Title: 5.7 Proofs Using Coordinate Geometry
15.7Proofs Using Coordinate Geometry
2Proving Right Triangles with Coordinates
- Use the Distance Formula to find the length of
each side. -
- See if the three lengths work in the Pythagorean
theorem. - 3. Tip
3Determine whether the points (9,1), (18,10), and
(-3,13) are vertices of a right triangle.
(18,10) and (-3,13)
(9,1) and (18,10)
(9,1) and (-3,13)
YES, it is a right triangle!
4Determine whether the points (-10,-9), (-4,-1),
and (-22,0) are vertices of a right triangle.
(-4,-1) and (-22,0)
(-10,-9) and (-4,-1)
(-10,-9) and (-22,0)
YES, it is a right triangle!
5Determine whether the points (7,10), (11,12), and
(14,8) are vertices of a right triangle.
(7,10) and (11,12)
(11,12) and (14,8)
(7,10) and (14,8)
No, its not a right triangle!
6Determine whether the points (-13,-6), (2,6), and
(-1,-21) are vertices of a right triangle.
(2,6) and (-1,-21)
(-13,-6) and (2,6)
(-13,-6) and (-1,-21)
YES, it is a right triangle!