Title: Preparing Every Child for the 21st Century
1Preparing Every Child for the 21st Century
Chicopee, MA August 21, 2009
2(No Transcript)
3- What IS a 21st century learning skill?
- Why are 21st Century Skills so important?
- What is the framework for 21st Century Learning?
- What can schools and teachers do?
- What does it look like in some places?
- What can you do?
5(No Transcript)
6- Smaller, flatter
- Change from manufacturing to service economy
- More global competition
- Greater global cooperation
- Information explosion
7(No Transcript)
8- Many jobs have become automated or outsourced
- Information explosion means knowledge work is
the new basic skill set - Changing employment landscape means everyone
needs portable skills - College ready career ready
- Ubiquity of technology
9(No Transcript)
10- Motivated to learn differently
- Constantly connected, creating, and multitasking
in a multimedia worldeverywhere except in
school - Use the web for
- extending friendships
- interest-driven, self-directed learning
- as a tool for self-expression
11Why havent we?
12Everyone is talking about it
13Why are 21st Century Skills so important?
The requirements of the workforce are changing
14Why are 21st Century Skills so important?
- What skills are most important for job success
when hiring a high school graduate?
15Why are 21st Century Skills so important?
- Of the high school students that you recently
hired, what were their deficiencies?
16Why are 21st Century Skills so important?
- What skills and content areas will be growing in
importance in the next five years?
17New Context
Skills Required
18Why 21st Century Skills?
The U.S. is falling behind.
19Why 21st Century Skills?
Ranking of G8 countries 10th grade math
problem solving
OECD Ranking
Problem Solving
Source PISA, 2000, 2003
Courtesy of Cisco
20Why 21st Century Skills?
How many of your Parents Grandparents had only
one or two jobs in their lifetimes?
21Why 21st Century Skills?
How many jobs will a young person have today
between age 18-38?
10.2 jobs
SOURCE Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market
Activity, and Earnings Growth Among Younger Baby
Boomers Recent Results From a Longitudinal
Survey Summary, US Dept. of Labor, 2004
22Why 21st Century Skills?
20th Century
21st Century
1 2 Jobs
10 15 Jobs
Number of Jobs
Critical Thinking Across Disciplines
Mastery of One Field
Job Requirement
Integration of 21st Century Skills into Subject
Matter Mastery
Subject Matter Mastery
Teaching Model
Subject Matter Mastery
Integration of 21st Century Skills into Subject
Matter Mastery
Assessment Model
23(No Transcript)
- Why are 21st Century Skills so important?
- What is the framework for 21st Century Learning?
- What can schools and teachers do?
- What does it look like in some places?
- What can you do?
25Every Student Must Be
- A critical thinker
- A problem solver
- An innovator
- An effective communicator
- An effective collaborator
- A self-directed learner
- Information and media literate
- Globally aware
- Civically engaged
- Financially and economically literate
2620th Century Education Model
2721st Century Skills Framework
The Framework for 21st Century Learning describes
the skills, knowledge and expertise students must
master to succeed in work and life.
2821st Century Skills Framework
2921st Century Skills Framework
- Core Subjects
- Economics
- English
- Government
- Arts
- History
- Geography
- Reading or Language
- Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- World Languages
- Civics
- 21st Century Themes
- - Global Awareness
- - Financial, Economic, Business
- Entrepreneurship Literacy
- - Civic Literacy
- - Health Literacy
3021st Century Skills Framework
- Learning Innovation Skills
- Critical Thinking Problem Solving
- Creativity Innovation
- Communication Collaboration
3121st Century Skills Framework
- Information, Media Technology Skills
- Information Literacy
- Media Literacy
- ICT (Information, Communications
- Technology) Literacy
3221st Century Skills Framework
- Life Career Skills
- Flexibility Adaptability
- Initiative Self-Direction
- Social Cross-Cultural Skills
- Productivity Accountability
- Leadership Responsibility
33Whats new about 21st Century Skills?
New Focus
New Needs
3421st Century Skills Framework
These 21st Century Skills should become the new
design specs for 21st Century education.
3521st Century Skills Represent
- the necessary student outcomes of 21st century
learning. - Students need to obtain
- Learning and Innovation Skills (creativity and
innovation, critical thinking and problem
solving, etc.), - Information, Media and Technology Skills,
- Core Subjects and 21st century themes (global
awareness, financial literacy, etc.), and - Life and Career Skills (initiative and
self-direction, among others).
- Why are 21st Century Skills so important?
- What is the framework for 21st Century Learning?
- What can schools and teachers do?
- What does it look like in some places?
- What can you do?
37What You Can Do 4 Suggestions
- 1. Embed 21st Century Skills into core subjects.
38What You Can Do 4 Suggestions
- 2. Focus on the professional development of 21st
Century Skills - West Virginia/Teach 21
- P21 Paper on 21st Century Skills and Professional
Development (Route 21)
39What You Can Do 4 Suggestions
- 3. Focus on the assessment of 21st Century
Skills - P21 Paper on 21st Century Skills and
Assessment (Route 21)
40What You Can Do 4 Suggestions
4. Use Route 21. How do I learn more about 21st
century skills?
41Finding Resources
42Scholastics 21st Learning Faculty
43(No Transcript)
44- to design
- Reading, Writing Thinking for the 21st Century
- Are our students ready for the new global economy?
Are our students critical thinkers and problem
Are our students globally aware?
Are our students self-directed?
Are our students good at collaborating?
Are our students information and technology
Are our students flexible and adaptable?
Are our students innovative?
Are our students effective communicators?
48What You Can Do 4 Suggestions
These skills can become the design specs for
21st century education in your district.
- Serve as a catalyst to position 21st century
skills at the center of U.S. K-12 education by
building collaborative partnerships among
education, business and community and government
51The Partnership is
- the nations leading advocacy organization
focused on infusing 21st century skills into
52 53P21 Members
The Partnership is unique. We fill a distinctive
and vital role as THE leading education
partnership advocating for a 21st century skills
education system. Currently there are 38
members of the Partnership for 21st Century
Skills that represent all sectors of American
54P21 Members
55P21 Partner States
Current State Partners
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- South Dakota
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Arizona
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Maine
- Massachusetts
56Current Initiatives
- State Partnership Program
- Route 21 (key white papers)
- Paper on Education and U.S. Competitiveness
- Transition paper on 21st Century Skills
- National Summit on 21st Century Skills (6/09)
- Content Maps
57Contact Us
177 North Church Ave. Suite 305 Tucson, AZ
85701 (520) 623-2466