2MATERIA MEDICA PURA By Samuel Hahnemann
important source book of homoeopathic materia
medica . - The first edition of this invaluable contribution
by Dr Samuel Hahnemann was published from 1811
to 1821.1st edition has 6 volumes.
3- Vol 1- 12 medicines 6 new and 6 old, in
1811.(Bell,Dul, Cin,CanSat,Cocc,Nux,Op,Mosch,Olean
,Mer,Acon,Arn) - Vol 2- 8 medicines 3 magnets ,
1816.(Caust,Ars,Fer,Ign,Magnes, Magnes north
pole, Magnes south pole ,Puls,Rheum,Rhus,Bry) - Vol 3-8 medicines , 1817.(Cham,Cin,Hell,Asar,Ipeca
c,Scilla,Starm,Verat alb) - Vol 4-12 medicines , 1818.(Hyos,Dig,Aur,Guaic,Camp
,Led,Rut,Sars,Con,Cheild,Sulph,Argen) - Vol 5- 11 medicines, 1819.(Euphr,Meny,Cycl,Samb,Ca
l acet, Mur acid, Thuj,Tarax, Phosp
acid,Spig,Staph) - Vol 6- 10 medicines , 1821.,(Angust,Mang,Cap,Verba
4- It consisted of 64 medicines (22 medicines from
fragmenta) - 37 provers. Some occur comparatively rarely, but,
some with great frequency. Eg. Franz, Gross,
Hahnemanns son Freidrich, Hartmann, Herrmann,
Hornburg, Langhammer, Ruckert, Staph,Of the few
exceptions of this rule.1) Langhammers symptoms
both mental and moral.This prover deformed in
body and unfortunate in his circumstances, was so
depressed and altogether morbid in his
disposition that his psychical state could at no
time be fairly ascertained to the medicine he was
taking. His moral symptoms are of very similar
character under every drug he proved..
5- 2) Staphs Erotic Symptoms Von Gersdroffs
flatuosities should be taken with caution
.Proving has been made up on persons in perfect
health, living in a contentment and comparative
ease. When an extraordinary circumstance of any
kind for eg., fright, chagrin, external injuries,
excessive enjoyment, of any pleasure, or some
event of great importance supervened during the
proving, then no symptoms were recorded.When
they were of mild variety (slight importance) the
symptoms have been placed (-thus informing the
reader hat they could not be considered
decisively genuine) in brackets.. No information
of dose and mode of administration
6Second edition
- Vol 1- 1822.
- Vol 2- 1824
- Vol 3 4- 1825.
- Vol 5-1826
- Vol 6-1827
- 66 medicines 3 new remedies (carbo animalis,
carbo veg ambergris in 6th vol)
7- In the first edition the volumes contain no
contributions from the fellow provers. But, when
these medicines appear in the second edition,
their pathogenesis have been freely supplied from
fellow provers and largely augmented accordingly.
We can see that names of about 37 provers of
which some occur comparatively rarely, but some
with great frequency.all medicines except 13 have
citations from authors.Medicines with citations
are observations of poisioning and over dosing.
8Third edition
- 2 volumes 1830 1833.
- 67 medicines First vol-37 medicines second vol
30 medicines. Medicine as before, Causticum
transferred to Die Chronischen Krankheiten.The
chief change that has taken place has been the
amalgamation of all symptoms of Hahnemanns own
observations with those of others in to one
continuous schema. Pathogenesis increased in most
instances.More additions of symptoms 30-40
symptoms which are Hahnemanns and his
observations on sick. More number of fresh
9- The present edition is the third edition.It is
translated from the latest German editions by R.
E. Dudgeon, M.D. With annotations by Richard
Hughes LRCPE. This work consists of 2 volumes.
. The essays scattered among the six volumes were
divided into two and put as preface in two
volumes. Published by B Jain publishers Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi.
10 Contents of volume 1
- Translators preface.
- Preface by author
- Spirit of the Homeopathic Medical Doctrine
- Preamble
- Total 37 drugs ( from Aconite to Ipecac ) No. of
pages 718 .Â
11Contents of volume 2
- Nota Bene For my Reviewers
- Examination of the sources of the common materia
medica - A Reminiscence
- The medical observer a fragment
- The power of small dose of homeopathic medicine.
Total 30 drugs ( ledum to verbascum ) No. of
pages -- 709 - .
12Translators preface
- The materia medica pura as left to us by
Hahnemann consist of six  volumes, two of which (
vol 1 2 ) had reached a third edition ,while
 the remainder did not get beyond the second .
Dates of publication of these volumes are
Volume 1 -- 1830. Volume 2 -- 1833. Volume 3
4 -- 1825. Volume 5 -- 1826. Volume 6 1827.
Earlier editions, the pathogenesis of the
various medicines not arranged in the same way as
they are in the latest . Â
13- Thus in the former editions -- Hahnemanns
observations are put first, separately numbered
the symptoms observed by his disciples under his
superintendence and those derived from the work
of other observers being arranged together in a
different list and specially numbered . Â In
the third edition, to which only the first two
volumes attained, the arrangement is different.
Here all the symptoms of each medicine whether
observed by Hahnemann himself or his disciples or
taken from the old school authorities are
combined in one schema and numbered continuously.
14- Hahnemanns own observations being distinguished
by having no name or sign attached, while those
of his pupils are indicated by an abbreviation of
the name of each appended to their respective
observations. The authorities of the old school
are named after the symptom for which they are
responsible. Â Another peculiarity in the work,
as it has been left to us, is that the medicines
are not arranged alphabetically. Each volume
contain a varying number of medicines, arranged
alphabetically according to their common German
names, but there is no attempt to maintain the
alphabetical arrangement in respect to the whole
work. Â Â
15- If the work had been translated as such (German
original), this would give 6 volumes of various
sizes and their contents differently arranged. It
would reproduce the work as it exists in the
German original, but it would like that, be
difficult to use as a book of reference and if
the minor details of the German work were also
preserved it would involve a considerable
additional amount of printing without any
advantage there from.
- Â Medicines arranged alphabetically, according to
their English latin names symptoms arranged in
the plan adopted in the latest editions. - To give out the work in two handsome volume of
equal size. (Instead of publishing the work in
six volumes of very unequal size, with no general
alphabetical arrangement of the medicines.) - Greater utility and literary homogeneity of the
work. - 4.Hahnemanns abbreviations of his provers name
are not always the same, but uniformity has been
maintained in this translation
- The essays distributed throughout the original
volume have been divided between the two volume
of the translation, so as to form appropriate
prefaces to each. The alteration introduced by
Hahnemann in his latest editions with regard to
the indication of the name of the prover by an
abbreviation has been extended to all the
medicines in this translation These abbreviations
are printed in italics. Â The names of old school
authorities for symptoms are printed in small
capitals can see it at a glance by the student
or a casual reader, whether the symptom is one
produced by an intentional proving, or is the
result of the generally accidental poisoning or
over dose of an old school observer. Â
18- As in the original, the symptoms with no name or
abbreviation appended are those observed by
Hahnemann himself. Subjoined is a list of
Hahnemanns fellow provers, the abbreviation of
their names employed in this work and the
medicines proved by each. - Eg Stapf , Ernst ---- Stf ( acon, ars, arn,
asr, bel, bry, cam, can, cha, chi,gui,
hel,mt-n,men, mer,mu-x,oln,phx,rut,sam,sar,spi,spo
,squ,stn,stp,thu,vrb) Adam, DrAd(cb-a, cb-v)
Hempel, H - - - -Hpl.(bell)
19- Of these provers ADAM was a Russian physician.VON
GERSDORFF a nobleman residing in
Eisenach,Nenning a surgeon who furnished many of
the symptoms of materia medica of Hartlaub and
Trinks , from whose work Hahnemann took some
symptoms, Indicated by the abbreviation of their
names Hb, Ts , either singly or conjointly. The
remainders of the provers are more properly
Hahnemanns own disciples. Most, if not all of
these provers were medical men many of them well
known as eminent practitioners of homeopathy, and
some distinguished by their valuable
contributions to Homoeopathic literature.
20- Many of the symptoms have the time of occurrence
after taking the medicine. This is indicated by
contractions between brackets. Here m means
minutes, h hours and d days. This is not the
first English translation of Hahnemanns Materia
Medica Pura. In 1846 - Dr. Hempel published a translation. But as Dr.
Hughes has pointed out, Hempels translation is
extremely imperfect. Â - Later Dr.Quin translated Materia Medica. The
first volume was completed and printed, but was
destroyed by a fire at printing press. The only
copy saved is in the library of British
Homoeopathic Society. It has neither preface nor
even a title page. The first volume is translated
from the second edition. But, the medicines it
contains do not altogether correspond with the
original. The arrangement of symptoms is not that
of Hahnemenn.
21- The present is the first attempt to give a
faithful and complete English translation of the
latest editions of the work. Dr. Hughes helped in
this work. He has done the careful revision of
the proof sheets and has given numerous
suggestions of improved versions of the original
, where by both the faithfulness and readableness
of the translation have been greatly improved. Â
It is of course, impossible to render exactly
into English the expressions peculiar to the
German language or to give an exact translation
of every word. So the translator has given the
English equivalents for German phrases where such
exist or to give English expressions that most
nearly correspond with the German originals. Â Â Â
22- There are certain German words and phrases used
by Hahnemann, for which we have no precise
English equivalent. Sometimes two totally
different things are expressed by one English
word only.
23- For eg  The German Hals used for both
throat and neck. Brust either chest or mammae.
Fuss -- denotes foot, sometimes leg upto knees,
sometimes the whole lower extremities. Schenkel
thigh, sometimes leg, occasionally the whole
lower limb . Schooss the groin or iliac region
occasionally the whole hypogastrium. Gesicht --
sight or face. Druckend pressive sometime
aching. And it is not always easy to determine
which English equivalent should be used, no hard
and fast rule can be adopted and the translator
must determine from the context or sometimes from
his inner consciousness which translation
should be employed. Â As a rule druckend,
followed by auf or an must mean pressive,
whereas if followed by in it probably means
24- Forwards by Hughes who assisted Dr. Dudgeon in
this work  Hughes refers to the Hahnemanns
quotations from authors. These are absent from
few of his pathogenesis and in many are very
numerous , so as to number in the whole material
medica pura upwards to4000. It is obvious that
no new editions of a work so full of citations
can be satisfactory, which does not examine these
in their originals for purpose of verification
and of correction ( if necessary ) . Therefore to
make this translation of the Materia Medica Pura
as accurate as possible, it should be desirable
that all the citations contained in this work
should be verified from their original sources
and renewed from thence. It often adds to the
value of a symptom that, we should know the
object and circumstances of its occurrence, the
dose by which it was produced and so forth
Hahnemann rarely gives such information.
25- We long for the daybooks of the experiments,
which gave us these, in the case of the cited
symptom we have them. On the first mention of any
authority in each pathogenesis, he has stated the
nature of his observations, and to each symptom
that has required it, he has appended such
explanations and corrections as might be
necessary to set it forth in its full meaning and
value. All these matter will be found in the
notes at the bottom of the pages, designated by
small figures 1, 2, etc and divided by a line
from Hahnemanns own annotations which have the
usual , , c. Â
26AUTHORS PREFACE From volume 1, 3rd edition 1830
- It gives a detailed amount of the futile
endeavors hither to made to determine the powers
of medicines from their colour, taste, and smell.
It shows how chemistry has been applied to, in
order by wet and dry distillation to extract from
medicinal substances phlegma, ethereal oils,
empyreumatic acids and oils, volatile salts and
from the residuary caput mortum fixed salts
and earths call nearly identical with one
another. It is well known that not a single one
of the innumerable medicinal substances, in spite
of all these technical torturing could be brought
to reveal what sort of healing power it was
possessed of. Certainly the material substances
extracted from them were not the spirit animating
every single substance which enable it cure
certain morbid stages. This spirit could not be
laid hold of by the hands it can only be
recognized by its effects on the living body.
27- Hahnemann criticizes the old school prescription
of different drugs in combinations and says that
the day of true knowledge of medicine and of the
true healing art will dawn when physicians shall
trust the cure of complete cases of disease to a
single medicinal substance, and when regardless
of traditional systems they will employ for the
extinction and cure of a case of disease, whose
symptom they have investigated, one single
medicinal substance whose positive effects they
have ascertained, which can show among these
effects a group of symptoms very similar to those
presented by the case of disease.
28- He also quotes that among the observations from
extraneous sources in the following pages are
some which were observed in patients, these
observations are not altogether valueless, at all
events they serve occasionally to confirm similar
or identical symptoms that may appear in pure
experiments on the healthy.
29- In Hahnemanns own experiments and those of his
disciples, every possible care was taken to
ensure their purity, in order that the true
powers of each medicinal substance might be
clearly expressed in the observed effects. They
were performed on persons as healthy as possible
and under regulated external conditions as nearly
as possible alike. If during the experiments some
extra ordinary circumstances from without
happened which might be supposed to be capable of
altering the results, from that time, no symptoms
in the experiment was registered, they were
30- Hahnemann says that duration of action of
medicine can be learned only from experiments on
the healthiest possible persons. The very small
doses prescribed by Homeopathy produce the
uncommon effect, they do just because they are
not so large as to render it necessary for the
organism to get rid of them by the revolutionary
process of evacuations, in cases of disease where
the remedy has been unsuitably and not accurately
homeopathically chosen.
31- Hahnemann mentions Organon of Medicine and say
that men who has understood this will perceive
that if a work on materia medica can reveal the
precise qualities of medicines, it must be one
from which all mere assumption and empty
speculations about reputed qualities of drugs are
excluded and which only records what medicines
express concerning their true mode of action in
the symptoms they produce in the human body. The
dynamically acting medicines extinguish diseases
only in accordance with the similarity of their
32Â The usual order of symptoms produced by a
remedy is arranged as follows --
- Vertigo, Confusion,Deficient mental power,Loss of
memory Headache internal, external, Forehead,
hair, Face in general vultus , Eyes and sight(
Visus ), Ears hearing ,Nose, smell, Lips, Chin ,
Lower jaw , Teeth, Tongue (impediments to speech)
,Saliva Internal throat, Fauces, oesophagus,
Taste, Eructation , heartburn, hiccough,
Nausea,Vomiting ,Desire for food and drink ,
hunger ,Scorbiculus cordis eStomach Abdomen
epigastrium hepatic region hypochondria
,Hypogastrium , Lumbar region ,Groin, inguinal
region ,Rectum anusperineum ,Alvine evacuation,
Urine, bladder, urethra, Genital organs, Sexual
desire, Sexual power, emission of semen,Menstrual
flux, leucorrhoea, Sneezing, coryza, catarrh,
hoarseness,Cough , Breathing,Chest, Hearts
movements, Sacral region, lumbar vertebra ,Back,
33- Scapulae,Nape,External throat, Shoulders ( axilla
) ,Arms, hands, Hips, pelvis,Buttocks,Thighs,
legs, feet General corporeal sufferings and
cutaneous affection, Sufferings from open air
,Exhalations , temperature of the body ,
disposition to catch cold, sprains, paroxysms ,
Convulsions, paralysis, weakness, fainting ,
Yawning, sleepiness, slumber, sleep, nocturnal
ailments, dreams , Fever, chill, heat,
perspiration , Anxiety, palpitation of heart,
restlessness, trembling , Disturbances of the
disposition, affections of the mind .
34- In footnote it is mentioned that this order of
symptoms is not always preserved the mental
symptoms are sometimes placed at the end of the
list of symptoms . the incovience of separating
mental and emotional symptoms is tacticly
acknowledged by Hahnemann , as he places them
together in chronic diseases.Â
- From volume 2 , 3rd edition 1833, this essay
appeared in a journal in March 1813, but these
words were not listened to In this section
Hahnemann says that it is impossible to
understand internal essential nature of diseases
and the changes they produce in hidden parts of
the body and also that it is absurd to frame a
system of treatment on such hypothetical surmises
and assumptions. It is also impossible to derive
the medicinal properties of remedies from any
chemical hypothesis or from their smell, colour,
or taste and it is useless to attempt from such
hypothetical surmises and assumption, to apply to
the treatment of diseases these substances which
are so hurtful when wrongly administered. - For the removal of all morbid symptoms nothing
remains but health.he explains different modes of
treatment i.e. allopathy,antiopathy homoeopathy.
He also explains predisposition,susceptibility,
natures law of cure importance of small doses.
- From volume 2, 3rd edition 1833 Â In
Homeopathy the treatment is not directed towards
imaginary or invented internal causes of the
disease, not yet towards names of diseases
invented by man of which nature knows nothing. As
every case of non-miasmatic disease is a distinct
individuality, independent, peculiar, a complex
of symptoms always differing in nature, so
inorder to effect a cure we should take every
aggregate of morbid symptoms as complete as can
be met within any single known drug. - Hahnemann refers to organon of medicine for
directions applied in practice.the physician
should contribute by proving drug on himself to
ascertain the dynamic and curative power of
drug. Without this investigation to know the
pure pathogenetic action on the healthy
individual all treatment of disease will continue
to be not only foolish but also a criminal
action, a dangerous attack upon human life.
37- Regarding the experimenter if he suffer from
slight ailments during these provings of the
powers of medicines, then these symptoms should
be placed in brackets, there by indicating that
they are not confirmed or dubious. But this will
not often happen, being that during the action
upon a previously healthy person of a sufficient
strong dose of the medicine, he is under the
influence of the medicine alone and it is seldom
that any other symptom can show itself during the
first days. In order to investigate the
symptoms of medicine for chronic diseases for
e.g. in order to develop the cutaneous diseases
we must not be contended with taking one or two
doses of it only, but continue its use for
several days to the amount of two adequate doses
daily to experience an action from it and also
should continue to observe the diet and regimen.
38- The mode of preparing the medicinal substances
for homeopathic treatment will be found in the
5th edition of organon of medicine aphorism 269
291 and also in the second part of the chronic
diseases. For the proving of medicines on healthy
individuals, dilutions and dynamization are to
employed as high as are used for the treatment of
diseases, namely globules moistened with the
decillionth development of power. Â The
symptoms obtained from proving should be
questioned repeatedly to ascertain the exactness
of their sensations and sufferings and to
ascertain with exactness the conditions under
which the symptoms occurred. Diet should be
regulated and the prover should be free of mental
tensions, in order to be able to observe the
alterations .In their health purely and obviously
due to the medicines taken. Hahnemann also
details 2 examples of homoeopathic cure by
Bryonia Pulsatilla. By conducting the trials
in this manner, we become careful, sensitive
observers and if with this combine pure moral
conduct and the acquisition of other useful
branches of knowledge we will become proficient
in the healing art.
- Hahnemann adds these paragrapgh to show how much
enmity the better healing art had to endure from
the allopathic doctors up to the year 1817. - On the beginning of the note Hahnemann points
several unfair criticisms he met on the 2nd part
of Materia Medica Pura especially on the essay
spirit of homeopathic medical doctrine and
provides a strong reply. - In the foot note Hahnemann criticizes for
printing homopathy and homopathic in place of
homoeopathic and homoeopathy as these 2 are
having two different meanings , one means common
, identical the same and the other similar.
And redicules that the critics should have some
idea of the meaning of the word homoeopathy. - Hahnemann advices to repeat the experiments
carefully and accurately to find the doctrine
confirmed at every step.The homoeopathic medical
doctrine will stand out in more prominent relief
appear to great advantage against the foil of
this nonsense and will dispel the nocturnal
darkness of antiquated stupidities for it teaches
how to afford certain benefit in diseases.
41Examination of the Sources of the Common Materia
- 1 The first source of the MM (Dioscorides
reechoed by his successors )is mere guesswork and
fiction, which set forth the general therapeutic
virtues of drugs. These substances are resolvent,
deodstruent, diuretic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue,
sedative, antispasmodics, cathartic etc. - Hahnemann describes the highly commendable ways
(quoting egs of Kampfs clysters and use of
calomel) in which a medicine is raised to the
undeserved honour of being a resolvent,
deobstruent.2. The second source of virtue of
drugs in the Materia Medica is their sensible
properties from which their action may be
inferred. Hahnemann critizes the doctrine of
signatureEg. 1) Testicle Shaped Orchis root to
restore the manly vigour.2) Phallus Impudicus to
strengthen weak erections.3) Yellow Turmeric to
cure jaundice.3
42- 3. The third source is by Chemistry by
Geofroy.To attain the knowledge of real pure
action of remedies on the human frame by means of
vegetable and animal chemistry. Animal chemistry
can merely separate from animal substances such
inanimate matters as show a different chemical
action with chemical reagents. Chemical
constituents shown by vegetable chemistry to
exist in plants also act in the same way. Thus,
chemistry can only give chemical information with
respect to medicinal substances. But, cannot tell
what spiritual dynamic changes they are capable
of affecting in the health of the human being.
43- 4. The fourth source The most common of all the
sources.It is the clinical and special
therapeutic indications for employment in the
ordinary material medica, namely the employment
of medicines in actual diseases where by it was
imagined that information could be obtained with
respect to the diseases in which the different
medicines are useful. - 5. By accident. These specific cannot be always
because the diseases were not constant in their
nature. - 6. Testing experimentally their pure effects
which form the pure materia medica.
44A REMINISCENCE(from vol, iv, 2nd edition,
- The actual morbid state was attributed to
pathology by the old school of medicines and it
was given special names and recorded in
nosological works. For these specially named
diseases they gave special modes of treatment and
this constituted science of therapeutics.Diseases
are nothing more than alterations of the sound,
normal state of health, manifested by signs and
symptoms. So, the honest physician should
investigate the peculiar character of the disease
before him in order to restore the patient with
certainty. The simple natural way alone remains
for us to ascertain with certainty the power of
medicines to healthy individuals. Such a medicine
will never fail to cure the disease
- The medeical observer is taken from volIV, 2ND
edition , 1825. In this Hahnemann explains In
order to be able to observe well, the medical
practitioner requires to possess the capacity and
habit of noticing carefully and correcting the
phenomena that take place in natural diseases as
well as those that occur in the morbid states
artificially exited by medicines when they are
tested upon the healthy body and the ability to
describe them in the most appropriate and natural
expressions. The duty of the observer is only to
take notice of the phenomena and their course
his attention should be on the watch , not only
that nothing actually present escape his
observation,but also what he observes he
understood exactly as it is.
- When a small portion of medicine is added to
water or alcohol, it liberates the dynamic powers
of the medicine by means of succussion or
trituration. Every part should contain an equal
portion of the drop of medicine.This effect is
developed by friction by which not only the
internal physical properties are roused but also
the dynamic medicinal powers are released.
- 1) Name of the drug Common Name / Latin
Name.2) Brief description of its preparation
its part used, its properties, poisonous effects
etc.3) Names of Hahnemanns disciples who
assisted him in the proving of drugs.Eg. Abner,
Gross, Staph, Frederic Hahnemann, Ruckert senior,
Stapf,Whale in AconiteAuthorities of traditional
medicines quoted by Hahnemann for the recorded
effects of the drugs.Eg. Abano,Pet. De, De
Venenis, cap.30, 1496. - Bacon, Vinc.,philosoph. Transacxtions, xxxviii.
- Durr , hufel journ.,ix, 4 etc from Aconite
- 4) The number of symptoms the drug has in
fragmenta de viribus,first,second third edition
of Materia medica pura5) Name of the drug in
capital.6) Order of Symptoms.
48thank you