Title: Zdeslav Hrepic Dean A' Zollman N' Sanjay Rebello
1Issues in Addressing and Representing Hybrid
Mental Models
- Zdeslav HrepicDean A. ZollmanN. Sanjay Rebello
AAPT, Sacramento
Fort Hays State UniversityKansas State University
Supported by NSF ROLE Grant REC-0087788
- Rationale Why use in-class, real-time
assessment? - Previous research
- Mental models of sound propagation.
- Hybrid mental models and their role.
- Test construction and validation
- Results
- Using the test
- Further study
3Goal of the study
- To create a multiple choice test
- that can elicit students mental models of sound
propagation - during the lecture
- using a class response system and appropriate
4Real time, in class assessment
Enables quick collection and immediate analysis
of students responses in the classroom.
Uses some form of Class Response System
5Benefits of class assessment
- Engages students.
- Facilitates interactive learning and peer
instruction (especially in large enrolment
classes). - Gives immediate feedback to the teacher.
- Enables the teacher to adjust the teaching before
the exam rather than after it and according to
specific needs of his/her students. - Allows a post lecture detailed analysis.
6Research questions
- Main question
- What is the optimal multiple choice test that can
elicit students mental models of sound
propagation in a real time, during the
instruction? - Sub questions (Addressed in the presentation)
- What is the optimal analytical tool for analysis
of students responses in this test? - How do we represent data so the display provides
a variety of instruction guiding information?
7Starting point in test creationIdentifying
mental models of sound propagation
- Wave Model - Scientifically accepted model
- Independent Entity Model - Dominant alternative
model Sound is a self-standing, independent
entity different from the medium through which it
propagates. - Hybrid models - Composed of entity and wave model
features and at the same time they are
incompatible with both the entity and the wave
models. (E.g.)
Hrepic, Z., Zollman, D., Rebello, S. (2002).
Identifying students' models of sound
propagation. Paper presented at the 2002 Physics
Education Research Conference, Boise ID.
8Mental models of Earth
Mixed Model State
Hybrid Models
Target model
Initial model
9MetaphorMental Models and Model states
Hybrid Mule
A mule hybrid of a donkey a horse. A horse
64 chromosomesA donkey 62 chromosomesA
mule 63 chromosomes http//www.luckythreera
10Model States(In terms of childrens mental
models of Earth Vosniadou, 1994)
Mixed Model State
Hybrid Model State
Pure Model 2 State
Pure Model 1 State
11Hybrid mental models identified in domains of
- Earth science(Vosniadou, 1994)
- Electrostatics(Otero, 2001)
- Newtonian mechanics(Hrepic, 2002 Itza-Ortiz,
Rebello, Zollman, 2004) - Sound(Hrepic, 2002 Hrepic, Zollman, Rebello,
2002). - Optics(Galili, Bendall, Goldberg, 1993)
(hybridized knowledge) - Inertia and gravity(Brown Clement, 1992)
(intermediate concepts)
12Implications of hybrid mental models
- Implications for teaching
- A student can give a variety of correct answers
on standard questions using a hybrid (wrong)
model. - Implications for analysis of our test
- Hybrid models cause overlaps in multiple choice
questionnaires more than one model corresponds
to the same choice. - Complexity 3 questions define a model
- Model analysis requires that each answer choice
is uniquely associated with a model.
13Model States
Knowledge elements related to Model 1 only
Knowledge elements related to both models or
neither one
Knowledge elements related to Model 2 only
Mixed Model State
Hybrid Model State
Pure Model 2 State
Pure Model 1 State
144 basic models - mechanisms of propagation
154 basic models - mechanisms of propagation
Wave ModelScientifically Accepted Model
() Ear Born Sound
Propagating Air
Hybrid Models
Dependent Entity
Independent Entity Dominant Alternative Model
16Pilot testing
- Did we miss anything in terms of mental models?
- Open-ended questionnaire on a large sample
- Did we miss anything in terms of productive
questions to determine students mental models? - Battery of semi-structured conceptual questions
related to sound as a wave phenomena in variety
of situations
17Test Contexts1. Air
How does sound propagate in this situation?
18Test Contexts2. Wall
How does sound propagate in this situation?
19Test Contexts1a, 2a - Vacuum
What happens without the medium (air or wall)?
20Test questions - paraphrased
- What is the mechanism of sound propagation in the
air/wall? - How do particles of the medium vibrate, if at
all, while the sound propagates? - How do particles of the medium travel, if at all,
while the sound propagates? - What does this motion have to do with sound
propagation cause and effect relationship? - What does this motion have to do with sound
propagation time relationship? - What happens with sound propagation in the vacuum?
21Displaying the test results
- Several representations of students state of
understanding - Available in real time and in post instruction
analysis - Consistency
- Consistent a student uses one model(Pure model
state) - Inconsistent a student uses more than one
model(Mixed model state)
22Using a particular model Pre Instruction
Calculus based University NY
N 100
23Using a particular model at least once Pre
Instruction Calculus based University NY
N 100
24Movements of particles of the medium Pre
Instruction Calculus based University NY
() Random Travel
() Travel Away From The source
Vibration on the Spot
N 100
25Model states Pre Instruction Calculus based
University NY
Mixed Any
Pure Other
Mixed Entity
Pure Wave
Mixed Ear-Wave
N 100
26Correctness Pre Instruction Calculus based
University NY
N 100
27Using a particular model Pre Instruction
Calculus based University NY
N 100
28Using a particular model Post Instruction
Calculus based University NY
N 95
29Movements of particles of the medium Pre
Instruction Calculus based University NY
() Random Travel
() Travel Away From The source
Vibration on the Spot
N 100
30Movements of particles of the medium Post
Instruction Calculus based University NY
() Random Travel
() Travel Away From The source
Vibration on the Spot
N 95
31Correctness Pre Instruction Calculus based
University NY
N 100
32Correctness Post Instruction Calculus based
University NY
N 95
33Test validityBuilt and shown through
- Interviews with students
- Expert reviews
- Role playing validation with experts
- Validity strengthening test development
procedures - Tables of content and construct specifications
- Meaningful correlations between all answer
choices - Instructional sensitivity of the test
- Stability (reliability) of results obtained in
the large scale survey - across different educational levels
- across different institutions at equivalent
educational levels - across different course levels at same
34Constructing the test
- Four steps of test construction and validation
- Pilot testing
- large open ended survey settling on models,
choosing contexts - Pre-survey testing
- expert validation, 7 choice survey (with none of
the above, more than one of the above),
correlation analysis of answer choices,
refinement through interviews - Survey testing
- large scale survey correlation analysis,
comparisons between levels, pre-post results
interview validation - Post Survey testing
- moderately large scale survey, role playing,
expert validation
35Survey participants
36Survey phase - Validity interviews
- 17 x 4 probes in the interviewed sample.
- The invalid display of a model would have
occurred in 6 instances (out of 68). - 8.8 of the probes
- 3 instances because of 5a
- ( another 3 that did not cause invalid probe)
37Correlation analysis of answer choices
38Post-Survey Testing
- Expert review
- To validate post survey version
- Few minor items improved
- Surveying
- To determine correlations between response items
and see if changes made the desired effect. - Problems fixed
- Role playing validation
- To validate new test version in an additional way
- Perfect score
39Comparing model distributionDifferent
educational levels
40Comparing model distribution Grouped models
Different Educational Levels
41Comparing model distributionDifferent course
42Comparing differences in model distributionVariab
ility within different educational levels
43Pre-Post instruction difference
Gain (G) (post-test) (pre-test) Normalized
gain (h) gain / (maximum possible gain) (Hake,
44Test packageProspective uses of test, test
- Online package related to test and analysis of
data available at http//web.phys.ksu.edu/role/so
und/ - Formative assessment combined with any
instructional method/approach - traditional
- progressive
- misconception oriented
- Model cause
- Misconception symptom
- As peer instruction questions (not model
defining) - Not recommended as a summative assessment
- Common to multiple choice tests
- Answer options do affect students understanding /
models - Test taking strategies may obscure results
- Test projects no model state as mixed model state
and possibly pure model state.
46Future researchUnique approach - Wide themes
- Applicability of the approach in other domains of
physics - Is the approach hybrid model-(in)dependent?
- Applicability in domains of other natural
sciences? - How effectively teachers can implement the
real-time aspect of this testing approach? - Instructional utility of this type of testing
Will addressing of the underlying models in real
time help students learn? - Possibility of individualized addressing of
students models in real time? - Applicability of the testing approach in
eliciting non-cognitive psychological constructs - Personality tests Would it provide information
that current tests in that field do not? - Reduction of items when compared to Likert scale
47Future researchSpecific issues opened
- Optimal using of the test in combination with
online homework - Saving of time
- Any classroom benefit counterbalance?
- How applicable is this test at the middle school
level? - How would a branched version of the test look,
and would it have any advantages with respect to
this one? - Improved simplicity and validity of the test
48More Information / Feedback
zhrepic_at_fhsu.edu www.fhsu.edu/zhrepic(www.hrepi
Thank You!
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(1993). The effects of prior knowledge and
instruction on understanding image formation.
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271-301. - Hrepic, Z. (2002). Identifying students' mental
models of sound propagation. Unpublished Master's
thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan. - Hrepic, Z., Zollman, D., Rebello, S. (2002).
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propagation. Paper presented at the 2002 Physics
Education Research Conference, Boise ID. - Itza-Ortiz, S. F., Rebello, S., Zollman, D. A.
(2004). Students models of Newtons second law
in mechanics and electromagnetism. European
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