional Services section of contracts
should have been completed
39 Contracting sedation services
- Provided as an entire course of treatment by
one contractor. Contractor credited with UDAs
for the banded course of treatment. - Dental charges are those appropriate to the
banded course of treatment. - There is no charge for the administration of
sedation. - Contractor cannot provide sedation privately
as part of an NHS courses of treatment.
40Indications for use of conscious sedation
- Include
- Anxious or phobic patients
- Patients with physical or mental disability who
may otherwise be unlikely to allow safe
completion of dental care - To enable an unpleasant procedure, such as more
complex extractions to be carried out without
distress to the patient - To avoid the need for general anaesthesia
41ASA Classification
- Normally only ASA I or II treated in primary care
- Class I No organic, physiological,
biochemical or psychiatric - disease
- Class II Mild to moderate systemic
disturbance eg. Mild diabetes, - moderate anaemia,
well-controlled asthma, not disabling - Class III Severe systemic disease, eg. Severe
diabetes with - vascular complications, severe
pulmonary insufficiency, - disabling
- Class IV Severe systemic disorders that are
already life threatening, - eg. Signs of cardiac
insufficiency - Class V The moribund patient who has little
chance of survival - without operative intervention
42Standard Conscious Sedation Techniques
- Inhalational sedation using nitrous oxide/oxygen
- Intravenous sedation using midazolam alone
- Oral/transmucosal benzodiazepine (provided
adequate competence in intravenous techniques
have been demonstrated - In primary dental care majority will be
inhalation - or intravenous sedation using a single agent.
43Key guidelines to date
- Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental
Care, Report of an Expert Group on Sedation for
Dentistry. The Standing Dental Advisory
Committee, Department of Health 2003(1) - Standards for Conscious Sedation in Dentistry
Alternative techniques. Faculty of Dental Surgery
of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and
the Royal College of Anaesthetists, 2007(6) - Commissioning Conscious Sedation Services in
Primary Dental Care, Department of Health,
44New DwSI in Conscious Sedation
- Guidelines for the appointment of Dentists with
Special Interests (DwSIs) in Conscious Sedation - Read in conjunction with previous guidance
- Document acknowledges that basic (or standard)
conscious sedation can be carried out by all
primary care dentists who are competent to do so
and is not designed to reduce widespread access.
45New DwSI in Conscious Sedation
- Definition of a DwSI in Conscious Sedation is a
primary care dentist who - Is able to demonstrate a continuing level of
competence in standard conscious sedation
techniques as defined in Standards for Conscious
Sedation in Dentistry Alternative Techniques
including - Any form of conscious sedation for patients under
the age of 12 years other than nitrous
oxide/oxygen inhalation sedation
46New DwSI in Conscious Sedation
- In addition to the standard sedation techniques,
expected that DwSI may be able to - Accept referrals from other practices, clinics,
hospitals - Offer more advanced or alternative conscious
sedation techniques - Provide conscious sedation for patients with more
complex medical histories and/or dental treatment
needs - Provide conscious sedation for patients under 12
years of age using techniques other than inhaled
nitrous oxide and oxygen
47 Ensuring a safe service
- Collaborative working
- Checklist
- Role of Dental Practice Advisers
- Support from the Dental Reference Service
- Use other external experts
48 Future Challenges
- Determining capacity/ service levels
- Considering needs v demands
- Considering care pathways and referrals?
49 Future Challenges
- Determining capacity/ service levels
- What is being provided locally
- Primary care
- Optimum service levels?
- Conscious sedation techniques
- Who is administering treating
- Secondary care available information?
- Patient flows referral patterns
- Joint commissioning opportunities
50 Future Challenges
- Considering need v demand - Can PCTs quantify
the need for sedation? - Salford, Manchester Oldham PCTs 3 month
pilot - Providers capture the following information
- Age
- Referring practitioner
- Reason for sedation
- Dental request
- Anxiety scale
- Patient view from the DSD questionnaire
51 Future Challenges
- Dental Anxiety Scale
- (not, slightly, fairly, very extremely)
- Went for treatment
- Sitting in waiting room
- About to have teeth drilled
- Teeth scaled polished
- Local anaesthetic injection
52 Future Challenges
- Considering care pathways referrals
- Clinical indications that may justify a need
for the use of conscious sedation? - Patients that are anxious or phobic
- Individuals with physical or mental disability
who are otherwise unlikely to complete treatment
safety - Unpleasant or complicated procedure to be carried
out without distress - Avoid need for GA, such as patients with long
standing dental phobia
53 Future Challenges
- Considering care pathways referrals
- Other methods of pain and anxiety control
including behaviour management techniques - for some patients is a one-off episode (i.e. oral
surgery procedure) - Intermediate stage as part of graduated into to
treatment under local anaesthesia - for some conscious sedation may be a long-term
requirement such those with physical or mental
54 Future Challenges
- Considering care pathways referrals
- Central referral management systems
- Assessment and treatment process must be
robust - Prioritisation of patients
- Opportunities for
- Reviewing other methods of pain of anxiety
control - Reducing common referral problems such as
patient referred with advanced restorative
treatment with periodontal disease
55 Current performance issues
- Referrals increases both to secondary and primary
care - Referrals within practices by providers
- Competency checks by PCTs
56 Action Plan
- Practice assessments
- Review of service capacity
- Needs assessment
- Developing strategic care pathways
57Minor Oral Surgery
58 Key facts
- Unable to tell specialist services provided in
primary care - Handful of new services being commissioned in
primary care - Appointment process of DwSI now beginning
- Largest volume of referrals to secondary care
Source Hospital Waiting Data Outpatient
referrals QM08 2006/07
59 Accreditation of UDAs PCR
- Patients referred for an entire course of
treatment - Sedation
- Domiciliary services
- Orthodontic services
- Referring practitioner credited with associated
UDAs for treatment up to point of referral, plus
the collection of associated PCR - Practitioner carrying out new course of the
treatment will be credited with appropriate
UDAs/UOAs for that course of treatment, plus the
collection of associated PCR
60 Accreditation of UDAs PCR
- Accreditation of UDAs PCR
- Patients referred for part course of treatment
- minor oral surgery
- restorative
- Periodontics
- Referring practitioner sets out the patients
entire treatment plan and collects patient
charges associated with overall COT. - Referring will be credited with UDAs associated
with the overall COT - The dentist providing treatment on referral
collects no PCR and will be credited with the
UDAs associated with the banded course of
treatment provided as the additional service
61 Minor oral surgery
- Why are such high volume of patients being
referred to secondary care - Not practice builders
- Practitioners competencies
- Simple v more difficult UDAs?
- Are PCTs liaising with Trust to review the number
of referrals and from whom? - Are there opportunities for transferring services
across to primary care managing referrals?
62 Minor oral surgery
- April 2008 FP17s will record where contractors
have referred patients for split courses of
treatment and where contractors have provided COT
on referral. - These will be counted as well as shown a of COT
undertaken. - Enable PCTs to monitor advanced mandatory
services more closely - Are inappropriate referrals being sent back
63Procuring new servicesDerby City Derbyshire
County PCTsCroydon PCTs
64 PDS Minor Oral Surgery Pilot
- Commenced November 1998 (after pre-pilot)
- Recurrent funding patient charge
- Long waiting times for MOS in secondary care
esp 3rd molars - Unattractive GDS fee scale / MOS not a practice
builder - Initially 2 (later 3) GDPs with specialist
skills in MOS - Major issue - vicarious liability clinical
standards - Admission to specialist list a defined surgical
standard - SAAD independent audit used to define sedation
standards - Worked closely with specialists to develop and
refine process that reflects NICE guidance -
65PDS Minor Oral Surgery Pilot (2)
- Referral made directly to PDS practice by GDP
- Patients aged 18 and over
- Initially 3rd molar surgery apicectomies on
previously root filled canines and incisors - Treatment under LA with or without sedation
- Medically compromised patients - ASA categories 1
2 only -
66PDS Minor Oral Surgery Pilot (3)
- Range of procedures increased in 2002
- Locally administered system
- Protocol
- Case audit form / invoice for each patient
- Patient satisfaction questionnaire (70 response)
67PDS Minor Oral Surgery Pilot (4)
- Simple cost per case used initially for pre-pilot
- 1998 - Simple fee scale in place
- Core fee
- Sedation fee
- Supplementary fee
- Made more complex by having to use the SDR to
calculate the patients charge - In old system - Cost per case to the pilot
budget, depends on patients contribution
sedation rate. -
68Cases Treated 2002 - 2005
70Cost per case
71- 05/06 national tariff costs
- Inpatient
- 730 Planned procedure
- 1271 Emergency procedure
- Outpatient
- 1st visit
- Adult - 116
- Child lt17 - 156
- Follow up visits
- Adult - 60
- Child lt17 - 81
- MOS service is a success!
- Is in the public interest.
- Provides a tool that can be used elsewhere in the
right circumstances - Needs to be taken forward in a spirit of
partnership - 10 and 20 care are different parts of spectrum of
services funded by the public for the public
need to look at total resource - CPD of the primary care dental workforce role
for specialist practices? - PCTs need to consider the best framework locally
for delivering services on referral in primary
73- Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery
- (IMOS) Service
74- IMOS Background
- Increasing referrals
- Case mix referred
- Effects of Payment by Results (national tariff).
75Referrals to Mayday Hospital for Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery in three year period from
April 2004
76Referrals to Mayday Hospital for Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery in three year period from
April 2004
77- Payment By Results
- Maxillofacial surgery, Code 144
- Adult First Attendance - 127
- Adult Follow Up - 66
- HRG C04 minor mouth - 543
- HRG C58 intermediate mouth - 785.
78- Payment By Results 07/08
- Minor oral surgery hospital case
- OP FA procedure no follow up
- 670-912
- Primary care setting e.g PDS
- Local anaesthesia /- sedation
- 150-200
79- IMOS Waiting List Initiatives
- Waiting list initiatives 3 phases to date
- Restricted tendering exercise involving all
Croydon providers - Oral surgeons to be included on GDCs specialist
list - Two providers selected (South Croydon Norbury)
- Oral surgeons triaged 584 patients appropriately
- To date, 151 patients treated in primary care.
80- IMOS Service (1)
- Business plan approved by PCTs board in April
2007 - Tendering exercise national tender
- Expressions of interest over August 07
- Providers shortlisted interviews 19/10/07
- Activity reduction in Mayday SLA of 50 cases
per month (conservative estimate).
81- IMOS Service (2)
- Referrals triaged by PCTs CST staffed by MOS
surgeon (weekly triage session) - Produce new referral protocols referral form
- Patients triaged appropriately to IMOS, secondary
care or back to GDP - X-rays must be of suitable diagnostic quality
- Effect on secondary care career pathways.
82Domiciliary Services
83Domiciliary services
- Domiciliary visit fee no UDA
- Clinical care provided to patients UDAs
- DPB info includes
- number of claims for domiciliary visits and NOT
the number of domiciliary visits
84Domiciliary services
- Who is being seen?
- Patients at home
- Specific residential or nursing homes?
- Ongoing or one off arrangement
- Geographical area
- Mix between domiciliary fee and clinical care
- Dentures only
- Little treatment
85Domiciliary services
- Reporting and performance issues
- Old world - number of claims
- New world number of courses of treatment
- Defining services in more detail
86Orthodontic services
87 Orthodontic services
- Review of the transition to the new contract
- More than one year on where are we now
- Clarifying contractual process
- Retiring orthodontic contractors
88 Transition to the new contract
- Early misunderstanding regarding transitional
payments for patients transferring across from
the GDS - Far fewer growing practices than anticipated
- Inability for PCTs to separate mandatory/orthodont
ic elements of contractual agreements on DSD - High number of cases referred to the NHSLA
(mainly associated with close down payments)
89 Transition to the new contract
- Mixed practices - orthodontic elements
translated into UDAs - Few specialist contractor opted out of the NHS
(formally) - 175m on commissioning orthodontic contractors
- Huge geographical variation in orthodontic
provision - Significant variations in v population
90 Transition to the new contract
- Greatest noise from MPs patients regarding
specialist services - Ineligibility to treatment PCTs established
patient appeals processes - Private v NHS waiting lists
- Fall in national UOA values due to
- Transitional commissioning errors corrected
- Ability to separate out orthodontics on POL
- Tendering additional services at lower UOA
91 One year on - v
- Local assessment of needs
- Short and longer term commissioning intentions
agreed at Board level communicated to
contractors - Tendering of new services
- Joint commissioning being explored
- Clinical networks being established
- New referral management arrangements
92 One year on X
- Misunderstanding patient flow data by some PCTs
- Wasted activity
- Ineligible IOTN case starts
- High of failed to returns
- High volume of assessments v case starts
- Private v NHS
- Waiting times games
- Not considering the whole patient pathway
links with secondary care colleagues 18 weeks
93 Contractual misunderstandings
- nGDS mixed contracts
- notice by PCTs to remove orthodontic elements and
convert to UDAs - Contract variations, including change in UOA
value must be agreed by both parties - nPDS specialist contracts
- 5 year contracts
- Contract variations, including change in UOA
value must be agreed by both parties
94 Contractual misunderstandings
- nGDS/nPDS contract variations
- Contract variations not agreed can be forwarded
by either the PCT or the provider to the NHSLA
who will take into account - Has the PCT followed the correct process
- Is what is being proposed by the PCT reasonable
- Local benchmarks i.e. disproportionately high
unit rate with no reasonable explanation - Under performing?
95 Managing retiring practices
- Provider retiring
- Existing provider contracted to complete patients
- No UOAs
- Short term fixed contract
- Incentive to start cases prior to notice period
- This is likely to most expenses option for PCT
- Sliding down scale contract, based on a
completion rate (look at historical rate)
96Managing Retiring Practices
97 Managing retiring practices
- Former GDS orthodontists paid fees after
treatment was completed - nPDS/nGDS no payment for completing cases,
monthly payments for continuing treatment - Units of activity awarded at assessment case
starts - Minimum 3 months notice (nGD/nPDS)
- Orthodontic treatment can last up 18 36 months
- Each month some cases are started other
finished, vary from one contractor to another - New problem ensuring the completion of patients
98 Managing retiring practices
- Guiding principles?
- Treatment of all patients should be completed
- Contractor should cease starting new cases
- The PCTs should not be financially disadvantaged
- PCTs should be able to commission the same level
of service - Note Responsibility of PCT to ensure completion
of patients once the contract period ends
99 Managing retiring practices
- Scenarios
- Performer leaving a practice based contracts
- Provider retiring and
- New provider to take on contracts
- No new provider to take on contracts
100 Managing retiring practices
- Performer leaving a practice based contracts
- Responsibility for completing the outstanding
care of patients and delivering the contracted
number of UOAs remains with the provider. - Should be a seamless transfer
- Provider may seek to deliver the contract via
expansion of existing capacity within practice or
new performer to be employed
101 Managing retiring practices
- Provider retiring
- Contract not being transferred, but agreement
reached with PCT for extended notice period to
enable to planned completion of all patients
prior to retirement. - Notice period depending on number and pattern of
completing patients (need to look at history of
completion) - PCTs could consider flexible approach regarding
carrying over UOAs to reduce contract payment
reductions whilst no new UOAs are being
102 Managing retiring practices
- Provider retiring
- New provider identified to take on contract
- Tripartite agreement (where required) between
PCT, new and retiring practice regarding - notice period
- completion start up of new cases across the two
providers. - Principle remains that no financial loss to the
103 Managing retiring practices
- Provider retiring
- New provider identified to complete patients only
- Short term fixed contract
- May be some reluctance by contractor to complete
patients only - Best option only where PCT does not wish to
commit resources on a recurring basis to
104Applying 18 week rules to dental specialities
105Applying 18 weeks rule
- Principles of 18 week clock rules apply equally
to pathways that involve, or could potentially
involve care led by a dental consultant - A maximum 18 weeks from point of initial referral
up to the start of any necessary treatment
includes referrals to clinical consultant-led
services in dental specialities, ie - Oral surgery, orthodontics, paediatric dentistry,
restorative dentistry, periodontics,
prosthodontics, endodontics, oral medicince and
dental and maxillofacial radiology
106Applying 18 week rule
- What is happening locally
- What data is available?
- RTT data Admitted patients Oral Surgery
- Hospital Waiting Times QM08 non-admitted all
dental specialties - New RTT data for non-admitted patients Sep 07
only counts oral surgery
107RTT Data Oral Surgery
Source RTT Data (www.18weeks.nhs.uk) England
data July 2007
108RTT Data Oral Surgery
Source RTT Data (www.18weeks.nhs.uk) England
data July 2007
109QM08 Referrals to Dental Specialties
Outpatients 2006/07
Source Hospital Waiting Times- Outpatient QM08
110Applying 18 week rule
- Consultant-led dental services
- Consultant retains overall responsibility for the
patient, but does not mean - that they are present for each appointment
- Setting in which care is provided in necessarily
the secondary care
111Applying 18 week rule
- 18 week target applies to
- Consultant-led hospital services
- Consultant-led services provided in the primary
care setting - General anaesthesia services
- Patients under the care of all postgraduate
dental students, including specialist registrars
112Applying 18 week rules
- 18 week target does not applies to
- Patients seen by undergraduate dental students
- Referrals from one dental contractor to another
in primary care
113Applying 18 week rules
- Clock starts when referral is made to a
consultant on the basis that - the patient is to be assessed and then if
appropriate treated, before being referred back
and - the patient will, or could potentially receive
treatment from a consultant-led services. - Note Referrals to consultant-led dental services
for treatment planning and/or advice also start
the clock
114Applying 18 week rules
- Referrals to following start the 18 week clock
- Consultant-led dental services (in secondary or
other setting) - Oral cancer services (62 day cancer clock also
for urgent suspected cancer cases) - Diagnostic services, on basis that if
appropriate, will be treated by a consultant-led
service before referred back - Referral management arrangements/interface
services - Specialist dental contractors, DwSI or dentists
that hold advanced mandatory contracts if they
are part of dedicated referral management
115Applying 18 week rules
- Referrals to following does not start the 18 week
clock - Services provided primary care dentists
- Salaried primary dental care services
- Services provided by specialist dental
contractors, DwSI or dentists that hold advanced
mandatory contracts where they are not part of
dedicated referral management arrangements/interfa
ce services - Services provided by undergraduate students in
dental teaching hospitals or as part of outreach
116Applying 18 week rules
- Whose referrals start the clock
- 18 week pathway can begin with a referral by an
- health professional or health body authorised to
- make referrals, including
- GDPs, specialist dental contractors, DwSI or
dentists with advanced mandatory contracts - Salaried primary dental care services
- Prison dental services
- Consultants (or consultant-led services)
117Applying 18 week rules
- What defines the clock-start date
- Date on which the provider to whom the initial
referral is made - (including management centres) receives notice of
the patients - referral. Referrals using Choose Book, is date
on which the patients - unique booking reference number (UBRN) is
converted. - For dentistry, most likely to be referrals by
letter and therefore is the date on which the
provider (where the clock starts) receives the
referral letter NOT the date the patient is
118Applying 18 week rules
- Clock stops
- The clock stops when a clinical decision is
made that no treatment is required, or when first
definitive treatment begins. - First definitive treatment (with our without
discharge) - A decision not to treat
- A decision to embark on a period of watchful
waiting or active monitoring - A decision to refer patient for treatment in
primary care (not consultant-led) - Patient declines treatment offered to them
119Applying 18 week rules
- Clock stops
- First definitive treatment can be
- Inpatient treatment - date of admission
- Out patient or day-case treatment - date of
attendance treatment - Fitting of a dental device date on which
definitive fitting or trial fitting begins - First-line treatment ie dental treatment or
management provided with the aim of avoiding the
need for more invasive treatment. (new clock
starts is a later decision is taken for more
invasive treatment)
120Applying 18 week rules
- Clock stops
- Dental examples - outpatient
- Orthodontic treatment clock stops when
- Patient referred back to the dentist in primary
care for removal of a tooth - Patient needs to be referred when older (clock
stops when clinical decision made and referring
dentist informed to commence waiting) - First definitive treatment such as the fitting of
a dental brace
121Applying 18 week rules
- Does not stop the clock
- A first or subsequent outpatient appointment or
assessment that does not involve treatment - Pain relief treatment or other steps to manage a
patients condition in advance of definitive
treatment - Consultant-to-consultant referrals were the
underlying condition remains unchanged
122Service transformation whole system review
123Service transformation
- Merely doing things faster will not
- achieve the 18 weeks target for
- consultant-led dental services
124Assessing needs demands
125Service transformation
- Assessing needs demand
- Important relationship between provision in
primary care dental services (not subject to 18
weeks) and consultant-led services (subject to 18
weeks) - Through assessing oral health needs, PCTs should
have set agreed relative priorities, in both
short long terms across primary secondary
care - Priorities should be considered in relation to
current capacity, in both short long term
across primary secondary care
126Service planning
127Service transformation
- Service planning
- Redirecting resources may be essential locally
- Shifting work that has traditionally taken place
in hospitals to specialist or DwSI in primary
care - Treatment reviews what can only be done in
secondary care - Whole system approach involves considering
referrals and quality frameworks across primary
and secondary care - Capacity v workload should be assessed in
relation to referral patterns and types
128Developing capacity in primary care
129Service transformation
- Developing capacity in primary care
- Is there a need for growth in specialist care
particularly orthodontics - Feedback overall that no shortage of contractors
seeking new/extended contracts, although local
capacity is not always readily available - Tendering and new contracts provides the
opportunity to tailor services in line with local
130Establishing clinical networks
131Service transformation
- Establishing clinical networks
- Establishing networking of GDPs, specialists
across primary and secondary care key. Is there a
need to review it in light of - Need to include all local stakeholders
- Attaining 18 week requirement
- Latest good practice information
- PCT/SHA benchmarking information
- Latest information regarding referral patterns
patient flows - Capacity implications
- To consider effective referrals and treatment
criteria across the system
132Managing patients expectations patients
public involvement
133Service transformation
- Managing patients expectations
- Need to communicate to patients what they can
expect and entitlement to treatment - Clarity about referral criteria and service
delivery will support this - Responsibility of PCTs to actively engage with
patients and the public during the course of
their decision-making process
134Patient and Public Involvement
- A Stronger Local Voice (2006)
- PPI to form central role in future
- commissioning decision-making
- Will apply to health social care
- sectors
- Local Government Public
- Involvement in Health Act (2007)
135Patient Public Involvement
- Key Changes
- Introduction of LINks
- Replacement of Patient Forums CPPIH
- Consultation and involvement will become a
standard requirement. - PPI mechanisms need to be built into
decision-making processes
136Patient Public Involvement
- Useful Information
- PCC website
- DH website
- NHS Centre for Involvement
- PPI Exchange Network (PPIX)
- Workshops and Seminars
137Changing the pattern of provision
138Service transformation
- Changing the pattern of provision
- May be a need to implement short term action
whilst considering a longer term vision - Short term actions may include
- Commissioning short term contracts to take
patients off existing waiting lists - Agreeing joint commissioning strategy with
neighbouring PCTs - Validating secondary care waiting lists
- Putting in place
- Changing capacity may be longer term,
particularly where there this cannot be procured
139Effective referrals
140Service transformation
- Effective referrals
- Referral patterns significant effect waiting
lists for secondary care dentistry - Need to have local communication strategy with
primary care contractors that sets out referral
process criteria - Training should be offered by PCT or both primary
secondary care referrals
141Service transformation
- Effective referrals
- Number of referral management systems
- Referrals to secondary care via primary care
specialists first - Dedicated primary care referral management
arrangements/processes (18 weeks rule) - Standardising local referral protocols
142Improving secondary care throughput
143Service transformation
- Improving throughput of secondary care
- Feedback from Trusts, that PCTs are not willing
to engage in discussions on dentistry - Is local data being reviewed
- Process mapping support identifying limiting
steps without causing unanticipated consequences - Important to note that not all referrals will be
for treatment ie treatment planning advice
144Recruitment skill mixRole of DwSI
145Service transformation
- Tackling recruitment changing skill mix
- Difficulties in recruitment of specialist
clinical staff in secondary care - Primary care feedback is that less of an issue
- Need to assess workforce recruitment plans
across both and consider in context of service
reconfiguration and skill mix - New skill mix opportunities in primary care
- Therapists
- DwSI
146Role of Dentists With a Special Interest
147PwSIs - Common Principles
- Draws on generalist skills as a gatekeeper to
more specialised services - Must be able to work without supervision
- Competences required will always be greater than
a generalist - Appropriate qualification may be one way of
demonstrating competence but must not be the only
way - Accreditation essential
- Local Ts Cs agreed with PCT
148DWSIs - General Principles
- Used in clinical areas where delivery and health
needs require a local solution - Contractual arrangement between PCTs and primary
dental care practitioners to provide specialised
skills within the PCT area - PCT appointment to nationally agreed selection
criterion - Ideally part of a consultant led clinical network
- Type of contract to be decided locally normally
by number of cases seen.
149DwSIs the key concepts
- DwSI concept of enhanced practitioner,
sub-speciality level but retaining primary care
generalist profile - Recognition of existing levels of special skills
through portfolio of evidence and/or taught
diplomas and certificates - Appointed by PCTs after assessment of competency.
150(No Transcript)
151DWSIs First Areas for Development
- Orthodontics
- Minor Oral Surgery
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- New Conscious sedation
152DwSI - Selected examples of competency criteria
for Orthodontics
- Requirement Sources of Evidence
- Understanding of occlusion BDS, DVT, GPT
- its development
- Diagnose malocclusion Clinical Assistant
training - know when to intervene scheme or clinical
attachment - Understand limits of Peer group assessment,
- appliance therapy present treated cases
- Maintain quality of treatment verifiable CPD,
attendance - standards at orthodontic courses