Title: Mutual reinforcement principle and applications
1 Mutual reinforcement principle
and applications
- Dhiraj Joshi
- Presentation for IST 597 C
- The Pennsylvania State University
- http//wang.ist.psu.edu
- Introduction and motivation
- Hubs and authorities Jon Kleinberg
- Google page rank Brin and Page
- Story picturing engine Joshi, Wang, and Li
3Introduction and motivation
- Mutual reinforcement ranking scheme
- entities mutually reinforce each other based
on some similarity - between them
- has circular definition
- eqn. has iterative solution
4Introduction and motivation
- Mutual reinforcement ranking scheme
- entities mutually reinforce each other based
on some similarity - between them
- Intuitive justification being reinforced by a
high ranked entity should enhance the rank of
another entity - reinforcement could result from
- sharing a hyperlink in a Web-graph 2 web pages
- similar in language content - 2 documents
- similar in visual content - 2 images
- citation in a scientific document
- Introduction and motivation
- Hubs and authorities Jon Kleinberg
- Google page rank Brin and Page
- Story picturing engine Joshi, Wang, and Li
6Hubs and authorities
- Model of the link structure of the Web
- Web modeled as a directed graph
- nodes web pages
- edges hyper-links between pages
- Web is a very sparse graph
- Basic hypothesis of this model
- If
- p and q are web-pages
- p has a hyperlink to q (p -gt q)
- Then
- p has conferred some authority to q
7Hubs and authorities
- Model of the link structure of the Web
- Web modeled as a directed graph
- nodes web pages
- edges hyper-links between pages
- Web is a very sparse graph
- Web consists of two types of pages
- AUTHORITIES - pointed to by many pages
- have a high in-degree in
the directed graph - HUBS - point to many pages
- have a high out-degree in
the directed graph
8Hubs and authorities
- Search algorithm -
- STEP 1 - given a query q build a focused
sub-graph - begin with search results of common search
engines - follow hyperlinks to discover more pages
9Hubs and authorities
- Search algorithm -
- STEP 1 - given a query q build a focused
sub-graph - STEP 2 - explore hyper-link structure of the
sub-graph - find hubs and authorities in sub-graph
- Hubs and Authorities exhibit mutually reinforcing
relationship - Good HUB points to many good AUTHORITIES
- Good AUTHORITY pointed to by many good
10Hubs and authorities
- Search algorithm -
- STEP 1 - given a query q build a focused
sub-graph - STEP 2 - explore hyper-link structure of the
sub-graph - find hubs and authorities in sub-graph
- Iterative algorithm
- for each page p, maintain 2 weights
- normalize them
- iteratively update them
11Hubs and authorities
- Search algorithm -
- STEP 1 - given a query q build a focused
sub-graph - STEP 2 - explore hyper-link structure of the
sub-graph - find hubs and authorities in sub-graph
- Iterative algorithm - graphically
12Hubs and authorities
- Search algorithm -
- STEP 1 - given a query q build a focused
sub-graph - STEP 2 - explore hyper-link structure of the
sub-graph - find hubs and authorities in sub-graph
- Iterative algorithm - graphically
- A adjacency matrix of the graph
- updation operations can be represented as
- solution -
- x - principal Eigen-vector of AA
- y - principal Eigen-vector of AA
- Introduction and motivation
- Hubs and authorities Jon Kleinberg
- Google page rank Brin and Page
- Story picturing engine Joshi, Wang, and Li
14Google page rank
- Model of the link structure of the Web
- Web modeled as a directed graph
- nodes web pages
- edges hyper-links between pages
- Web is a very sparse graph
- Every page is assigned a rank in graph
- Nature of page-rank
- page-rank of pages pointed to by high ranked
pages should be high - pages mutually reinforce each others rank
- circular definition
15Google page rank
- Model of the link structure of the Web
- Web modeled as a directed graph
- nodes web pages
- edges hyper-links between pages
- Web is a very sparse graph
- PR(.) page rank
- C(.) out degree of node
- d damping factor
- Finally PR(.) are normalized to add up to 1
16Google page rank
- PR(.) page rank
- C(.) out degree of node
- d damping factor
- Finally PR(.) are normalized to add up to 1
- Intuitively
- PR(.) represents the stationary distribution of a
random walk in the Web-graph - transitions decided by hyperlinks
17Google page rank
- PR(.) page rank
- C(.) out degree of node
- d damping factor
- Finally PR(.) are normalized to add up to 1
- Random surfer model
- suppose a random surfer is following hyperlinks
in the - web-graph
- PR(A) probability of surfer hitting page A
- (1-d) damping factor to account for surfer
getting bored
- Introduction and motivation
- Hubs and authorities Jon Kleinberg
- Google page rank Brin and Page
- Story picturing engine Joshi, Wang, and Li
19The Story Picturing Engine Finding Elite Images
to Illustrate a Story
- Dhiraj Joshi
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- James Z. Wang
- School of Information Sciences and Technology
- Jia Li
- Department of Statistics
- The Pennsylvania State University
- http//wang.ist.psu.edu
- Introduction of the problem
- Related work
- Story Picturing Engine
- Experimental results
- Conclusions and future work
21Story Picturing
- Scenario
- Pictures with manual annotations
- in a database
- Story with possible references to
objects/events/people in pictures - Problem - Finding suitable pictures to illustrate
Story Picturing Engine
22Story Picturing
- Typically performed by humans
- news picturing news readers/writers
- choosing best images to convey news
- documentary filming directors
- choosing best images to display
- educational story picturing teachers
- choosing best images to teach children
- story comics comic book writers
- picture based rendering more appealing
23Story Picturing
- Why pictures?
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- Why computer intervention?
- amount of data becoming unmanageable
- large scale learning of concepts possible today
- high computational power available
- Why is story picturing challenging?
- human choice is very subjective
- based on past experience, knowledge, prejudices
- computerized content analysis still open problem
24Story Picturing
- Choose the most representative image
Niagara Falls
- Introduction of the problem
- Related Work
- Story Picturing Engine
- Experimental results
- Conclusions and future Work
26Related Work
- Computer Graphics domain
- WordsEye ATT Bell Labs
- converts English text into 3-D scenes
- AI for movie animation Chinese Academy of
Sciences - automatic text to scene conversion
- Computer Vision domain
- Auto-annotation and illustration, Berkeley
- learning based approach
- Past work of our group
- Automatic Linguistic Indexing of Pictures (ALIP)
- CLUster-based rEtrieval (CLUE)
Rockies snow glacier sky ski
- Introduction of the problem
- Related Work
- Story Picturing Engine
- Experimental results
- Conclusions and future Work
28The Story Picturing Engine
- We propose -
- unsupervised approach to story picturing
- integration of text and image information
- criteria to quantify image importance
- Outline of the Story Picturing Engine
- Story processing - extracting keywords and noun
descriptors from story - Image selection - search database and form a pool
of pictures - Choosing elite pictures use pairwise
similarities for ranking - We use the Princeton WordNet for text processing
29The Story Picturing Engine
- Story Processing
- Eliminate stopwords, adjectives and verbs
- Eliminate nouns with high polysemy count
- polysemy count- number of different forms of a
word - Identify proper nouns and keywords
- Image Selection
- Form a pool of possible candidates
- select images whose captions contain at least
one proper noun and any one keyword
30The Story Picturing Engine
- Choosing elite pictures A qualitative look
- Form pairwise image similarities
- Ranks using mutual reinforcement criteria
- images vote towards the rank
- of each other
- each vote enhances the rank
- of an image
- effect of a vote is determined
- by rank of voting image
- Display high ranked images
31The Story Picturing Engine
- Choosing elite pictures A quantitative look
- is a collection of images,
- is a similarity measure between two images,
- Define rank of an image as the
- solution of the equation
- Iterative solution rank vector
- converges to the principal eigenvector
- of the image similarity matrix
32The Story Picturing Engine
- Choice of
- Semantic similarity - similarity in content
- We combine both lexical and visual similarity
- Lexical similarity using WordNet topical
hierarchy - Visual similarity using Integrated Region
Matching (IRM) measure
33Wordnet - A Lexical Database
- Lexical arrangement of nouns
- inspired by psycho-linguistic theories of human
lexical memory - organized as topical hierarchies
- oak-gttree-gtplant-gtorganism
- WordNet definitions
- Synonym words that can be interchangeably used
- Meronym words which have object-part relation
(beak, bird) - Hypernym
- parent in lexical hierarchy
Diagram adopted from a paper on WordNet
34The Story Picturing Engine
- Lexical similarity
- Keyword based similarity using WORDNET
- If and two keywords
- Case1 if and are same or synonyms
- Case 2- if and are meronyms or have
same hypernym - Case2 - if appears in s list of
hypernyms at level t - Case3 if unrelated
- Similarity defined as follows
35The Story Picturing Engine
- Visual similarity
- Integrated Region Matching (IRM) measure
- extract wavelet features from images.
- segment images into a number of regions.
- calculate overall region based similarity.
- details can be found in IEEE PAMI 2001 (9)
- IRM distances converted into percentiles
- If is IRM distance between two
images - is fraction of all distances
which are greater than - Form a linear combination
- Introduction of the problem
- Related Work
- Story Picturing Engine
- Experimental results
- Conclusions and future Work
37Experimental Setup
- Manually annotated image databases
- Terragalleria database (Q-T. Luong)
- annotated pictures from Luongs travels
- http//www.terragalleria.com
- Art Image Consortium (AMICO) database (J. Trant)
- consortium of museums from all over the world
- http//www.amico.org
- Stories
- Luongs travel stories
- obtained from Luongs Website
- Educational stories from ARTKids
- non-profit educational Website
- http//www.artfaces.com/artkids
Terragalleria pictures
AMICO pictures
38Experimental Results
highest ranked lowest ranked
39Experimental Results
highest ranked lowest ranked
40Experimental Results
highest ranked pictures
41Experimental Results
highest ranked pictures
42Experimental Results
Only lexical content used
Both lexical and visual content used
Only visual content used
- Introduction of the problem
- Related Work
- Story Picturing Engine
- Experimental results
- Conclusions and future Work
44Conclusions and Future Work
- Conclusions
- Introduced the problem of Story Picturing
- Proposed a computational solution
- Promising results have been shown
- Future work
- Integration of several databases
- Integrate Story Picturing Engine with commercial
text based image search engines - An online interface for Story Picturing Engine
- Providing real time solutions
- Comprehensive evaluation of the system
- Acknowledgments NSF ITR/Career/RI
- More details at http//wang.ist.psu.edu