Title: Recommended Minimum Ventilation Rates, MWPS
1Recommended Minimum Ventilation Rates, MWPS
2Approximate Fan Capacities
- 12 1,200 CFM
- 16 2,500 CFM
- 18 3,000 CFM
- 24 6,000 CFM
- 36 12,000 CFM
- 48 20,000 CFM
- 52 22,000 CFM
3Modeling Ventilation Realities1200 hd room
Curtain Sided
Stg 1 2 F BW 2 - 24 variable speed pit
fans Stg 2 2F BW 1 F differential 2 24
variable speed pit fans Stg 3 2 F
differential 1 36 single speed end wall
fan Stg 4 2 F differential 1 48 single
speed end wall fan
4Fan Basics
6000 cfm/fan x 2 fans 12,000 cfm 12,000 cfm x
50 6000 cfm 6000 cfm / 1200 pigs 5
cfm/pig 50 minimum speed does not 50 cfm 65
rpm often 50 cfm
5Modeling Ventilation Realities1200 head room
curtain sided
Room Temp above set point 2 3 5
7 9
Curtain sided with 4-24 pit fans Stg 1 2 F BW
Stg 2 2F BW 1 F differential 1-36 wall fan
Stg 3 2 F differential 1-48 wall fan Stg 4 2
F differential
6Getting Ventilation Right
Balance Temperature F
7Getting Ventilation Right
- 5000 pigs double stocked
- Winterized tunnel curtain, bubble wrap in side
curtain and fans winterized - 16F temperature
- 74F set point
- 24 lb pigs
8Getting Barns SealedGal Propane/Day
- Reduces
- Inlet leakage
- Radiant heat loss
9Emergency Ventilation
Cant seal too tight need to be sure these can
10Bubble Wrap in Barns in Winteryes- BUT!
11Bubble Wrap
- Side wall curtain drops
- 12 open at top continuous
- Starting small pigs
- 4 10 ft wide openings if using plastic 200 ft
12Production Goals For Success
- 24 pigs/female/yr to slaughter
- 6500 lb live wt/female/yr (4800 lb carcass wt)
- 1.7 lb/d wean-finish gain
- 75 lb gain/ft2/yr
13Production Goals For Success
- 92 of weaned pigs in packer grid
14Experience is the name everyone gives to their
15Everything I Learned Since Last Year
- Dr Mike Brumm
- Brumm Swine Consultancy, Inc.
- North Mankato, MN
- 507-995-4709
- mbrumm_at_hickorytech.net
- Blog www.Mnpork.com