Title: Environmental technology Norway
1Environmental technology - Norway
- Experience from governmental instruments
2Statoil and Shell
3Innovation policy - Norway
- Ministry of trade and industry, 2003 Plan for a
Comprehensive Innovation Policy - Norway shall be one of the most innovative
countries in the world, where resourceful and
creative enterprises and people are given
opportunities for developing profitable business.
Norway shall be in the lead internationally in
important areas, in terms of knowledge,
technology and wealth creation
4The environmental technology project Pollution
control Authority (SFT)
- White paper Ministry of Environment (ME) 2004
SFT - Make Norway become an Environmental
technology nation - Win-win employment and environmental effects
- SFT-project - reports 2005/2006
- Governmental activities for Environmental
technology (ET) historical view/evaluation - Drivers and barriers
- Instruments/efforts
- www.miljoteknologi.no
5The SFT project
ideas given to others
- 2005
- - Mapping and analysis
- Dialogue with stakeholders
- Learning by doing
2006 PROPOSE CHANGE In cooperation with
stake-holders pro-pose measures to promote
development and use
2007 MAKE CAHNGE Permanent organizing of
priority tasks to promote development and use
ACCEPTED our job
ACCEPTED we contribute
Left ideas
6Public research and innovations instruments
targeting environmental technology (ET)
Skattefunn, NFR
Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena
Forny, NFR
Verdikt/Nanomat/Fuge, NFR
Grants. Institutes, NFR
Norviron, Exsp.council
Renergi, NFR
Ekspomil, NFR
Environm.- fund, ME/IN
Guaranties, ME
ET-grants, SFT
Exclusively target ET
ET-proj. SFT
ET-progr. FORFOR Normil, NFR
Source Tor-Petter Johnsen (2005)
7Eksperience from instrument exclusively targeting
ET 1988-2004 (1,2 bill. NOK)
- Effects for institutes, researchers ao.
- Increased level of knowledge
- Integration in higher education
- Strengthen contact with industry
- International competitiveness
- Solid basis for future
8Experience from instrument exclusively targeting
ET 1988-2004 (1,2 bill. NOK)
- Industrial effects
- No locomotives
- A few successes
- Water/waste treatment, surveillance systems,,
- Many disappointed stakeholders
- Low demand
- Reduced public ambitions
- Nitrogen removing, polluted soil/sediments
- Lack of demand
- Functionality
- Risks
- Are the costumers environmentally conscious?
- Environmental regulation can be barriers
- Only national
- In conflict with other regulations or goals
10Driving forses
- Companies invest in RD to maintain and
strengthen competitiveness - For environmental technologies, regulations are
more significant drivers than traditional market
mechanisms - But regulations must be well adapted to business
needs - Timing development of new technologies takes
time - Costs
- National and international regulations
- Dialogue between government and industry/business
11- Recommendations
- Improve our(SFTs) technology expertise, and get
involved in policy development outside our
immediate area of responsibility - Integrate the development of environmental
technologies in policy development for each
governmental sector - New economic incentives should be integrated in
existing financial instruments through increased
budgets and focus on users needs - Better co-ordination of financial and regulatory
instruments among governmental agencies, e.g.
saksbehandlerutvalget - Aim for fine tuning of instruments not
one-sided focus on supply or demand sides
instruments - Learn from experiences with oil/fish export how
to get into export markets - marketing
12Technology research is important for the
environment developing new ET
Fig dev. from Rejeski 2003
Potential for avoiding environmental damage
Environmental damage
Reduced opportunities for influence