An International Collaborative Effort Towards Automated Sea Ice Chart Production - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An International Collaborative Effort Towards Automated Sea Ice Chart Production


An International Collaborative Effort Towards Automated Sea ... information exchange - joint research (project based) - operational model and/or data exchange ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An International Collaborative Effort Towards Automated Sea Ice Chart Production

An International Collaborative Effort Towards
Automated Sea Ice Chart Production
  • Tom Carrieres
  • Ice Modelling Manager
  • Applied Science Division
  • Canadian Ice Service

  • Tom Carrieres
  • Doug Lamb
  • Lars-Anders Breivik
  • Rashpal Gill
  • Dean Flett
  • Mark Buehner
  • Bruce Ramsay
  • Mike Van Woert
  • Mike Manore

  • Background
  • State of the Art Review
  • Data
  • Models
  • Data Assimilation
  • Research and Development Steps

  • Current Ice Chart Production
  • - ice analysts with extensive experience
  • - increasing problem of information overload
  • - visible, infrared and passive microwave data
  • - SAR, scatterometers, aerial reconnaissance
  • - ice drift from beacons, models, algorithms
  • - derived geophysical fields very limited
  • - operational time constraints
  • subjective labour intensive analyses

  • NWP/data assimilation benefits
  • - objective, optimal integration of varied data
  • - allows forecasters more time to focus on
    critical areas
  • IICWG 3
  • - are similar benefits feasible for sea ice?
  • - provide first guess for analysts to build on
  • - expert judgement focuses on critical areas
  • - objective weighting of data leads to more
    consistent products
  • - possible avenue for international collaboration
  • - science workshop and White Paper on data

  • - observations that resolve phenomena
  • - models that adequately predict future state
  • - consistent, inclusive, objective analysis

State of the Art Review - DataSatellite Data
State of the Art Review - Data
  • Ice motion
  • - beacon/buoy derived motion is sparse but almost
  • - sequential image derived motion is sensor
    dependent with variable resolution and interval
  • - algorithms perform poorly in marginal or
    featureless ice areas

State of the Art Review - Data
  • Data Issues
  • - should revisit algorithm development within the
    context of objective, automated use
  • - characterization of data errors almost
  • - variety of data sources is optimal
  • - errors can offset each other
  • - take advantage of higher resolution data
  • - data management becomes an issue
  • - mix of derived fields and direct satellite
    measurements may provide the most useful
    combination of information

State of the Art Review - Models
  • Components of an ice model
  • - drift
  • - thickness distribution and redistribution
  • - strength and rheology
  • - thermodynamics
  • - ocean coupling
  • Typical model
  • - resolution 5-20 km
  • - forecast period hours to days
  • - areal extent hundreds to thousands of km

State of the Art Review - Models
  • Issues
  • - less direct coordination/cooperation has
    occurred in model development
  • - most models designed for climate change and or
    engineering design
  • - operational ice forecasting is more of an
    initial value problem and scale is different
  • - many complex processes have been modelled but
    very few ice characteristics are observed
  • - focus on assimilative models?
  • - simple models?
  • - constrained by data
  • - for use in 4Dvar?
  • - model skill is dependent on accuracy of forcing

State of the Art Review Data Assimilation
  • - combines observed and model data
  • - statistically optimal manner
  • - constrained by model physics
  • - accounts for relative errors
  • - constrains models to reality overcoming
  • - uncertainties in forcing
  • - parameterization limitations
  • - finite spatial and temporal scale
  • - improves on data by
  • - filling observation gaps
  • - combining disparate data into coherent
  • - adding temporal consistency

State of the Art Review Data Assimilation
  • Analysis segment
  • - simplest technique is to accept observations
    from individual sources as truth and interpolate
    or average the data onto a grid
  • - to combine observations from different sources,
    statistical analysis or optimal interpolation
    methods are employed, making use of the error
    variances of each of the data sources
  • - model forecasts may be used as complete
    background fields with their own applicable error

State of the Art Review Data Assimilation
  • Model initialization segment
  • - simplest way to initialize a model with
    analysis fields is by insertion or replacing
    model fields but this can cause numerical
  • - nudging techniques reduce these problems by
    inserting data in an asymptotic process over a
    number of model timesteps
  • - NWP has moved far beyond this with variational
    techniques or Ensemble Kalman filters

State of the Art Review Data Assimilation
  • NWP situation is different
  • - analysis is an interpolation and filtering
    process with analysis weights to determine the
    relative contribution from the various
    observations and the model first guess
  • - few observations compared to the degrees of
    freedom in the models, and variations in scales
    between what is resolved by the models and what
    is actually observed
  • - weights are defined in terms of the expected
    errors variances and error correlations of the
    model first guess and the observations
  • - horizontal error correlations are assumed to be
    smooth, isotropic and homogenous
  • - multivariate error correlations are defined by
    assuming balanced constraints on the synoptic
    scale (e.g. geostrophy).

State of the Art Review Data Assimilation
  • Issues
  • - lack of in-situ/direct observations
  • - incomplete and inconsistent data sets
  • - difficulties of air/sea/ice interface
  • - interactions
  • - time and space scales
  • - ice is a discontinuous, deformable medium so
    assumption of isotropy and homogeneity in the
    error variance fields is less valid
  • - multivariate treatment is important e.g. sea
    temperature consistent with ice extent
  • - observation operator that relates model
    variables to quantities observed by satellites is

Research and Development StepsRequirements
Definition - Canada
Research and Development Steps Data
  • - co-development of better passive microwave ice
    algorithms using digital ice charts as validation
    and tuning in conjunction with use of more
    detailed unique datasets
  • - development of forward and inverse algorithms
    to mesh direct observations (eg. radiance) with
    model predictions
  • - development of simpler information extraction
    algorithms for SAR
  • - for all of the above, it is essential to
    characterize the errors in a manner suitable for
    data assimilation

Research and Development Steps
  • Models
  • - development of adequate or modification of
    existing models for a data assimilation system,
    with investigation of appropriate level of model
  • - characterization of model errors
  • Data Assimilation
  • - determination of the best techniques for
    automated analysis of ice data
  • - determination of best techniques for
    incorporating automated and manual analysis
    fields into models
  • - determination of most useful data to be used
    within a sea ice data assimilation system

Research and Development Steps
  • Other Issues
  • - can/should we develop a common framework (with
    each other and with NWP community)
  • - expertise in all areas does not exist at
    individual Ice Centers and may not exist within
    the entire operational ice community
  • - resources this work will reduce the workload
    of analysts in the future but where do the
    resources come from now in order to develop such
  • - what is the best way to engage the entire ice
    community in a collaborative effort?
  • - how do we engage other expertise particularly
    in the NWP, oceanography and climate change
  • - verification has not been specifically
    discussed but is important and methodologies
    should be shared

Research and Development Steps
  • Strategies
  • - information exchange
  • - joint research (project based)
  • - operational model and/or data exchange
  • - ice integrated in national NWP programs
  • - common system approach (regional, hemispheric)
  • - others

Research and Development Steps
  • Next Steps
  • - IICWG science meeting on modelling/data
  • - IICWG approved/funded workshops on data
    assimilation etc.
  • - identification of national leads
  • Longer Term
  • - Coordinated "working groups"?
  • - Data Group - develop data products and assess
    data errors
  • - Model Group - assemble model components
  • - Assimilation Group - develop and test
    assimilation approaches
  • - Evaluation Group - obtain comparison data for
    models, data, and assimilated products
    implement and test operationally
  • - Coordinate to share data, models, assimilation
    algorithms, and results
  • - Consistent grids for models, data, forcing
  • - Interchangeable modular components
  • - Follow example of model intercomparison
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