Title: Supporting Infants and Toddlers in Child Care
1Supporting Infants and Toddlers in Child Care
A Project of the Child Care Bureau Office of
Family Assistance, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services
- A Strategic Planning Approach
By NAME HERE Email HERE National Infant
Toddler Child Care Initiative
2National Infant Toddler Child Care Initiative
Mission To work collaboratively with CCDF
administrators and other partners in their
efforts to help move forward system
initiatives to improve the quality and supply of
infant and toddler child care.
3National Infant Toddler Child Care Initiative
Vision That infants and toddlers experience
high quality care in all settings, and their
unique needs are addressed in early care
andeducation systems.
4Strategic Planning Approach
- Based on NITCCIs early care education
system planning model and process - Designed to maximize involvement of stakeholders
while minimizing face-to-face meeting
requirements - Small Planning Design Group(3-6 people, help
design planning process) - Larger Strategic Planning Committee
5Initial Planning Tasks
The Planning Design Group works with the
technical assistance specialist to
- Identify the individuals who will be invited to
participate in the strategic planning process - Identify data sources that describe the issue
- Choose meeting dates and sites
- Decide who will write final report
6Initial Planning Tasks (cont.)
- Draft an invitation letter for the CCDF
administrator to send to the Strategic Planning
Committee - Begin to pull together State/Territory specific
data on the issue. - Prepare a welcome email to committee members,
including - Meeting and process information
- Request to set up a phone interviewwith each
member prior to the first meeting.
7Initial Planning Tasks (cont.)
- Complete draft of the Key Elements tool.
- Draft Strategic Planning vision and mission
statement for member reviewand comment - Define planning terms (e.g., goals, outcomes,
strategies, etc.) - Determine if logic model will be used
- Draft questions for phone interviews
8Initial Planning Tasks (cont.)
- Draft agenda for the first meeting
- Mail packet to Strategic Planning Committee
members, to include - Strategic Planning Vision and Mission draft
- Interview questions
- Schedule and conduct a phone interview with each
9Initial Planning Tasks (cont.)
- Review responses and identify
- Interests Data sources
- Concerns Themes
- Issues
- Prepare an overview of the interview content
without identifying individual members. - Identify background information and documents
that will help members understand the issue.
10First Full Committee Meeting
- Requires 3-4 hours
- Begin with welcome, introductions, process
overview and icebreaker - Optional Overview of national state
information about issue - Committee will
- Review, edit and adopt definitions,vision and
mission - Review data and information
11First Full Committee Meeting (cont.)
- Committee will
- Review opinions, questions, comments, and goals
compiled from the interview process - Identify common themes and surprises
- Review and edit the Key Element document
12The First Meeting Conclusion
- Instructions to Committee Members
- Prepare to set goals
- Prepare to offer and discuss strategies to
achieve the goals - Be ready to discuss priorities for action
13Between the First and Second Meeting
- Debrief the first meeting and make adjustments as
needed - Complete edits to Key Element document, as needed
- Develop the 2nd meeting agenda
- Send a reminder to members
14Second Full Committee Meeting
- Requires 4 hours
- Open with welcome and introductions
- Review work to date
- Overview of tasks for the day
- Set goals
- Recommend strategies
- Develop an action plan
15Second Full Committee Meeting (cont.)
- Goal Setting Process
- Develop individual goals
- Categorize individual goals
- Develop goal statements
- Prioritize goals
16Second Full Committee Meeting (cont.)
- Development of Strategies
- Discuss member recommendations
- Align with goals
- Analyze chance of success
- Reach agreement on
- Recommended strategies
- Priorities
17Second Full Committee MeetingConclusion
- Develop action plan
- Review next steps
18A Project of the Child Care Bureau Office of
Family Assistance, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services
Karen Heying, Project Director National Infant
Toddler Child Care Initiative ZERO TO THREE 2000
M Street NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC
20036 202.638.1144 ext. 618 kheying_at_zerotothree.or
g http//nccic.acf.hhs.gov/itcc/