Title: Single HOM, twopass analysis
1Single HOM, two-pass analysis
Motivation explain the plot produced by BBU code
R/Q 100 Ohm Q 10000 m12 ?106 m(c/eV) ?
2???? 2 GHz t0 (1.3 GHz)1
2Frequency of the instability
- Dipole mode is excited by first current moment
thru interaction with longitudinal field of the
mode - Infinite number of bunches with finite number of
passes (as opposed to finite number of bunches
with infinite number of passes for BBU in storage
rings) - Potentially, any frequency can be present in FT
of the current moment for infinite delta-function
current train - Instability occurs with frequency close to that
of HOM, where impedance is maximal
3Getting the master equation
Sample solution
Summing geometric series
4Perturbative approach
Solve the master equation for instability
frequency treating K as small parameter
The frequency up to the first order in K
Requiring Im(?) 0 yields famous
Problem 1 Half solution is missing Problem 2
Unphysical exponent
5Second order perturbative term
The second order term is found to be
Im(?) 0 yields quadratic equation for the
threshold current
1st order 2nd order
Observation Clearly, the other half of the
solution is not a 2nd order effect
6Complex current approach
- Solving master equation directly for current
gives the following
solution space
7Max and min currents
8Obtaining complete first order solution
- In the following limit (HOM damping is small
of timescale of t0) - (instability frequency shift is small
compared to bunching frequency, or as
seen later, equivalent to - number of bunches in recirculating loop
gtgt 1) - Solving Im(I0) 0, yields the threshold and
instability frequency
Note Its sin(?tr) not sin(?tr) Unphysical
exponent is gone.
9Linearized solutions for instability frequency
Transcendental equation for instability frequency
can be linearized for two important cases
look at solutions closest to??
10Comparison with tracking
11Solving Im(I0)0 numerically
with increasing tr
12Comparison of tracking with numeric solution of
13Large tr (?r ltlt ?/2Q)
tr does not matter as opposed to small
accelerators case, threshold is approx. given by
14A word on quad HOM BBU
coupling term
Wake functions are identical in the form, except
for the loss factor difference
In the approximation that alignment error of
cavity transverse position dominates and causes
dipole-like BBU (b is beam pipe radius)
, i.e. 2 orders of magnitude bigger