Title: pippo
1Eurisol and the nuclear EOS experimental
- Keyword from the 2003 Eurisol report
Isospin - Level density parameter dependence on (N,Z)
- Liquid gas phase transition
- Isospin effects and symmetry term of the EOS
- Isospin effects in semi-peripheral Heavy-Ion
reactions symmetry term of the EOS
Thermodynamics of a single source
Dynamics of many-sources
- Are we ready to do this?
- What do we need to improve?
It depends on the approximation we can accept
Michela D'Agostino
Bologna University
INFN-Bologna (Italy)
2Heavy Ion collisions
Freeze-out configuration
3124Sn 124Sn, E/A 50 MeV/A
b 6 fm
In event by event measurements statistical,
multidimensional analyses allow a centrality
Freeze-out configuration
4H.I. collisions 1-st generation 4p devices
- Zi, ki, ?i, fi are measured for almost all
charged products, event by event, with high
energy resolution (few ) and low energy
thresholds (gas detectors)
- Fragments and particles are detected at 1014
fm/c, as they were at 103 fm/c, since the
propagation in vacuum does not allow further
interactions with matter.
- Statistical multidimensional analyses performed
on global (event) observables allow to sort the
events in classes of centrality.
- mi are measured only for light products
- neutrons and ? are not detected
- The decaying system can be identified and its
calorimetric excitation energy results from the
energy balance
5Sorting the events multidimensional analysis
Chimera data
Peripheral collisions many sources
Central collisions one source
6 1-st generation 4p devices stable beams
(V.Viola, R.Bougault-WCI-2005 TexasAM)
- The current state of nuclear calorimetry permits
determination of the E/A of the fragmenting
source to an accuracy of about 20.Nearly all
experiments can be made self-consistent within
this range
- For all multifragmentation experiments, the
region in which there is a dramatic change in
reaction observables corresponds to E/A 5
/-1 A.MeVWithin a phase-transition scenario,
this value represents the transition energy.
7Temperature and caloric curve
- For the caloric curve one needs to measure
- Heavy residue (or QP)
- Slopes of 1-st chance l.c.p. energy spectra
- Isotopes (for double ratios)
Sequential feeding?
8Isotope analysis
9Symmetry energy and free nucleon densities
? 0.44 0.01 Symmetry Energy18-20 MeV
112,124Sn58,64Ni 35 AMeV central
collisionsCHIMERA-REVERSE Experiment
E. Geraci, et al., Nucl. Phys. A 732 (2004) 173,
Nucl .Phys. A734 (2004) 524
10Extraction of symmetry energy
Asy-soft Asy-stiff
D.Shetty et al., P. R.C 70 (2004) 011601
E.Geraci et al.,NPA732(2004) A.Botvina et al.,
Sequential feeding?
11Experiments with n-rich/poor systems 32S58,64Ni
14.5 AMeV 3-IMF events
Observed 35 resonances, from He4 (dd) to Ne20
(aO16) A rough calculation of feeding
correction through correlation functions
suggests an increase of T by 0.5 MeV for few of
decrease in the He4 yield
- Before drawing conclusions on temperature,
densities - Isotope emission time scales have to be checked
through correlation functions
nucl-ex collaborationgarfield_at_LNL
12Level density (N,Z)
114,145Xe 40,48Ca Ebeam20-100 A.MeV e 3-7
13Resonance spectroscopy
t-a correlation function (Li7)
Position-sensitive hodoscope
- mmultiplicity, Nnumber of detectors
- e (m) e(1)m
- P(double)(m-1)/(2N)
- A reasonable compromise is P(double)lt5
- For m3 N10
Pochodzalla et al., PRC35 (1987)1695
14Why many-bodycorrelations?
?? 0.6o ? high granularity but in a limited
angular coverage not HR full identification
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Neck emission in semi-peripheral collisions
58Ni 112Sn at 35AMeV CHIMERA
MC with only statistical evaporation
18Midvelocity Emissions which origin?
S.Piantelli et al. Phys.Rev.Lett.88(2002),052701 A
.Mangiarotti et al. Phys.Rev.Lett93(2004)232701
- Midvelocity LCP and fragments seem to be
compatible with two sources, one prompt,
the other like a surface component. This can
be the evolution of the fast oriented fission
for the most asymmetric splits - See Di Toro et al. Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys
53(2004),81 -- A.Chernomoretz et al. PRC
19 Isospin effects strange chemical behaviour
for midvelocity particles
SnSn _at_ 38AMeV
For Midvel emission we have a large neutron
enrichment. Multifragmentation? Isospin
Statistical Evaporation -N/Z for hydrogen is in
good agreement with statistical codes
S.Piantelli et al. (in preparation)
20Neck emission in semi-peripheral collisions
21Thermodynamics of finite systemsphase transition
Events sorted as a function of E (calorimetry)
E Econfig Ekin
E Ecoul(V)Qv Eint(T)Etr(T)
- We can back-trace from data
- the average volume of the system (Coulomb
- the temperature T
- under the constraint of energy conservation
- Multics-Nucl.Phys.A699(2002)795
ltEkingt(3/2) ltm-1gtTlt?aAIMFgtT2
22Microcanonical heat capacity from fluctuations
The system being thermodynamically characterized
Ph.Chomaz , F.Gulminelli, NPA 647(1999) 153
Microcanonical fluctuations larger than the
canonical expectation? Then 1-st order phase
Ckin/C 1-?2kin/?2can where ?2canT2CkinT2d
Multics-PLB473 (2000) 219NPA699 (2002)
795NPA734 (2004) 512 NPA749(2005) 55
23Heat capacity from fluctuations
Multics PLB473 (2000) 219 NPA699 (2002)
795 NPA734 (2004) 512 NPA749(2005) 55
Grey area peripheral collisions Points
central collisions
new analyses by Indra_at_GSI
24Average values and variances
- If we only use average and uncorrelated
information on - freeze-out multiplicity of neutrons, Z1,2 and
IMFs - sequential feeding
- excitation energy of primary fragments
- N/Z of final products
- We see that one half of the game is played by
missing correlations!!!!!!
253-d Spinodal region
Instability growth time 100 fm/c
(dashed/orange) 50 fm/c (dotted/red)
M.Colonna et al. PRL 88(2002) 122701
More asymmetric systems are less unstable
26Do we need to improve the detection for the
isospin physics?
- For all the measured reactions (high geometrical
coverage, high energy resolution), event by event
- Z,A,E,?,f of the Heavy residue (QPQT(?) for
peripheral collisions) - Z,A,E,?,f for fragments() and l.c.p. (high e)
- correlations among charged products
- () is it enough mass for Zlt20?
- At least on the average,
- for each reaction
- (sequential experiments)
- Neutron multiplicity energy
- (Gammas??)
27Heavy fragment masscharge identification
86Kr (25 MeV/u) 64Ni _at_MARS Recoil separator
Texas AM
Mass distribution of Ge (Z32) isotopes
G.A. Souliotis NN2003(Moscow)
28Future detector needs
- Z, A, and E (low energy thresholds)
- Granularity (for resonance spectroscopy)
- Neutron detection (En, Mn), at least on the
average - Cheap, flexible electronics
- Easy transportability
- Improvement of detector calibration (neural
29FAZIA Four p A-Z Indentification Array
half forward part
- 6000 telescopes Si-ntd/Si-ntd/CsI
- possibility of coupling with other detectors
like spectrometer, gas chamber, - neutron detectors
- 1000 hits/s
- maximum multiplicity 150/event
- complete Z identification and A up to 30
- digital electronics for pulse-shape
30FAZIA Four p A-Z Indentification Array