Title: Weekly Bobcat News
1Weekly Bobcat News Dec. 14th-18th
2December 14, 2009
Its the winter holiday season, already. It
seems as though this year went by rather quickly.
Why does time seem to go by faster the older you
7th h Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts 300
500 8th Grade Boys Basketball Practice 500
Tech Club starts again on Tuesday
Make Your "That's Entertainment" Artwork
Staff Meeting 300
3December 15, 2009
7th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts 300
500 8th Grade Boys Basketball Practice 500
700 Wrestling Sign-ups Today
Complete the following thought, It seems like
just yesterday I was.
6th Grade Mathletes 220 300 Room 81 Tech
Club 245 345
4December 16, 2009
7th Grade Boys Basketball Practice 500
700 8th Grade Boys Basketball Practice 300
500 Wrestling Practice 3 -5
Holiday traditions are passed down from one
generation to another. When people arrive in a
new country, they bring traditions with them.
Considering the United States is made up of
peoples from many different countries, our
traditions here are a mix of many different
countries traditions. Dissect a holiday
tradition into its components and try and
determine where the original components came from
(i.e. Gift giving).
- Club Updates
- Robotics Club 300 400 Room 36
- Art Club 300 400 Room 75
- Science Olympiad
- 300 400 Room 45
5December 17, 2009
- Discussion Topic
- Be generous and give other people in your
advisory class a compliment. Possibly start a
compliment with, Youre cool when.
7th Grade Boys Basketball Practice 500 700
8th Grade Boys Basketball Practice
300 500 Wrestling Practice 3 -5
DISMISSAL. Renaissance Assemblies PM Assembly
6th Grade Mathletes 220 300 Room 81
6December 18, 2009
Why does everyone smile on the Friday before the
winter holiday?
MINIMUM DAY 110 DISMISSAL Enjoy the Winter
Break! School resumes on January 4, 2010.