Title: OWLS: OverWhelmingly Large Simulations
1OWLS OverWhelmingly Large Simulations
The formation of galaxies and the evolution of
the intergalactic medium
- Introduction to OWLS
- Radiative cooling
- Feedback from star formation
- Star formation histories
- Intragroup medium
- Gas accretion
3OWLS people
4OWLS features
- LOFAR IBM Bluegene/L
- Cosmological (WMAP3), hydro (SPH)
- Modified Gadget III
- 2xN3 particles, N 512 for most
- Two sets
- L 25 Mpc/h to z2
- L 100 Mpc/h to z0
- Runs repeated many times with varying
5Video of the evolution of a massive galaxy down
to z2
3 Mpc/h
CDV, OWLS project
7OWLS New gastrophysics modules
- Star formation JS Dalla Vecchia (2008)
- Galactic winds Dalla Vecchia JS (2008)
- Radiative cooling Wiersma, JS, Smith (2008)
- Chemodynamics Wiersma et al.
- AGN feedback Booth et al.
8Radiative cooling (above 104 K)
- What is typically done
- H and He including optically thin
photo-ionization - Metal cooling ignored or assuming CIE and solar
relative abundances
9Video of density dependence
Wiersma, JS Smith (2008)
10Radiative cooling above 104 K
- Photo-ionization suppresses metal cooling ?
cooling rates decrease by up to an order of
magnitude - Relative abundance variations are important ?
cooling rates change by factors of a few - Tables of cooling rates, element-by-element,
including photo-ionization available
Wiersma, Schaye Smith, arXiv0807.3748
11Galactic winds
- Thermal feedback is quickly radiated away due to
lack of resolution - Solutions
- Kinetic feedback
- Temporarily suppress cooling
- Most cosmological simulations employ the SPH code
Gadget, which uses kinetic feedback - Our kinetic feedback differs from that of Gadget
- Not hydrodynamically decoupled
- Winds are local to the SF event
121e12 M?, face-on, gas density
Dalla Vecchia JS (2008)
131e12 M?, edge-on, gas density
Dalla Vecchia JS (2008)
141e12 M?, edge-on, gas pressure
Dalla Vecchia JS (2008)
15Galactic winds
- Hydro drag determines outcome,
- gravity only indirectly important
- Low mass galaxies
- wind drags lots of gas out to the IGM
- High mass galaxies drag quenches wind ? fountain
- Most popular existing prescription overestimates
the energy in the outflow by orders of magnitude - The details of wind implementations have grave
Dalla Vecchia Schaye, 2008, MNRAS, 387, 1431
16Lots of plots of SFR histories
- Most of these were flashed by
17Simulating galaxy statistics
- Cooling and feedback are crucial, SF law and
structure of the ISM are not - (Too) much freedom in implementation of galactic
18Groups at z0 Scaled entropy
McCarthy et al.
19Groups at z0 Scaled entropy
McCarthy et al.
20Groups at z0
- Massive galaxies reside in groups ? detailed
information about gaseous environment from X-ray
observations at z0 - Highly sensitive to (metal) cooling and feedback
- Simulations can match detailed entropy,
temperature, density and abundance profiles
surprisingly well - But it is a challenge to reproduce both the
optical and X-ray properties of groups
21How do galaxies get their gas?
- Classical picture Gas-shock heated to the virial
temperature, then cools onto disk - Recent modifications
- Much of the gas falls in cold through filaments,
particularly in low-mass galaxies - Efficient AGN feedback requires a hot halo
- Galaxy bi-modality may be caused by transition
from cold to hot accretion
22Hot and cold accretion
23Hot and cold accretion
- Did not get to these slides
24Gas accretion - Conclusions
- Cold accretion fraction sensitive to definition
- Halo accretion
- Independent of subgrid physics
- Hot fraction increases with mass and with
decreasing redshift - Smooth transition from cold to hot
- Disk accretion
- Sensitive to subgrid physics
- Cold accretion dominates at all masses unless it
is stopped by feedback
25Conclusions 1/2
- Some predictions from hydro simulations suffer
from subgrid uncertainties (e.g. SSFRs, LFs),
others are robust (e.g. accretion onto halos) - Even when predictions are uncertain, hydro
simulations can pinpoint the important physical
processes, e.g. - Star formation laws are helpful but not
constraining - Cooling can and must be done better
- Freedom in feedback implementations is currently
the bottleneck ? need higher resolution and a
better treatment of metal mixing - Realistic simulations of the formation of
- Individual high-z dwarfs are within reach
- Massive galaxies are still far beyond the horizon
- Comparisons with galaxy surveys are too
challenging and not always the most productive
26Conclusions 2/2
- Progress is most likely to come from studies of
gas properties - intergalactic, intra-group and intra-cluster
media Available hard X-ray profiles - Needed soft X-ray and UV at high (spectral)
resolution - HI and CO structure of individual galaxies
- QSO/GRB absorption spectra
- DANGERS (rant)
- Many groups use (nearly) the same subgrid recipes
- Insufficient awareness of models ingredients
- Much more discussion about numerical accuracy
(e.g. resolution and SPH vs grid) than subgrid
uncertainties - Pressure to reproduce observations
- Subgrid variations are at least as important as
convergence tests!