Title: Social Studies
1Social Studies
Wisconsin Knowledge And Concepts Examinations
2WKCE Social Studies
3WKCE Social Studies
- Questions on the WKCE Social Studies test come
from the subjects of
4WKCE Social Studies
- The WKCE Social Studies questions emphasize the
relationships among - geography,
- history and culture,
- civics and government, and
- economics.
5WKCE Social Studies
- Many of the questions include
- maps,
- parts of historic documents.
6WKCE Social Studies
- When a question includes one of these
real sources you need to - analyze and
- apply
- the information given in the source
to answer the question.
7WKCE Social Studies
Type Of Questions
- The WKCE Social Studies test consists of multiple
choice questions.
Like all sections of the WKCE, the Social Studies
test is timed.
You have 60 minutes to work on
the WKCE Social Studies test.
8WKCE Social StudiesMultiple Choice Questions
- Multiple choice geography questions rate
your understanding of - the people of the world.
- the physical environments of the world.
9WKCE Social StudiesMultiple Choice Questions
History And Culture
- Multiple choice history and culture questions
judge your understanding of - time, continuity, and change throughout history.
- the contributions and influences
of different cultures.
10WKCE Social StudiesMultiple Choice Questions
Civics And Government
- Multiple choice civics and government questions
involve your understanding of - civic responsibility.
- the structure and functions of government at
various levels.
11WKCE Social StudiesMultiple Choice Questions
- Multiple choice economic questions evaluate
your understanding of the production of goods and
at local, regional, and global levels.
12WKCE Social Studies
Test Dates
Your teacher or counselor will tell you
on which
day between November 4th and 22nd you will take
the WKCE Social Studies test.
13WKCE Scores
- Norm-referenced scores tell how
well you are doing in
comparison to
other 10th graders across the nation. - Proficiency scores tell
how well you are achieving the
social studies goals that have been set by the
State of Wisconsin
for all 10th graders.
14WKCE Proficiency Scores
There are 4 possible proficiency
scores. Each indicates the degree to which you
have learned the social studies knowledge and
skills included in the 10th grade goals.
15WKCE Proficiency Score
- Your social studies proficiency score
is determined by the degree
to which you - remember and apply social studies
knowledge and skills. - interpret primary and secondary sources of
information including maps, graphs, and
historical documents. - draw conclusions and make predictions.
- investigate and analyze problems, issues, and
situations. - give explanations.
16Test Taking Skills
17WKCE Social Studies Type Of Questions
- Multiple choice questions on the WKCE
ask you to select the BEST answer
from the choices.
Because there is no penalty for wrong answers on
the WKCE, answer every question.
18Test Taking Skills
- On the WKCE, mark your answers
in your test booklet.
- Your teacher can help you understand the test
directions and how to mark your answers but can
not help you with any of the test questions.
19Test Taking Skills
- Mark only the circle that goes with the answer
you choose.
- If you want to change an answer, completely
erase the first mark you made before making a new
20Test Taking Skills
- The WKCE multiple choice questions are scored by
a machine. - Be precise in marking your answers.
- Dont make any stray marks.
21Test Taking Skills
- As you take each section of the WKCE, pay
attention to the information on the bottom of
each page.
22Test Taking Skills
- Each of the subject area tests
begins on its own page 1.
23Test Taking Skills
When you come to the word STOP
at the bottom of the page, you have finished
the WKCE Social Studies test.
24Test Taking Skills
When you have finished checking your work,
sit quietly until everyone else has finished.
25Sample Questions
26Sample Question
- Which of these cities is located nearest 30? S
latitude? - Lima
- Bombay
- Cape Town
- Madrid
Study the map of the world. Then do Number 1.
Source 2001-2002 Student/Parent Pre-Test Guide,
Wisconsin Student Assessment System
27Answer To Sample Question
- Which of these cities is located nearest 30? S
latitude? - Lima
- Bombay
- Cape Town
- Madrid
Study the map of the world. Then do Number 1.
Mexico City
Cape Town
Source 2001-2002 Student/Parent Pre-Test Guide,
Wisconsin Student Assessment System
28Sample Question
- The graphs below show the monthly temperatures
and rainfall of a particular region. Look at the
graphs and then do Number 2.
- The information on the graphs shows a rainfall
and temperature pattern that is most like - the Arctic region of Europe
- the desert regions of Africa
- the rain forest regions of Asia
- the Great Plains region of North America
Source http//www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/oea/ss10it
29Answer To Sample Question
- The graphs below show the monthly temperatures
and rainfall of a particular region. Look at the
graphs and then do Number 2.
- The information on the graphs shows a rainfall
and temperature pattern that is most like - the Arctic region of Europe
- the desert regions of Africa
- the rain forest regions of Asia
- the Great Plains region of North America
Source http//www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/oea/ss10it
30Sample Question
- Read the passage and then do Number 3.
- Which of these statements best summarized Chief
Josephs speech? - Native Americans should not be subject to any
laws. - Native Americans should have their own
Constitution. - Native Americans should receive special
from the United States
government. - Native Americans should have the same rights as
other people living in the United States.
Source http//www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/oea/ss10it
31Answer To Sample Question
- Read the passage and then do Number 3.
Treat all men alike. Give them all the same laws.
Give them all an even chance to live and growLet
me be a free man-free to travel, free to stop,
free to work, free to trade where I choose, free
to choose my own teachers, free to follow the
religion of my fathers, free to think and talk
and act for myself-and I will obey every law, or
submit to the penalty. -Chief Joseph, leader of
the Nez Perce, 1879
- Which of these statements best summarized Chief
Josephs speech? - Native Americans should not be subject to any
laws. - Native Americans should have their own
Constitution. - Native Americans should receive special
from the United States
government. - Native Americans should have the same rights as
other people living in the United States.
Source http//www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/oea/ss10it
32(No Transcript)
33Milwaukee Public Schools
- Carl Perkins School To Work Integrated Studies
- Claude Beale
- Project Coordinator
- 2002
Lynn Butenhoff Rita Fagan L. Lynn Krebs
Betty Lolkes Therese Trimberger