Title: 101305 Agenda 1' Henri Matisse and Fauvism
110-13-05 Agenda 1. Henri Matisse and Fauvism
210-13-05 Agenda 1. Henri Matisse and
FauvismQuick Write/Sketch (write the date!)
This is a portrait drawn by Henri Matisse - A
Fauve who was well-known for his use of
brilliant color. Look at these paintings and
draw a picture of yourself using this simple,
yet colorful style.
310-13-05 Agenda 2. Work on Self Portrait
Project Find the photos you need. Begin
working on the layout and concept of your
piece. Schedule 2 studio days left last day
to work on in class will be Monday, October
17!3. Discussion about late work and missed
classes4. If you finish your self portrait.
Look at the Pumpkin Carving Contest entries
from last year work on one of these