Title: PrintSoft Worldwide gallery Case study Australia Post
1PrintSoft Worldwide gallery Case study Australia
Case study
Australia Post
- Presented by
- Lucie Svobodová
- Ceská republika
2PrintSoft Worldwide gallery Case study Australia
Situation in Australia Post before PrintSofts
- Australia Post in order to gain market had to
find solution - Enabling PC users to be in control of the
document creation process - Contain a convenient and low cost method of
lodgement - To have interface with EDI POST
PrintSofts solution
- PrintSoft supplied Post eLetter solution which
consist of three fully integrated - software components
- Client software, resides on a customers PC
- Output server software
3PrintSoft Worldwide gallery Case study Australia
Benefits of PrintSofts solution
- Fully define the document including the merging
of fields from - a data file
- Print out a fully formatted document for
proofing the output before - lodgement
- Lodge a compressed file consisting of the
created template, data - and resources via a secure email/web/ftp
server - The software consists individual components with
clear interfaces - enabling the Post eLetter system to be fully
4PrintSoft Worldwide gallery Case study Australia
Benefits of PrintSofts solution
- Changes can be readily effected without the need
to involve third - party software suppliers and developers
- WYSIWIG software able to preview each
personalised document - in its final output form
- Recipient name, address and enevloper marks are
highlighted - (It is preventing to enter user data into
these areas)
5PrintSoft Worldwide gallery Case study Australia
Benefits of PrintSofts solution
- Output rendering is done after lodgement
- (It is minimising transmition of data to EDI
POST and enabling - printer choice to be at the discretion of the
EDI POST operator.) - Address validation and postal barcoding are done
by EDI POST - prior to printing
- (It ensures that e-mail is correctly addressed
and barcoded. It - means Australia Post is able to have postal
barcodes effectively - added to mail that would be normally be
unbarcoded. - PrintSoft brought solution which enable
Australia Post to create - and lodge letters in an easy way by POST
eLetter service
6PrintSoft Worldwide gallery Case study Australia
Output Server Construct document from lodged
template, data and resources and create a
PostScript Spool file
Post eLetter Output server
EDI POST Local Node
POST eLetter Clients
Secure email/web /ftp Server
Spool File
EDI POST Postal Software Responsible for
Aggregation, Sorting, Routing, Barcoding,
Batching, Reporting, Accounting/Billing.
Spool File
Clients Software
Post eLetter Output server
EDI POST Remote Node
- Enables user to
- fully define document
- proof the output before lodgement
- lodge the created template, data and resources