Website download address - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Website download address – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Website download address

Website download address
  • Air Polution
  • http//

Environmental Ethics
  • Professional Ethics -
  • Decisions made in the best of public interest
  • Civil Engineer Code of Ethics
  • Engineers shall hold paramount the safety,
    health and welfare of the public in the
    performance of their duties
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Decision made in the best interest of the
  • - Realize that humans are but one form of life
    we share our earth with other forms of
  • -No diminishing shared resource or permanently
    change of environment

Page 33
P. 33
Air Pollution
  • Background
  • Air Quality Standards
  • Sources of Air Pollution
  • Meteorology
  • Effects of Air Pollution
  • Global Issues
  • Air Pollution Control Devices

Composition of Normal Dry Air
(1969 data)
Changes in Air Composition
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • 352 ppm in 1989 369 ppm in 2000 (Hawaii)
  • Nitrous Oxide
  • 0.304 ppm in 1985 0.314 ppm in 1999 (Tasmania,
  • Methane
  • 1.7 ppm in 1990 1.73-1.84 ppm in 1999 (Tasmania,

Air Pollution Episodes
Air Quality Standards
  • Ambient Air Quality Standards
  • Primary standards are designed to establish
    limits to protect public health, including the
    health of "sensitive" populations such as
    asthmatics, children, and the elderly.
  • Secondary standards set limits to protect public
    welfare, including protection against decreased
    visibility and damage to animals, crops,
    vegetation, and buildings.

Page 463-464
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
These pollutants are monitored.
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Page 465
Classification of Air Pollutants
  • State of matter Gases or suspended
    particulate matter
  • Source of pollutants
  • Natural
  • Emissions from volcanic eruptions, smoke
    particles from forest fire, pollen grains, fungus
    spores, etc.
  • Gaseous pollutants from natural sources include
    carbon dioxide and other gases such as hydrogen
    sulfide and hydrocarbons.
  • Anthropogenic (Human-made)
  • Near cities and in populated areas, more than
    90 of the volume of air pollutants is
    contributed by human activity.
  • Stationary sources combustion processes,
    industrial processes, and construction and
  • Contribute approximately 40 of total air
    pollution (98 of SOx, 95 of particulates, 56
    of hydrocarbons, 53 of NOx, and 22 of CO)
  • Mobile sources motor vehicles, aircraft,
    railroads, ships, handling and/or evaporation of
  • Contribute approximately 60 of total air
    pollution (78 of CO, 47 of NOx, 44 of total
    hydrocarbons, 5 of particulates, and 2 of SOx)

Classification of Air Pollutants
  • Chemical composition
  • Organic compounds hydrocarbon, aldehydes etc.
  • Inorganic materials CO, CO2, SO2, NOX etc.
  • Origin
  • Primary pollutants
  • Pollutants such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen
    oxides, and hydrocarbons, which are directly
    emitted to the atmosphere and found there in the
    same form in which they were emitted
  • Secondary pollutants
  • Pollutants such as ozone and peroxylacetyl
    nitrate (PAN), which are formed in the atmosphere
    by a photochemical reaction or by hydrolysis or

Variation on Spatial Scale
  • Small scale indoor air pollution
  • We spend most of our lives indoors.
  • Some pollutants (such as solvents) are present
    at higher concentration indoor than outdoor.
  • Intermediate scale localized air pollution
  • Air pollution episodes
  • Air pollution in cities and populated areas
  • Large scale international or global
  • Poorly understood and extremely complex
  • Global problems such as acid rain, global
    warming, ozone layer depletion

Particulate Pollutants
  • Particulates - small particles and aerosols
    (1-100 µm)
  • Responsible for color and opacity in smoke and
  • Classification based on their properties
  • Dust solid particles of large size
  • Fume solid particles formed by condensation of
  • Mist liquid particles formed by the
    condensation of vapors/chemical reactions
  • Smoke Solid particles formed as a result of
    incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials
  • Spray liquid particles formed by atomization of
    a parent liquid

Effects of Air Pollutants
Abrasion not so common soil particles in dust
storms/Pb particles from
weapons fired Deposition removal liquid and
solid particle on exposed surface
Aesthetic issue
cleaning process causes damage Direct
chemical attack Solubilization
Oxidation/reduction reactions SO2/SO3 H2O
CaCO3 ? CaSO4/CaSO42H2O (leach away with
(limestone) Ag H2S ?AgS (slightly greyish
black) Tarnishing
Effects of Air Pollutants
Indirect chemical attack Pollutants are absorbed
then react with component
of absorbent to form
destructive compound SO2 absorbed on leather
form H2SO4 due to the presence of Iron Leather
becomes brittle Electrochemical corrosion
Primarily oxidation/reduction reactions on metal

surfaces- forming microscopic anode and
Factor affecting deterioration Moisture,
temperature, sunlight and position of exposed
material etc.
Effects of Air Pollutants
Leaf Primary indicator of air pollution on
plants In most cases, plants are more
sensitive than human Ozone Formation of
red-brown spot on leaves turning to white after
few days (Injury maximum
during sunny midday) NO2 Growth inhibition
at 0.5 ppm or higher necrosis (surface
spotting) SO2 Necrosis at 0.3 ppm Air
pollution reduction in surface area-resulting a
lower crop yield
Effects of Air Pollutants
  • Air quality standards to protect the most
    sensitive population
  • we breathe about 20,000
  • Respiratory system primary indicator of air
    pollution effects on human
  • Upper Respiratory Tract (URT) nose, pharynx
    (far-inks), larynx
  • (lar-inks) , trachea (tray-kee-uh)
  • Tiny hairs called cilia protect the nasal
    passageways and other parts of
  • the respiratory tract, filtering out dust and
    other particles
  • Lower Respiratory Tract (LRT) branching
    structures-bronchi and lung
  • Bronchi end in tiny air sacs called alveoli
    (al-vee-oh-lie), where the
  • exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide actually
    takes place

Inhalation and Retention of Air
pollutants (govern by size and breathing
rate) Size 5 to 10 ?m (visible by naked
eye) Effectively retained by hairs
in nose Sneezing also helps
screening Size 1-2 ?m Small enough to be
bypass screening/deposition in the
URT and penetrate to alveoli high
terminal settling velocity
deposit and do the most damage Size 0.5 ?m
Too small to be deposited diffuse to alveolar
  • Effect of Pollutant Concentration X Exposure

Chronic Respiratory Disease
Asthma Inflammatory lung disease that causes
airways to tighten and narrow (20
million suffer in the US) Bronchiolitis
Respiratory infection that affects the tiny
airways Pulmonary emphysema Lungs produce
excessive mucus and the alveoli
become damaged primarily
due to smoking Lung cancer Caused by an
abnormal growth of cells in the lungs
Q How debris is moved out of the lungs?
A. the cough reflex B. smoking
C. cilia D. Both A and C.
Origin Fate of Air Pollutants
  • Carbon monoxide
  • A product of incomplete combustion of carbon
    containing compounds.
  • e.g. fossil fuels (gasoline, diesel, coal),
    biomass, forest fire, etc.
  • Major Sinks 1. react with OH. to form carbon
  • 2. remove by soil microbes
  • Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAPs) (page 24/25)
  • Major sources include fuel combustion, metal
    processing, petroleum and natural gas production,
    waste/wastewater treatment, and many other
    industrial processes.
  • Major Sinks Add./subs. of OH to form carbon
    monoxide/carbon dioxide
  • Lead
  • Volcanic activity, airborne soil (natural)
    Smelters, refining and incineration of
    lead-bearing wastes (anthropogenic).
  • Major Sinks Attach to particles/form nuclei
    settle/wash-out by rain

Origin Fate of Air Pollutants
  • Nitrogen Dioxide
  • Biological release of nitrous oxide (N2O) reaches
    upper atmosphere reacts with atomic oxygen and
    produce NO, which is then oxidized to NO2 by
  • Burning of fossil fuels (coal and petroleum) is
    the major source of NO2.
  • Major Sinks NO2 is converted to NO2-/NO3- and
    precipitates as acid rain
  • Sulfur Oxides
  • Contribute by coal based power plants,
    volcano, automobiles etc. contributed by
    atmospheric reactions-secondary pollutants.
  • Major Sinks SO2 is converted to SO3-/SO4-
    and precipitates as acid rain
  • Particulates
  • Contribute by coal based power plants,
    volcano, automobiles, smokes
  • from forest fires, soil dust etc.
  • Major Sinks direct deposition, rain
    wash-out etc.

(No Transcript)
  • Photochemical Oxidants
  • Entirely contributed by atmospheric
    reactions-secondary pollutants.
  • Pollutants such as ozone and peroxylacetyl
    nitrate (PAN), which are
  • formed in the atmosphere by a
    photochemical reaction or by hydrolysis or

Global Issues of Air Pollution
  • The effect of air pollution on regional and
    global levels
  • Acid rain
  • Ozone layer depletion
  • Green house effect and Global warming

Acid Rain
Page 485
Distilled water, which contains no carbon
dioxide, has a neutral pH of 7. "Clean" or
unpolluted rain has an acidic pH of 5.6, because
carbon dioxide and water in the air react
together to form carbonic acid, a weak acid. If
the rain water pH is below 5.6, then it is termed
as Acid Rain or more correctly Acid
H2O CO2 ? H2CO3
  • Causes of Acid Rain
  • Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
    released into the
  • atmosphere during combustion of fossil fuels
    (coals, gasoline, petrol etc.).
  • SO2 and NOx are converted to sulfuric acid
    (H2SO4) and nitric acid
  • (HNO3) and through oxidation and
  • 2SO2 H2O O2 ? 2H2SO4
  • 4NO2 2H2O O2 ? 4HNO3
  • These acids then falls to ground with rain,
    snow or sleet Acids Rain

(No Transcript)
Effects of Acid Rain
  • Trans-boundary SO2 release in US has been blamed
    for forest
  • destruction in

  • in Britain - Scandinavia
  • Destructs forest and crops due to increase in
    soil acidity
  • Kills fish due to aluminum toxicity
  • Damages building, erodes metal works, etc.

Forest destruction
Fish kill
Castle stonework in the UK
Control/Preventive Measures
  • Use fossil fuels with low sulfur content
  • Install FGD in coal-fired power plant
  • Seek for non-polluting energy sources, e.g.
    hydro, tidal power, wind, biomass, etc.

Ozone Layer in Atmosphere
Presence of ozone in the upper atmosphere (20-40
km and up) provides a barrier to UV
radiation Thickness of Ozone 200-300 Dobson Unit
(DU) 1 Dobson Unit (DU) is defined to be 0.01 mm
thickness at STP.
Importance of Ozone in Atmosphere
  • Block harmful UV radiation reaching the earth,
    which otherwise will have the following
  • Incidence of skin cancer upon exposure
  • Cataracts
  • Cause aging
  • Immune-system damage
  • Reduction in crop yield

How is Ozone Layer Depleted?
Page 486
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) pressuring agent,
refrigerants foaming agent, solvent etc.
CCl3F h? ? CCl2 Cl
Cl O3 ? ClO O2
ClO O ? Cl O2
One atom of Cl can destroy upto 100,000 molecule
of O3
Control/Preventive Measures
  • Montreal Protocol 1987 To phase-out CFC use
  • Replace CFC
  • HCFC Hydro Chlorofluorocarbon
  • HFC Hydro fluorocarbon

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Green House Effect and Global Warming
Green House Gases
  • Any gas that absorbs infra-red radiation in the
    atmosphere is greenhouse gas
  • Water vapor
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) major concern !!!
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O)
  • CFCs
  • Ozone (O3)
  • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

Page 489
Green house gases
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Global Warming and Effects
  • Global warming Average increase in the Earth's
  • Changes in earth climate
  • Changes in rainfall patterns
  • A rise in sea level
  • Impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans

Air Pollution Control Devices
  • Absorption Tower
  • Baghouse
  • Venturi Scrubber
  • Cyclone Separator
  • Adsorption Bed
  • Electrostatic Precipitator

Page 511
Particulate Pollutants
  • Classification based on their sizes
  • Total suspended particulates (TSP)
  • Respirable suspended particulates (RSP)
  • Particulate matter which is very small, remains
    suspended in the air for periods of time, and is
    easily inhaled into the deep lung
  • PM10 Particulate matter 10 µm
  • PM2.5 Particulate matter 2.5 µm
  • Particulate pollutants that are of particular
    concern are RSP, lead, asbestos, heavy metal
    compounds, and radioactive substances.

Gaseous Pollutants
Important Gaseous Pollutants
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Major source is the combustion of fossil fuel.
    Coal fired power stations contribute most to SO2
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • High temperature processes (combustion) produce
    NO, which is then oxidized to NO2 in the ambient
  • Burning of fossil fuels (coal and petroleum) is
    the major source of NOx.
  • Carbon monoxide
  • A product of incomplete combustion of carbon
    containing compounds.
  • It is a localized pollutant and tends to build up
    in areas of concentrated vehicle traffic, in
    parking garages, and under building overhangs.

Important Gaseous Pollutants
  • Carbon dioxide
  • One of the trace elements in the atmosphere
  • Increase in its concentration play a crucial
    role in altering the climate of the earth
    (greenhouse effect)
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Vehicles are major source of atmospheric
  • Stationary sources include petrochemical
    manufacturing, oil refining, oil refining,
    incineration, paint manufacturing and use, and
    dry cleaning.
  • Ozone
  • A secondary pollutant, which is not emitted
    directly into the air, but is the result of
    chemical reactions in the ambient air.
  • The components of automobile exhaust are
    particularly important in the formation of ozone.

Thermal Power Plant Control/Preventive Measures
  • Use fossil fuels with low sulfur content
  • Install FGD in coal-fired power plant
  • SO2 CaCO3 ? CaSO3
  • (Limestone) CO2
  • CaSO3 ½ O2 ? CaSO4
  • (Gypsum)

Thermal Power Plant Control/Preventive Measures
  • Reduction of NOx by ammonia
  • 6NO 4NH3 ? 5N2 H2O
  • 6NO2 8 NH3 ?7N2 12 H2O
  • Seek for non-polluting energy sources, e.g.
    hydro, tidal power, wind, biomass, etc.

Absorption Tower
  • Transfer of pollutants from gas phase to
    liquid phase
  • Mass transfer process ? gas dissolves in

Three steps for pollutant gas removal
Dissolution of gas pollutant into liquid
Gas/liquid interface
Diffusion of gas pollutant to surface of liquid
Page 511
Absorption Tower (cont.)
Liquid solvents Water, Acid/Base solution
Gas pollutants Sulfur dioxide, Hydrogen
sulfide, Chlorine, Nitrogen oxides,
  • Spray chamber Liquid is sprayed to capture
  • air pollutants as the gas move upward in
  • Plate Tower Liquid passes thru a number of
  • and forms thin film that captures the
    uprising gas
  • pollutants
  • Packed Tower Liquid passed thru packed column
  • tower and captures the gas pollutants as they
  • upward thru the liquid film.

Page 511
Absorption Systems
Lower water use (1 to 3 L/m3 gas ) High surface
area for absorption Efficiency 90
Higher water use (3 to 14L/m3 gas ) Much lower
surface area for absorption Efficiency 50-75
  • Consists of banks of
  • fabric filters, usually
  • bags
  • ?0.1-0.35 mL2-10 m
  • Contaminant air flows
  • into the bottom of
  • baghouse and pass
  • thru the fabric filter
  • Particulate is trapped at the fabric filter and
  • Mainly for the removal of particulate matters,
  • Efficiency 99.

Venturi Scrubber
  • Baghouse not suitable
  • for wet, corrosive and
  • hot particulate matter
  • Absorption systems not
  • suitable for fine particles
  • Venturi scrubber is an
  • ideal solution
  • The differential velocity between the liquid
  • and particulate matters.
  • This differential velocity allows the particles
    to get
  • collected on the droplets

Cyclone Separator
  • For the removal of
  • particulate matter ? 10 ?m
  • Particle-laden gas enters
  • the cyclone tangentially
  • Separation of particles
  • occurs as a result of
  • centrifugal force
  • The heavy particles are thrown on the wall and
  • off into a collection hopper.

Adsorption Bed
  • The target pollutants (absorbate) from gas are
  • removed thru attachment on the surface of the
  • The media (absorbent) is typically granulated
  • activated carbon (GAC) or powdered activated
  • carbon (PAC)
  • Activated carbon is produced from nut shell
  • (coconut) and coal subjected to heat treatment
    in a
  • reducing atmosphere.
  • Effective in removal organic gaseous pollutants,
  • hydrocarbons Efficiency 99

Electrostatic Precipitator
  • Dry removal of particles from gas streams
  • Alternating plates and wires with large direct
  • potential (30 -75 kV) is established between
  • plates
  • This creates an ion field between the plates
  • As particle-laden gas stream passes the field,
  • attach to the particle, giving them net ve
  • The particles then migrate toward the ve
  • plate where they stick

Electrostatic Precipitator
Air Pollution Control in Mobile Source
Catalytic converter treats the exhaust before it
leaves the car and removes a lot of the pollution
Air Pollution control in Mobile Source
The Reduction CatalystThe reduction catalyst
uses platinum and rhodium to help reduce the NOx
emissions. 2NO N2 O2 or 2NO2 N2 2O2
The Oxidization CatalystThe oxidation catalyst
reduces the unburned hydrocarbons and carbon
monoxide by oxidizing them over a platinum and
palladium catalyst. This catalyst aids the
reaction of the CO and hydrocarbons with the
remaining oxygen in the exhaust gas. For example
2CO O2 2CO2
  • Lapse rate Change of air temperature with height
  • Ambient lapse rate (-?T/?Z) Rate of ambient
    temp. changes
  • Ambient lapse rate different than the lapse rate
    of rising air parcel (from stack, automobile,
  • Adiabatic lapse rate (? -dT/dz) Change in
    temp. of air parcel with no heat loss/gain with
    ambient air

  • Tendency of atmosphere to resist/enhance the
    vertical motion of air parcel
  • Three types of stability
  • Neutral When both lapse rates are exactly equal
  • (? ?T/?Z)
  • Unstable Rising air parcel warmer than the
    ambient air and the parcel will continue to rise
  • (?T/?Z ?)
  • Stable Rising air parcel arrives at altitude in
    a cooler state than the ambient air. Displaced
    parcel of air downward
  • ?T/?Z

  • Neutral Stability ? ?T/?Z -1.00oC/100 m

  • Unstable atmosphere ambient temp. falls at a
    faster rate that the dry adiabatic rate, i.e.
    ?T/?Z ?
  • ?T/?Z -1.25 oC/100 m

  • Stable atmosphere ambient temp. falls at a
    rate less than the dry adiabatic rate, i.e.
  • ?T/?Z -0.5 oC/100 m

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Transport of Air Pollutants
Meteorology of Air Pollution
This is the end !
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