Title: ERGEG Conclusions Paper
1Electricity Regional Initiative Regional
Coordination Committee CEE
ERGEG Conclusions Paper Key Issues
Walter Boltz, E-Control Bratislava, April 5th
2Starting Point for ERI
- Markets are to a large extend national in scope
very low and insufficient cross border
competition - Too low liquidity in many wholesale markets
- No real customer-choice in retail markets
- Market design and practical procedures in
wholesale and retail markets differ substantially - Level of transparency does not meet standard of
mature markets and market participants
requirements - Still significant efficiency potentials to be
realized in the market !!
3Summary Potential Priority Issues
- Wholesale market development/integration
- Congestion Management
- Capacity calculation (flow based, netting)
- Capacity allocation (rules)
- Auction supervision
- Cross border balancing
- Transparency and information management
- Market design and operations (data formats,
deadlines, etc.) - Cross border investments incentives
remuneration - Legal and regulatory framework, cooperation
4ERI Organizational Setup - Recapitulating
5CEE Regulators Cross-Border Responsibilities
6CEE RCC Implementation Groups Parties and
Stakeholders to be Involved
- Member States / Governments
- European Commission
- TSOs
- Market operators / Power Exchanges
- Market participants
- Customers
8Thank you for your attention !
Walter Boltz Chairman E
nergie-Control GmbH Austrian Energy
Regulatory Authority Rudolfsplatz 13a, A-1010
Vienna, Austria Tel 43-1-24724-201
walter.boltz_at_e-control.at www.e-control.at