Title: Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits using Orcad
1Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits
using Orcad
2Getting started with PSpice
- To start with a PSpice project
- Go to capture CIS Lite Edition
- Go to File menu. Select New Project option.
- Choose analog or mixed A/D option and specify
the project name and its location and click Ok -
3 4Once the step 3) is completed the following
window appears. Choose Create a blank project
5Create the circuit by placing all its parts using
Part option from Part menu. In this way a
complete electrical circuit can be formed.
6Points to remember
- When creating a new project , use Analog or Mixed
A/D set-up option. - Watch the file location / directory structure.
7Design and simulation of power electronic
- Power Electronic Circuits can be classified as
- DC-DC Converters
- AC-DC Converters (Rectifiers)
- DC-AC Converters (Inverters)
- AC-AC Converters
- Now design and simulation of each of these
circuits will be discussed.
8AC-DC Converters (Rectifiers)
- AC-DC converters ( Rectifiers) can be classified
as - Half wave rectifier
- Full wave rectifier
- These can further be classified depending
upon the rectifying element being used . If using
diode, are called uncontrolled rectifiers.
Whereas if using thyristor, are called controlled
rectifiers. -
9Half Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier
- a) For Resistive Load
- Make the circuit in PSpice using steps mentioned
earlier. - Components used are
- VSin (voltage source)
- DIN4002 (diode)
- R (Resistance)
10 11 - Make the simulation profile using New Simulation
Profile command from PSpice menu.
12Go to Edit Simulation Profile in PSpice menu,
simulation settings window will open. Go to
Analysis and set the simulation parameters as
shown below.
13Run the simulation by using command RUN from
PSpice menu.
14Get plots for IR1(resistance current), RMS value
of IR1 and V1(input voltage) using Add Trace
command from Trace menu
15Plot the resistance current and then use
Fourier command from Trace menu to get the
frequency response of the resistance current.
16Half Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier
- b) For RL Load
- Create another page under same schematic and make
the circuit using same steps. - Components used are
- VSin (voltage source)
- DIN4002 (diode)
- R (Resistance)
- L ( Inductor)
17 18Now simulate the circuit using same steps and get
plots for resistance current and input voltage.
19Half Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier
- c) For RC Load
- Create another page under same schematic and make
the circuit using same steps. - Components used are
- VSin (voltage source)
- DIN4002 (diode)
- R (Resistance)
- C ( Capacitor)
20 21Now simulate the circuit using same steps and get
plots for resistance current and capacitor
22Half Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier
- d) For RL load with freewheeling diode
- Create another page under same schematic and make
the circuit using same steps. - Components used are
- VSin (voltage source)
- DIN4002 (diode)
- R (Resistance)
- L ( Inductor)
23 24Now simulate the circuit using same steps and get
plots for resistance current , RMS value of
resistance current and input voltage.
25Half Wave Controlled Rectifier
- For type (1) connections
- Make the circuit using same steps.
- Components used are
- VSin (voltage source)
- VPULSE (voltage source)
- 2N1595 (Thyristor)
- R (Resistance)
26 27Now simulate the circuit and get plots for
resistance current.
28Half Wave Controlled Rectifier
- For type (2) connections (a) with zero time delay
in gate pulse - Make the circuit using same steps.
- Components used are
- VSin (voltage source)
- VPULSE (voltage source)
- 2N1595 (Thyristor)
- R (Resistance)
29 30Now simulate the circuit and get plots for
resistance current and input voltage.
31Half Wave Controlled Rectifier
- For type (2) connections (b) with 4.1667ms time
delay in gate pulse - Make the circuit using same steps.
- Components used are
- VSin (voltage source)
- VPULSE (voltage source)
- 2N1595 (Thyristor)
- R (Resistance)
32 33Now simulate the circuit and get plots for
resistance current and input voltage.
34Full Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier
- Full wave uncontrolled rectifier can be
- Single phase
- Three phase
35Single Phase Full Wave Rectifier
- Make the circuit as shown
36Simulate the circuit and get plots for all diode
37Three Phase Full Wave Rectifier
- Make the circuit as shown
38Simulate the circuit and get plots for all diode
39Points to remember
- In order to simulate the circuit signal reference
must be named 0 ( the number zero)